// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001-2003.
// (C) Copyright Ullrich Koethe 2001.
// Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for the library home page.
// File : $RCSfile: unit_test_suite.hpp,v $
// Version : $Revision: 1.18 $
// Description : defines all classes in test_case hierarchy and object generators
// for them.
// ***************************************************************************
// Boost.Test
#include <boost/test/detail/unit_test_monitor.hpp>
#include <boost/test/detail/unit_test_config.hpp>
#include <boost/test/detail/class_properties.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
// STL
#include <string> // for std::string
#define BOOST_TEST_CASE( function ) \
boost::unit_test_framework::create_test_case((function), #function )
#define BOOST_CLASS_TEST_CASE( function, tc_instance ) \
boost::unit_test_framework::create_test_case((function), #function, tc_instance )
#define BOOST_PARAM_TEST_CASE( function, begin, end ) \
boost::unit_test_framework::create_test_case((function), #function, (begin), (end) )
#define BOOST_PARAM_CLASS_TEST_CASE( function, tc_instance, begin, end ) \
boost::unit_test_framework::create_test_case((function), #function, tc_instance, (begin), (end) )
#define BOOST_TEST_SUITE( testsuite_name ) \
( new boost::unit_test_framework::test_suite( testsuite_name ) )
namespace boost {
namespace unit_test_framework {
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** test_case ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
class test_case {
typedef detail::unit_test_monitor::error_level error_level_type;
// post creation configuration
void depends_on( test_case const* rhs );
// Destructor
virtual ~test_case() {}
// total number of test cases
virtual unit_test_counter size() const;
// execute this method to run the test case
void run();
// status
bool has_passed() const;
// public properties
BOOST_READONLY_PROPERTY( int, 2, (test_case,test_suite) )
p_timeout; // timeout for the excecution monitor
BOOST_READONLY_PROPERTY( unit_test_counter, 1, (test_suite) )
p_expected_failures; // number of assertions that are expected to fail in this test case
p_type; // true = test case, false - test suite
BOOST_READONLY_PROPERTY( std::string, 0, () )
p_name; // name for this test case
// protected properties
BOOST_READONLY_PROPERTY( bool, 2, (test_case,test_suite) )
p_compound_stage; // used to properly manage progress report
BOOST_READWRITE_PROPERTY( unit_test_counter )
p_stages_amount; // number of stages this test consist of; stage could be another test case
// like with test_suite, another parameterized test for parameterized_test_case
// or 1 stage that reflect single test_case behaviour
// access methods
void curr_stage_is_compound();
// Constructor
explicit test_case( std::string const& name_,
bool type_,
unit_test_counter stages_amount_,
bool monitor_run_ = true );
// test case implementation hooks to be called with unit_test_monitor or alone
virtual void do_init() {}
virtual void do_run() {}
virtual void do_destroy() {}
// Data members
struct Impl;
boost::shared_ptr<Impl> m_pimpl;
extern detail::unit_test_monitor the_monitor;
template<typename Exception, typename ExceptionTranslator>
register_exception_translator( ExceptionTranslator const& tr, boost::type<Exception>* d = 0 )
the_monitor.register_exception_translator( tr, d );
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** function_test_case ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
class function_test_case : public test_case {
typedef void (*function_type)();
// Constructor
function_test_case( function_type f_, std::string const& name_ )
: test_case( name_, true, 1 ), m_function( f_ ) {}
// test case implementation
void do_run() { m_function(); }
// Data members
function_type m_function;
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** class_test_case ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
template<class UserTestCase>
class class_test_case : public test_case {
typedef void (UserTestCase::*function_type)();
// Constructor
class_test_case( function_type f_, std::string const& name_, boost::shared_ptr<UserTestCase> const& user_test_case_ )
: test_case( name_, true, 1 ), m_user_test_case( user_test_case_ ), m_function( f_ )
// test case implementation
void do_run()
if( (!!m_user_test_case) && m_function )
void do_destroy()
m_user_test_case.reset(); // t ofree the reference to the shared use test case instance
// Data members
boost::shared_ptr<UserTestCase> m_user_test_case;
function_type m_function;
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** parametrized_function_test_case ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
template <typename ParamIterator, typename ParameterType>
class parametrized_function_test_case : public test_case {
typedef void (*function_type)( ParameterType );
// Constructor
parametrized_function_test_case( function_type f_, std::string const& name_,
ParamIterator const& par_begin_, ParamIterator const& par_end_ )
: test_case( name_, true, 0 ), m_first_parameter( par_begin_ ), m_last_parameter( par_end_ ), m_function( f_ )
// the typecasts are here to keep Borland C++ Builder 5 happy, for other compilers they have no effect:
p_stages_amount.set( detail::distance( (ParamIterator)par_begin_, (ParamIterator)par_end_ ) );
// test case implementation
void do_init() { m_curr_parameter = m_first_parameter; }
void do_run() { m_function( *m_curr_parameter++ ); }
// Data members
ParamIterator m_first_parameter;
ParamIterator m_last_parameter;
ParamIterator m_curr_parameter;
function_type m_function;
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** parametrized_class_test_case ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
template <class UserTestCase, class ParamIterator, typename ParameterType>
class parametrized_class_test_case : public test_case {
typedef void (UserTestCase::*function_type)( ParameterType );
// Constructor
parametrized_class_test_case( function_type f_, std::string const& name_, boost::shared_ptr<UserTestCase>const & user_test_case_,
ParamIterator const& par_begin_, ParamIterator const& par_end_ )
: test_case( name_, true, 0 ), m_first_parameter( par_begin_ ), m_last_parameter( par_end_ ),
m_user_test_case( user_test_case_ ), m_function( f_ )
// the typecasts are here to keep Borland C++ Builder 5 happy, for other compilers they have no effect:
p_stages_amount.set( detail::distance( (ParamIterator)par_begin_, (ParamIterator)par_end_ ) );
// test case implementation
void do_init() { m_curr_parameter = m_first_parameter; }
void do_run() { ((*m_user_test_case).*m_function)( *m_curr_parameter++ ); }
void do_destroy() { m_user_test_case.reset(); }
// Data members
ParamIterator m_first_parameter;
ParamIterator m_last_parameter;
ParamIterator m_curr_parameter;
boost::shared_ptr<UserTestCase> m_user_test_case;
function_type m_function;
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** test_suite ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
class test_suite : public test_case {
// Constructor
explicit test_suite( std::string const& name_ = "Master" );
// Destructor
virtual ~test_suite();
// test case list management
void add( test_case* tc_, unit_test_counter expected_failures_ = 0, int timeout_ = 0 );
// access methods
unit_test_counter size() const;
// test case implementation
void do_init();
void do_run();
// Data members
struct Impl;
boost::shared_ptr<Impl> m_pimpl;
// ************************************************************************** //
// ************** object generators ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //
namespace detail {
std::string const& normalize_test_case_name( std::string& name_ );
} // namespace detail
inline test_case*
create_test_case( void (*fct_)(), std::string name_ )
return new function_test_case( fct_, detail::normalize_test_case_name( name_ ) );
template<class UserTestCase>
inline test_case*
create_test_case( void (UserTestCase::*fct_)(), std::string name_, boost::shared_ptr<UserTestCase> const& user_test_case_ )
return new class_test_case<UserTestCase>( fct_, detail::normalize_test_case_name( name_ ), user_test_case_ );
template<typename ParamIterator, typename ParamType>
inline test_case*
create_test_case( void (*fct_)( ParamType ), std::string name_, ParamIterator const& par_begin_, ParamIterator const& par_end_ )
return new parametrized_function_test_case<ParamIterator,ParamType>(
fct_, detail::normalize_test_case_name( name_ ), par_begin_, par_end_ );
template<class UserTestCase, typename ParamIterator, typename ParamType>
inline test_case*
create_test_case( void (UserTestCase::*fct_)( ParamType ), std::string name_, boost::shared_ptr<UserTestCase> const& user_test_case_,
ParamIterator const& par_begin_, ParamIterator const& par_end_ )
return new parametrized_class_test_case<UserTestCase,ParamIterator,ParamType>(
fct_, detail::normalize_test_case_name( name_ ), user_test_case_, par_begin_, par_end_ );
} // unit_test_framework
} // namespace boost
// ***************************************************************************
// Revision History :
// $Log: unit_test_suite.hpp,v $
// Revision 1.18 2003/12/01 00:41:56 rogeeff
// prerelease cleaning
// ***************************************************************************