Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


Example source code: Adapting a legacy geometry object model

Adaption of QPoint

#include <boost/geometry.hpp>

namespace boost
    namespace geometry
        namespace traits
            // Adapt QPoint to Boost.Geometry

            template<> struct tag<QPoint>
            { typedef point_tag type; };

            template<> struct coordinate_type<QPoint>
            { typedef double type; };

            template<> struct coordinate_system<QPoint>
            { typedef cs::cartesian type; };

            template<> struct dimension<QPoint> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {};

            struct access<QPoint, 0>
                static QPoint::double get(QPoint const& p)
                    return p.x;

                static void set(QPoint& p, QPoint::double const& value)
                    p.x = value;

            struct access<QPoint, 1>
                static QPoint::double get(QPoint const& p)
                    return p.y;

                static void set(QPoint& p, QPoint::double const& value)
                    p.y = value;
} // namespace boost::geometry::traits

Adaption of QLineString

namespace boost
    namespace geometry
        namespace traits
            struct tag<QLineString>
                typedef linestring_tag type;
} // namespace boost::geometry::traits

Boost.Range for QLineString

#include <boost/range.hpp>

namespace boost
    template <>
    struct range_iterator<QLineString>
    { typedef std::vector<QPoint*>::iterator type; };

    struct range_const_iterator<QLineString>
    { typedef std::vector<QPoint*>::const_iterator type; };

inline std::vector<QPoint*>::iterator
range_begin(QLineString& qls) {return qls.points.begin();}

inline std::vector<QPoint*>::iterator
range_end(QLineString& qls) {return qls.points.end();}

inline std::vector<QPoint*>::const_iterator
range_begin(const QLineString& qls) {return qls.points.begin();}

inline std::vector<QPoint*>::const_iterator
range_end(const QLineString& qls) {return qls.points.end();}

Adaption of QRing

namespace boost
    namespace geometry
        namespace traits
            struct tag<QRing>
                typedef ring_tag type;
} // namespace boost::geometry::traits

Boost.Iterator for QRing

#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>

/* Custom iterator type that flattens a 2D array into a 1D array */
template <class I, // Line iterator type
          class R  // Point reference type
class RingIteratorImpl : public boost::iterator_facade<
        RingIteratorImpl<I,R>, R, std::random_access_iterator_tag, R> //new traversal tag boost::random_access_traversal_tag
    RingIteratorImpl() : pointIndex_(0)

    explicit RingIteratorImpl(I lineStringIterCurrent)
    :   lineStringIterCurrent_(lineStringIterCurrent), pointIndex_(0)

    template<class OtherI, class OtherR>
    RingIteratorImpl(RingIteratorImpl<OtherI, OtherR> const& other) :
        lineStringIterCurrent_(other.getLineStrIt()), pointIndex_(other.getPointIdx())

    I getLineStrIt() const {return lineStringIterCurrent_;}

    bool isEmpty() const {return isEmpty;}
    size_t getPointIdx() const {return pointIndex_;}

    typedef typename boost::iterator_facade<RingIteratorImpl<I,R>, R, std::random_access_iterator_tag, R>::difference_type difference_type;

    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    void increment()
        if (pointIndex_ >= (*lineStringIterCurrent_)->points.size())
            pointIndex_ = 0;

    void decrement()
            pointIndex_ = (*lineStringIterCurrent_)->points.size();

    void advance(difference_type n)
        difference_type counter = n;

        difference_type maxPointIndex, remainderPointIndex;

            maxPointIndex = (*lineStringIterCurrent_)->points.size(),
            remainderPointIndex = maxPointIndex - pointIndex_;

                counter -= remainderPointIndex;
            else // (counter<=remainderPointIndex)
                counter = 0;
                pointIndex_ = remainderPointIndex;


    difference_type distance_to(const RingIteratorImpl& other) const
        I currentLineStringIter = getLineStrIt();
        I otherLineStringIter = other.getLineStrIt();

        difference_type count = 0;
        difference_type distance_to_other = std::distance(currentLineStringIter, otherLineStringIter);

        if(distance_to_other < 0)
            count += pointIndex_;

            while(distance_to_other < 0)
            QLineString const* ls = *otherLineStringIter;
            count -= ls->points.size();


        else if(distance_to_other > 0)
            count -= pointIndex_;

            while(distance_to_other < 0)
            QLineString const* ls = *currentLineStringIter;
            count += ls->points.size();


            count = pointIndex_ - other.getPointIdx();

        return count;

    bool equal(const RingIteratorImpl& other) const
        return (lineStringIterCurrent_ == other.getLineStrIt()) &&
               (pointIndex_ == other.getPointIdx());

    R dereference() const {return *(*lineStringIterCurrent_)->points[pointIndex_];}

    I lineStringIterCurrent_;

    bool empty;
    size_t pointIndex_;

Boost.Range for QRing

typedef RingIteratorImpl<std::vector<QLineString*>::iterator, QPoint> RingIterator;
typedef RingIteratorImpl<std::vector<QLineString*>::const_iterator, const QPoint> ConstRingIterator;

namespace boost
    // Specialize metafunctions. We must include the range.hpp header.
    // We must open the 'boost' namespace.

    template <>
    struct range_iterator<QRing>
    { typedef RingIterator type; };

    struct range_const_iterator<QRing>
    { typedef ConstRingIterator type; };

} // namespace 'boost'

// The required Range functions. These should be defined in the same namespace
// as Ring.

inline RingIterator range_begin(QRing& r)
{return RingIterator(r.lines.begin());}

inline ConstRingIterator range_begin(const QRing& r)
{return ConstRingIterator(r.lines.begin());}

inline RingIterator range_end(QRing& r)
{return RingIterator(r.lines.end());}

inline ConstRingIterator range_end(const QRing& r)
{return ConstRingIterator(r.lines.end());}

Adaption of QPolygon

namespace boost {
    namespace geometry {
        namespace traits {
            template<> struct tag<QPolygon> { typedef polygon_tag type; };
            template<> struct ring_const_type<QPolygon> { typedef const QRing& type; };
            template<> struct ring_mutable_type<QPolygon> { typedef QRing& type; };
            template<> struct interior_const_type<QPolygon> { typedef const CustomPolygonRingRange type; };
            template<> struct interior_mutable_type<QPolygon> { typedef CustomPolygonRingRange type; };

            template<> struct exterior_ring<QPolygon>
                static QRing& get(QPolygon& p)
                    return (*p.exterior);
                static QRing const& get(QPolygon const& p)
                    return (*p.exterior);

            template<> struct interior_rings<QPolygon>
                static CustomPolygonRingRange get(QPolygon& p)
                    return CustomPolygonRingRange(PolygonRingIterator(p.interiors.begin()), PolygonRingIterator(p.interiors.end()));
                static const CustomPolygonRingRange get(QPolygon const& p)
                    return CustomPolygonRingRange(ConstPolygonRingIterator(p.interiors.begin()), ConstPolygonRingIterator(p.interiors.end()));
} // namespace boost::geometry::traits

Boost.Iterator for QRings in QPolygon

template <class I, // Line iterator type
          class R  // Point reference type
class PolyRingIterator : public boost::iterator_facade<
        PolyRingIterator<I,R>, R, std::random_access_iterator_tag, R> //new traversal tag
    PolyRingIterator() {}

    explicit PolyRingIterator(I ringIter) : _ringIter(ringIter) {}

    template<class OtherI, class OtherR>
    PolyRingIterator(PolyRingIterator<OtherI, OtherR> const& other) :
        _ringIter(other.getRingIter()) {}

    I getRingIter() const {return _ringIter;}

    typedef typename boost::iterator_facade<PolyRingIterator<I,R>, R, std::random_access_iterator_tag, R>::difference_type difference_type;

    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    void increment()

    void decrement()

    void advance(difference_type n)

    difference_type distance_to(const PolyRingIterator& other) const
        return std::distance(_ringIter, other.getRingIter());

    bool equal(const PolyRingIterator& other) const
        return _ringIter == other.getRingIter();

    R dereference() const {return *(*_ringIter);}

    I _ringIter;

Boost.Range for PolygonRingIterator

typedef PolyRingIterator<std::vector<QRing*>::iterator, QRing> PolygonRingIterator;
typedef PolyRingIterator<std::vector<QRing*>::const_iterator, const QRing> ConstPolygonRingIterator;

class CustomPolygonRingRange
    PolygonRingIterator _begin;
    PolygonRingIterator _end;

    bool isIterSet;

    ConstPolygonRingIterator _cbegin;
    ConstPolygonRingIterator _cend;

    bool isCIterSet;


    CustomPolygonRingRange(PolygonRingIterator begin, PolygonRingIterator end) : _begin(begin), _end(end), isIterSet(true) {}
    CustomPolygonRingRange(ConstPolygonRingIterator begin, ConstPolygonRingIterator end) : _cbegin(begin), _cend(end), isCIterSet(true) {}

    PolygonRingIterator begin()
        return _begin;

    ConstPolygonRingIterator cbegin() const
        return _cbegin;

    PolygonRingIterator end()
        return _end;

    ConstPolygonRingIterator cend() const
        return _cend;

namespace boost
    // Specialize metafunctions. We must include the range.hpp header.
    // We must open the 'boost' namespace.

    template <>
    struct range_iterator<CustomPolygonRingRange> { typedef PolygonRingIterator type; };

    struct range_const_iterator<CustomPolygonRingRange> { typedef ConstPolygonRingIterator type; };

} // namespace 'boost'

// The required Range functions. These should be defined in the same namespace
// as Ring.

inline PolygonRingIterator range_begin(CustomPolygonRingRange& r)
    {return r.begin();}

inline ConstPolygonRingIterator range_begin(const CustomPolygonRingRange& r)
    {return r.cbegin();}

inline PolygonRingIterator range_end(CustomPolygonRingRange& r)
    {return r.end();}

inline ConstPolygonRingIterator range_end(const CustomPolygonRingRange& r)
    {return r.cend();}
