C++ Boost


Implementation Notes

Character Encoding
Specific Compiler/Library Issues
Intel 8.0
Visual C++ 8.0
Visual C++ 7.1
Comeau 4.3.3
Code Warrior 9.x
Code Warrior 8.3
Dinkumware Library
STLPort 4.5.3

Character Encoding

The whole question of character encoding combined with wide characters is much more complicated than it would seem to be. The current library defines in 3 formats (text, binary, and XML), wide and narrow characters, and attempts to be portable between compiler libraries. The results of a rather long consideration of all these factors has been to set default encoding according to the following rules. This character encoding is implemented by changing the locale of the i/o stream used by an archive when the archive is constructed, the stream locale is changed back to its original value. This action can be overridden by specifying boost::archive::no_codecvt when the archive is opened. In this case, the stream locale will not be changed by the serialization library.

Note that the code conversion included for wide character text and XML archives could alter std::string data stored in archives. Suppose a normal (multi-byte) character string is written to a wide character stream. Our system uses the current locale to translate it to a wide character string before writing it out. Upon reading, it is translated back to a (multi-byte)string. If the locale on the platform that reads the archive is different than the locale on the platform that wrote the stream, the actual string data may be altered by the serialization process. To avoid this, either avoid usage of locale dependent multi-byte strings or be sure that the locale is set correctly before reading the archive.

To produce wide character text output (i.e. 16 bit characters on Win32 systems), do the following.

Naturally, the input process has to be symmetrical.

Specific Compiler/Library Issues


Intel C++ 8.0

No known issues. All tests compile and run in debug and release modes.

Visual C++ 8.0

This compiler emits warnings for calls to functions from the standard library which are deemed security risks. The serialization depends upon making some of these calls so programs which use the serialization library will get warning messages. These messages can be suppressed from the command line by including the following switch:


Visual C++ 7.1

Derivation from an archive class defined in a DLL as described in ... will not work. This is due to the way that VC++ handles templated code with __decl(dllexport) and __decl(dllimport) specifications. Basically, this compiler requires that all the instantiations have the same specification - even though they have different template arguments. The example demo_portable_iarchive.cpp would have to be reformulated as a library or dll similar to the pre-defined archives in order to function.

This compiler does not have RTTI or exception handling turned on by default. Although they are not strictly necessary to use the serialization package, the example and test programs presume that they are enabled. So be sure your command line or IDE settings enable these features if you want to build and run these programs.

This compiler can treat wchar_t as either a short integer or an intrinsic type. If /Zc:wchar_t is specified on the compile command line, wchar_t will be considered an intrinsic type - otherwise it will be treated as a synonym for a 16 bit integer. The library can be used either way - BUT - both the library AND the application must be compiled with the same switch settings. Note that BJAM includes this switch by default. So if want to use the libraries that BJAM builds, you should include this switch when you compile your own applications.

Using the Visual C++ IDE
The library includes a VC++ 7.1 "Solution" - BoostSerializationLibrary along with a set of project files - one for each demo and test. Consider the following if you decide to use these configurations.

Comeau 4.3.3

Code Warrior 9.x

Code Warrior 8.3

all the above issues for Code Warrior 9.x plus:


All tests and demos pass except for test_variant. Boost Variant doesn't function wih this compiler

Dinkumware Library

Several compilers, including Visual C++ 6.0, use an older dinkumware library. These platforms have several issues:

STLPort 4.5.3

Revised 1 November, 2004

© Copyright Robert Ramey 2002-2015. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)