// Boost operations_test.cpp -----------------------------------------------//
// Copyright Beman Dawes 2002.
// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See library home page at
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/exception.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/test/minimal.hpp>
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using boost::bind;
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cerrno>
#include <ctime>
namespace std { using ::asctime; using ::gmtime; using ::localtime;
using ::difftime; using ::time; using ::tm; using ::mktime; }
# endif
bool report_throws;
fs::directory_iterator end_itr;
void create_file( const fs::path & ph, const std::string & contents )
std::ofstream f( ph.native_file_string().c_str() );
if ( !f )
throw fs::filesystem_error( "operations_test create_file",
ph, errno );
if ( !contents.empty() ) f << contents;
void verify_file( const fs::path & ph, const std::string & expected )
std::ifstream f( ph.native_file_string().c_str() );
if ( !f )
throw fs::filesystem_error( "operations_test verify_file",
ph, errno );
std::string contents;
f >> contents;
if ( contents != expected )
throw fs::filesystem_error( "operations_test verify_file",
ph, " contents \"" + contents
+ "\" != \"" + expected + "\"" );
template< typename F >
bool throws_fs_error( F func, fs::error_code ec =
::boost::filesystem::no_error ) // VC++ 7.1 build 2292 won't accept fs::
try { func(); }
catch ( const fs::filesystem_error & ex )
if ( report_throws ) std::cout << ex.what() << "\n";
if ( ec == fs::no_error || ec == ex.error() ) return true;
std::cout << "filesystem_error::error() reports " << ex.error()
<< ", should be " << ec
<< "\n native_error() is " << ex.native_error()
<< std::endl;
return false;
} // unnamed namespace
// test_main ---------------------------------------------------------------//
int test_main( int argc, char * argv[] )
if ( argc > 1 && *argv[1]=='-' && *(argv[1]+1)=='t' ) report_throws = true;
std::string platform( BOOST_PLATFORM );
platform = ( platform == "Win32" || platform == "Win64" || platform == "Cygwin" )
? "Windows"
: "POSIX";
std::cout << "BOOST_PLATFORM: "
<< BOOST_PLATFORM << "\n";
std::cout << "Operating system family: "
<< platform << "\n";
std::cout << "initial_path().string() is\n \""
<< fs::initial_path().string()
<< "\"\n";
std::cout << "initial_path().native_file_string() is\n \""
<< fs::initial_path().native_file_string()
<< "\"\n";
BOOST_TEST( fs::initial_path().is_complete() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::current_path().is_complete() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::initial_path().string() == fs::current_path().string() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( "" ).empty() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( "/" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().root_path().string() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( "foo" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().string()+"/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( "/foo" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().root_path().string()+"foo" );
fs::path dir( fs::initial_path() / "temp_fs_test_directory" );
// Windows only tests
if ( platform == "Windows" )
BOOST_TEST( dir.string().size() > 1
&& dir.string()[1] == ':' ); // verify path includes drive
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "" ).empty() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "/" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().root_path().string() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "foo" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().string()+"/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "/foo" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().root_path().string()+"foo" );
// BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( fs::path( "c:", fs::native ) ).string()
// == fs::initial_path().string() );
// BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( fs::path( "c:foo", fs::native ) ).string()
// == fs::initial_path().string()+"/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( fs::path( "c:/", fs::native ) ).string()
== "c:/" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( fs::path( "c:/foo", fs::native ) ).string()
== "c:/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::complete( fs::path( "//share", fs::native ) ).string()
== "//share" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( fs::path( fs::initial_path().root_name(),
fs::native ) ).string() == fs::initial_path().string() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( fs::path( fs::initial_path().root_name()
+ "foo", fs::native ) ).string() == fs::initial_path().string()+"/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( fs::path( "c:/", fs::native ) ).string()
== "c:/" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( fs::path( "c:/foo", fs::native ) ).string()
== "c:/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( fs::path( "//share", fs::native ) ).string()
== "//share" );
else if ( platform == "POSIX" )
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "" ).empty() );
BOOST_TEST( fs::initial_path().root_path().string() == "/" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "/" ).string() == "/" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "foo" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().string()+"/foo" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::system_complete( "/foo" ).string()
== fs::initial_path().root_path().string()+"foo" );
fs::path ng( " no-way, Jose", fs::native );
fs::remove_all( dir ); // in case residue from prior failed tests
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( dir ) );
// the bound functions should throw, so throws_fs_error() should return true
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::is_directory, ng ), fs::not_found_error ) );
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::is_directory, dir ) ) );
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::_is_empty, dir ) ) );
fs::create_directory( dir );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( dir ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::_is_empty( dir ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::is_directory( dir ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::symbolic_link_exists( dir ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::symbolic_link_exists( "nosuchfileordirectory" ) );
fs::path d1( dir / "d1" );
fs::create_directory( d1 );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d1 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::is_directory( d1 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::_is_empty( d1 ) );
boost::function_requires< boost::InputIteratorConcept< fs::directory_iterator > >();
fs::directory_iterator dir_itr( dir );
BOOST_TEST( dir_itr->leaf() == "d1" );
// create a second directory named d2
fs::path d2( dir / "d2" );
fs::create_directory(d2 );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d2 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::is_directory( d2 ) );
fs::directory_iterator dir_itr( dir );
BOOST_TEST( dir_itr->leaf() == "d1" || dir_itr->leaf() == "d2" );
if ( dir_itr->leaf() == "d1" )
BOOST_TEST( (++dir_itr)->leaf() == "d2" );
BOOST_TEST( (++dir_itr)->leaf() == "d1" );
{ // *i++ must work to meet the standard's InputIterator requirements
fs::directory_iterator dir_itr( dir );
BOOST_TEST( dir_itr->leaf() == "d1" || dir_itr->leaf() == "d2" );
if ( dir_itr->leaf() == "d1" )
// Note result for single_pass_traversal requirements is
// different than for input_iterator requirements
BOOST_TEST( (*dir_itr++).leaf() == "d2" );
BOOST_TEST( dir_itr->leaf() == "d2" );
// Note result for single_pass_traversal requirements is
// different than for input_iterator requirements
BOOST_TEST( (*dir_itr++).leaf() == "d1" );
BOOST_TEST( dir_itr->leaf() == "d1" );
// create an empty file named "f0"
fs::path file_ph( dir / "f0");
create_file( file_ph, "" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::is_directory( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::_is_empty( file_ph ) );
// create a file named "f1"
file_ph = dir / "f1";
create_file( file_ph, "foobar1" );
std::time_t ft = fs::last_write_time( file_ph );
std::cout << "UTC should currently be about " << std::asctime(std::gmtime(&ft)) << "\n";
std::cout << "Local time should currently be about " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&ft)) << std::endl;
// hard to test time exactly, but except under the most unusual circumstances,
// time since file creation should be no more than one minute, I'm hoping.
double time_diff = std::difftime( std::time(0), fs::last_write_time( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( time_diff >= 0.0 && time_diff < 60.0 );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::is_directory( file_ph ) );
verify_file( file_ph, "foobar1" );
std::tm * tmp = std::localtime( &ft );
std::cout << "Change year to " << tmp->tm_year << std::endl;
fs::last_write_time( file_ph, std::mktime( tmp ) );
std::cout << "Now get time difference" << std::endl;
time_diff = std::difftime( std::time(0), fs::last_write_time( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( time_diff >= 365*24*3600.0 && time_diff < (366*24*3600.0 + 60.0) );
ft = fs::last_write_time( file_ph );
std::cout << "Local time one year ago should currently be about " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&ft)) << "\n";
fs::last_write_time( file_ph, std::time_t() );
time_diff = std::difftime( std::time(0), fs::last_write_time( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( time_diff >= 0.0 && time_diff < 60.0 );
ft = fs::last_write_time( file_ph );
std::cout << "Local time should currently be about " << std::asctime(std::localtime(&ft)) << "\n";
std::cout <<
"Changing a file time via boost::filesystem::last_write_time() fails for this compiler\n"
"This will not affect other uses of the library.\n"
// there was an inital bug in directory_iterator that caused premature
// close of an OS handle. This block will detect regression.
fs::directory_iterator di;
{ di = fs::directory_iterator( dir ); }
BOOST_TEST( ++di != fs::directory_iterator() );
// copy_file() tests
fs::copy_file( file_ph, d1 / "f2" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d1 / "f2" ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::is_directory( d1 / "f2" ) );
verify_file( d1 / "f2", "foobar1" );
// rename() on file d1/f2 to d2/f3
fs::rename( d1 / "f2", d2 / "f3" );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d1 / "f2" ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d2 / "f2" ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d2 / "f3" ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::is_directory( d2 / "f3" ) );
verify_file( d2 / "f3", "foobar1" );
// make sure can't rename() a non-existent file
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d1 / "f2" ) );
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::rename, d1 / "f2", d2 / "f4" ),
fs::not_found_error ) );
// make sure can't rename() to an existent file
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( dir / "f1" ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d2 / "f3" ) );
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::rename, dir / "f1", d2 / "f3" ) ) );
// several POSIX implementations (cygwin, openBSD) report ENOENT instead of EEXIST,
// so we don't verify error type on the above test.
// make sure can't rename() to a nonexistent parent directory
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::rename, dir / "f1", dir / "d3/f3" ),
fs::not_found_error ) );
// rename() on directory
fs::path d3( dir / "d3" );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d3 ) );
fs::rename( d2, d3 );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d2 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d3 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::is_directory( d3 ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d2 / "f3" ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d3 / "f3" ) );
// remove() tests on file
file_ph = dir / "shortlife";
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( file_ph ) );
create_file( file_ph, "" );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::is_directory( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::remove( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( file_ph ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::remove( "no-such-file" ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::remove( "no-such-directory/no-such-file" ) );
// remove test on directory
d1 = dir / "shortlife_dir";
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d1 ) );
fs::create_directory( d1 );
BOOST_TEST( fs::exists( d1 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::is_directory( d1 ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::_is_empty( d1 ) );
BOOST_TEST( throws_fs_error( bind( fs::remove, dir ), fs::not_empty_error ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::remove( d1 ) );
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( d1 ) );
// post-test cleanup
BOOST_TEST( fs::remove_all( dir ) != 0 );
// above was added just to simplify testing, but it ended up detecting
// a bug (failure to close an internal search handle).
BOOST_TEST( !fs::exists( dir ) );
BOOST_TEST( fs::remove_all( dir ) == 0 );
return 0;
} // main