The Context Policy

Header 'wave/preprocessing_hooks.hpp' synopsis
Member functions


The context policy is used to provide callback hooks, which are called from inside the library into the user code, whenever

This policy type is used as a template parameter to the wave::context<> object, where the default policy provides empty hooks functions only.

Header wave/preprocessing_hooks.hpp synopsis

namespace boost {
namespace wave {
namespace context_policies {
    struct default_preprocessing_hooks {

        // general control function
        template <typename TokenT, typename ContainerT>
        void expanding_function_like_macro(TokenT const &macrodef, 
            std::vector<TokenT> const &formal_args, 
            ContainerT const &definition, TokenT const &macrocall, 
            std::vector<ContainerT> const &arguments);
        template <typename TokenT, typename ContainerT>
        void expanding_object_like_macro(TokenT const &macro, 
            ContainerT const &definition, TokenT const &macrocall);
        template <typename ContainerT>
        void expanded_macro(ContainerT const &result);
        template <typename ContainerT>
        void rescanned_macro(ContainerT const &result);

        // include file tracing functions
        void found_include_directive(std::string const &filename,
            bool include_next);

        void opened_include_file(std::string const &relname, 
            std::string const& absname,
            std::size_t include_depth, bool is_system_include); 

        void returning_from_include_file();

        // interpretation of #pragma's of the form 
        // 'wave option[(value)]'
        template <typename ContextT, typename ContainerT>
		bool interpret_pragma(ContextT const &ctx, ContainerT &pending, 
            typename ContextT::token_type const &option, 
            ContainerT const &values, 
            typename ContextT::token_type const &pragma_token);

        // macro definition hooks
        template <
            typename TokenT, typename ParametersT, typename DefinitionT
        void defined_macro(TokenT const &name, bool is_functionlike,
            ParametersT const &parameters, DefinitionT const &definition,
            bool is_predefined);

        template <typename TokenT>
        void undefined_macro(TokenTconst &name);

}}}   // namespace boost::wave::context_policies

Member functions

Macro expansion tracking functions


    template <typename TokenT, typename ContainerT>
    void expanding_function_like_macro(TokenT const &macrodef, 
        std::vector<TokenT> const &formal_args, 
        ContainerT const &definition, TokenT const &macrocall, 
        std::vector<ContainerT> const &arguments);

The function expanding_function_like_macro is called, whenever a function-like macro is to be expanded, i.e. before the actual expansion starts.

The macroname parameter marks the position where the macro to expand is defined. It contains the token which identifies the macro name used inside the corresponding macro definition.

The formal_args parameter holds the formal arguments used during the definition of the macro.

The definition parameter holds the macro definition for the macro to trace. This is a standard STL container which holds the token sequence identified during the macro definition as the macro replacement list.

The macrocall parameter marks the position where this macro is invoked. It contains the token, which identifies the macro call inside the preprocessed input stream.

The arguments parameter holds the macro arguments used during the invocation of the macro. This is a vector of standard STL containers which contain the token sequences identified at the position of the macro call as the arguments to be used during the macro expansion.


    template <typename TokenT, typename ContainerT>
    void expanding_object_like_macro(TokenT const &macro, 
        ContainerT const &definition, TokenT const &macrocall);

The function expanding_object_like_macro is called, whenever a object-like macro is to be expanded, i.e. before the actual expansion starts.

The macroname parameter marks the position where the macro to expand is defined. It contains the token which identifies the macro name used inside the corresponding macro definition.

The definition parameter holds the macro definition for the macro to trace. This is a standard STL container which holds the token sequence identified during the macro definition as the macro replacement list.

The macrocall parameter marks the position where this macro is invoked. It contains the token which identifies the macro call inside the preprocessed input stream.


    template <typename ContainerT>
    void expanded_macro(ContainerT const &result);

The function expanded_macro is called whenever the expansion of a macro is finished, the replacement list is completely scanned and the identified macros herein are replaced by its corresponding expansion results, but before the rescanning process starts.

The parameter result contains the the result of the macro expansion so far. This is a standard STL container containing the generated token sequence.


    template <typename ContainerT>
    void rescanned_macro(ContainerT const &result);

The function rescanned_macro is called whenever the rescanning of a macro is finished, i.e. the macro expansion is complete.

The parameter result contains the the result of the whole macro expansion. This is a standard STL container containing the generated token sequence.

Include file tracing functions


    void found_include_directive(std::string const &filename,
        bool include_next);

The function found_include_directive is called whenever whenever a #include directive was located..

The parameter filename contains the (expanded) file name found after the #include directive. This has the format <file>, "file" or file. The formats <file> or "file" are used for #include directives found in the preprocessed token stream, the format file is used for files specified through the --force_include command line argument.

The parameter include_next is set to true if the found directive was a #include_next directive and the BOOST_WAVE_SUPPORT_INCLUDE_NEXT preprocessing constant was defined to something != 0.


    void opened_include_file(std::string const &rel_filename, 
        std::string const &abs_filename, 
        std::size_t include_depth, bool is_system_include);

The function opened_include_file is called whenever a file referred by an #include directive was successfully located and opened.

The parameter rel_filename contains the (normalised) probably relative file system path of the opened file. The concrete format of this file name depends on the format of the include search path given to the library beforehand.

The parameter abs_filename contains the (normalised) full file system path of the opened file.

The include_depth parameter contains the current include file depth.

The is_system_include parameter denotes, if the given file was found as a result of a #include <...> directive.


    void returning_from_include_file();

The function returning_from_include_file is called whenever an included file is about to be closed after it's processing is complete.

Interpretation of #pragma's


    template <typename Context, typename ContainerT>
    bool interpret_pragma(ContextT const &ctx, ContainerT &pending, 
        typename ContextT::token_type const &option, 
        ContainerT const &values, 
        typename ContextT::token_type const &pragma_token);

The function interpret_pragma is called whenever an unrecognized #pragma wave ... or operator _Pragma("wave ...") is found in the input stream.

The ctx parameter provides a reference to the context_type used during instantiation of the preprocessing iterators by the user.

The pending parameter may be used to push tokens back into the input stream which are to be used as the replacement text for the whole #pragma wave() directive. If this sequence is left empty, no replacement takes place, i.e. the interpreted directive is removed from the generated token stream.

The option parameter contains the name of the interpreted pragma.

The values parameter holds the value of the parameter provided to the pragma operator.

The pragma_token parameter contains the actual #pragma token which may be used for extraction of the location information for some error output.

If the return value is 'false', the whole #pragma directive is interpreted as unknown and a corresponding error message is issued. A return value of 'true' signs a successful interpretation of the given #pragma.

Macro definition


    template <
        typename TokenT, typename ParametersT, typename DefinitionT
    void defined_macro(TokenT const &name, bool is_functionlike,
        ParametersT const &parameters, DefinitionT const &definition,
        bool is_predefined);

The function defined_macro is called whenever a macro was defined successfully.

The parameter name is a reference to the token holding the macro name.

The parameter is_functionlike is set to true whenever the newly defined macro is defined as a function like macro.

The parameter parameters holds the parameter tokens for the macro definition. If the macro has no parameters or if it is a object like macro, then this container is empty.

The parameter definition contains the token sequence given as the replacement sequence (definition part) of the newly defined macro.

The parameter is_predefined is set to true for all macros predefined during the initialisation pahase of the library.


    template <typename TokenT>
    void undefined_macro(TokenTconst &name);

The function undefined_macro is called whenever a macro definition was removed successfully.

The parameter name holds the token of the macro which definition was removed.