Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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c++boost.gif Iterator Concepts

An Iterator is a restricted pointer-like object pointing into a vector or matrix container.

Indexed Bidirectional Iterator


An Indexed Bidirectional Iterator is an iterator of a container that can be dereferenced, incremented, decremented and carries index information.

Refinement of

Assignable, Equality Comparable, Default Constructible.

Associated types

Value type The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed Bidirectional Iterator
Container type The type of the container a Indexed Bidirectional Iterator points into.


I A type that is a model of Indexed Bidirectional Iterator
T The value type of I
C The container type of I
it, itt, it1, it2 Objects of type I
t Object of type T
c Object of type C


A Indexed Bidirectional Iterator may be mutable, meaning that the values referred to by objects of that type may be modified, or constant , meaning that they may not. If an iterator type is mutable, this implies that its value type is a model of Assignable; the converse, though, is not necessarily true.

A Indexed Bidirectional Iterator may have a singular value, meaning that the results of most operations, including comparison for equality, are undefined. The only operation that is guaranteed to be supported is assigning a nonsingular iterator to a singular iterator.

A Indexed Bidirectional Iterator may have a dereferenceable value, meaning that dereferencing it yields a well-defined value. Dereferenceable iterators are always nonsingular, but the converse is not true.

An Indexed Bidirectional Iterator is past-the-end if it points beyond the last element of a container. Past-the-end values are nonsingular and nondereferenceable.

Valid expressions

In addition to the expressions defined for Assignable, Equality Comparable and Default Constructible, the following expressions must be valid.

Name Expression Type requirements Return type
Default constructor I it    
Dereference *it   Convertible to T.
Dereference assignment *it = t I is mutable.  
Member access it->m T is a type for which t.m is defined.  
Preincrement ++ it   I &
Postincrement it ++   I
Predecrement -- it   I &
Postdecrement it --   I
Function call it ()   Convertible to C &.
Index it.index ()   C::size_type

Expression Semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in, Assignable, Equality Comparable and Default Constructible.

Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Default constructor I it     it is singular.
Dereference *it it is dereferenceable.    
Dereference assignment *it = t Same as for *it.   *it is a copy of t.
Member access it->m it is dereferenceable. Equivalent to (*it).m  
Preincrement ++ it it is dereferenceable. it is modified to point to the next element. it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
&it == &++ it
If it1 == it2,
then ++ it1 == ++ it2.
Postincrement it ++ Same as for ++ it. Equivalent to
 I itt = it;
 ++ it;
 return itt;
it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Predecrement -- it it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
There exists a dereferenceable iterator itt such that it == ++ itt.
it is modified to point to the previous element. it is dereferenceable.
&it = &-- it.
If it1 == it2,
then -- it1 == -- it2.
Postdecrement it -- Same as for -- it. Equivalent to
 I itt = it;
 -- it;
 return itt;
it is dereferenceable. 
Function call it () it is dereferenceable or past-the-end. If it points into container c then it () = c.  
Index it.index () it is dereferenceable or past-the-end. it.index () >= 0
it.index () <= it ().size ()
If it1 == it2,
then it1.index () == it2.index ().
If it1 == it2,
then it1.index () < (++ it2).index ().
If it1 == it2,
then it1.index () > (-- it2).index ().

Complexity guarantees

The complexity of operations on indexed bidirectional iterators is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.


Identity it1 == it2 if and only if &*it1 == &*it2.
Symmetry of increment and decrement If it is dereferenceable, then ++ it; --it; is a null operation. Similarly, -- it; ++ it; is a null operation.
Relation between iterator index and container element operator If it is dereferenceable, *it == it () (it.index ()).


Indexed Random Access Iterator


An Indexed Random Access Iterator is an iterator of a container that can be dereferenced, moved forward, moved backward and carries index information.

Refinement of

LessThanComparable, Indexed Bidirectional Iterator .

Associated types

Value type The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed Random Access Iterator
Container type The type of the container a Indexed Random Access Iterator points into.


I A type that is a model of Indexed Random Access Iterator
T The value type of I
C The container type of I
it, itt, it1, it2 Objects of type I
t Object of type T
n Object of type C::difference_type


An Indexed Random Access Iterator it1 is reachable from an Indexed Random Access Iterator it2 if, after applying operator ++ to it2 a finite number of times, it1 == it2.

Valid expressions

In addition to the expressions defined for Indexed Bidirectional Iterator , the following expressions must be valid.

Name Expression Type requirements Return type
Forward motion it += n   I &
Iterator addition it + n   I
Backward motion i -= n   I &
Iterator subtraction it - n   I 
Difference it1 - it2   C::difference_type
Element operator it [n]   Convertible to T.
Element assignment it [n] = t I is mutable Convertible to T.

Expression Semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in, Indexed Bidirectional Iterator .

Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Forward motion it += n Including it itself, there must be n dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators following or preceding it, depending on whether n is positive or negative. If n > 0, equivalent to executing ++ it n times. If n < 0, equivalent to executing -- it n times. If n == 0, this is a null operation. it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Iterator addition it + n Same as for i += n. Equivalent to
 I itt = it;
 return itt += n;
Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Backward motion it -= n Including it itself, there must be n dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators preceding or following it, depending on whether n is positive or negative. Equivalent to it += (-n). it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Iterator subtraction it - n Same as for i -= n. Equivalent to
 I itt = it;
 return itt -= n;
Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Difference it1 - it2 Either it1 is reachable from it2 or it2 is reachable from it1, or both. Returns a number n such that it1 == it2 + n  
Element operator it [n] it + n exists and is dereferenceable. Equivalent to *(it + n)  
Element assignment i[n] = t Same as for it [n]. Equivalent to *(it + n) = t  

Complexity guarantees

The complexity of operations on indexed random access iterators is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.


Symmetry of addition and subtraction If it + n is well-defined, then it += n; it -= n; and (it + n) - n are null operations. Similarly, if it - n is well-defined, then it -= n; it += n; and (it - n) + n are null operations.
Relation between distance and addition If it1 - it2 is well-defined, then it1 == it2 + (it1 - it2).
Reachability and distance If it1 is reachable from it2, then it1 - it2 >= 0.


Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator


An Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator is an iterator of a container that can be dereferenced, incremented, decremented and carries index information.

Refinement of

Assignable, Equality Comparable, Default Constructible.

Associated types

Value type The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator
Container type The type of the container a Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator points into.


I1 A type that is a model of Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator
I2 A type that is a model of Indexed Bidirectional Row/Column Iterator
T The value type of I1 and I2
C The container type of I1 and I2
it1, it1t, it11, it12 Objects of type I1
it2, it2t Objects of type I2
t Object of type T
c Object of type C


Valid expressions

In addition to the expressions defined for Assignable, Equality Comparable and Default Constructible, the following expressions must be valid.

Name Expression Type requirements Return type
Default constructor I1 it1    
Dereference *it1   Convertible to T.
Dereference assignment *it1 = t I1 is mutable.  
Member access it1->m T is a type for which t.m is defined.  
Preincrement ++ it1   I1 &
Postincrement it1 ++   I1
Predecrement -- it1   I1 &
Postdecrement it1 --   I1
Function call it1 ()   Convertible to C &.
Row Index it1.index1 ()   C::size_type
Column Index it1.index2 ()   C::size_type
Row/Column Begin it1.begin ()   I2
Row/Column End it1.end ()   I2
Reverse Row/Column Begin it1.rbegin ()   reverse_iterator<I2>
Reverse Row/Column End it1.rend ()   reverse_iterator<I2>

Expression Semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in, Assignable, Equality Comparable and Default Constructible.

Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Default constructor I1 it1     it1 is singular.
Dereference *it1 it1 is dereferenceable.    
Dereference assignment *it1 = t Same as for *it1.   *it1 is a copy of t.
Member access it1->m it1 is dereferenceable. Equivalent to (*it1).m  
Preincrement ++ it1 it1 is dereferenceable. it1 is modified to point to the next element of the column/row, i.e. for column iterators holds
it1.index1 () < (++ it1).index1 () and
it1.index2 () == (++ it1).index2 (),
for row iterators holds
it1.index1 () == (++ it1).index1 () and
it1.index2 () < (++ it1).index2 ().
it1 is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
&it1 == &++ it1
If it11 == it12,
then ++ it11 == ++ it12.
Postincrement it1 ++ Same as for ++ it1. Equivalent to
 I1 it1t = it1;
 ++ it1;
 return it1t;
it1 is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Predecrement -- it1 it1 is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
There exists a dereferenceable iterator it1t such that it1 == ++ it1t.
it1 is modified to point to the previous  element of the column/row, i.e. for column iterators holds
it1.index1 () > (-- it1).index1 () and
it1.index2 () == (-- it1).index2 (),
for row iterators holds
it1.index1 () == (-- it1).index1 () and
it1.index2 () > (-- it1).index2 ().
it1 is dereferenceable.
&it1 = &-- it1.
If it11 == it12,
then -- it11 == -- it12.
Postdecrement it1 -- Same as for -- it1. Equivalent to
 I1 it1t = it1;
 -- it1;
 return it1t;
it1 is dereferenceable. 
Function call it1 () it1 is dereferenceable or past-the-end. If it1 points into container c then it1 () = c.  
Row Index it1.index1 () it1 is dereferenceable or past-the-end. it1.index1 () >= 0 and
it1.index1 () <= it () .size1 ()
If it11 == it12,
then it11.index1 () == it12.index1 () .
If it11, it12 are Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterators with it11 == it12,
then it11.index1 () < (++ it12).index1 ().
If it11, it12 are Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterators with it11 == it12,
then it11.index1 () > (-- it12).index1 ().
Column Index it1.index2 () it1 is dereferenceable or past-the-end. it1.index2 () >= 0 and
it1.index2 () <= it () .size2 ()
If it11 == it12,
then it11.index2 () == it12.index2 () .
If it11, it12 are Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterators with it11 == it12,
then it11.index2 () < (++ it12).index2 ().
If it11, it12 are Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterators with it11 == it12,
then it11.index2 () > (-- it12).index2 ().
Row/Column Begin it1.begin () it1 is dereferenceable. If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterator,
then it2 = it1.begin () is a Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterator
with it2.index1 () == it1.index1 ().

If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterator,
then it2 = it1.begin () is a Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterator
with it2.index2 () == it1.index2 ().

Row/Column End it1.end () it1 is dereferenceable. If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterator,
then it2 = it1.end () is a Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterator
with it2.index1 () == it1.index1 ().

If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterator,
then it2 = it1.end () is a Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterator
with it2.index2 () == it1.index2 ().

Reverse Row/Column Begin it1.rbegin () it1 is dereferenceable. Equivalent to reverse_iterator<I2> (it1.end ()).  
Reverse Row/Column End it1.rend () it1 is dereferenceable. Equivalent to reverse_iterator<I2> (it1.begin ()).  

Complexity guarantees

The complexity of operations on indexed bidirectional column/row iterators is guaranteed to be logarithmic depending on the size of the container. The complexity of one iterator (depending on the storage layout) can be lifted to be amortized constant time. The complexity of the other iterator (depending on the storage layout and the container) can be lifted to be amortized constant time for the first row/first column respectively.


Identity it11 == it12 if and only if &*it11 == &*it12.
Symmetry of increment and decrement If it1 is dereferenceable, then ++ it1; --it1; is a null operation. Similarly, -- it1; ++ it1; is a null operation.
Relation between iterator index and container element operator If it1 is dereferenceable, *it1 == it1 () (it1.index1 (), it2.index2 ())
Relation between iterator column/row begin and iterator index If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterator and it2 = it1.begin () then it2.index2 () < it2t.index2 () for all it2t with it2t () == it2 () and it2t ().index1 () == it2 ().index1 ().

If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterator and it2 = it1.begin () then it2.index1 () < it2t.index1 () for all it2t with it2t () == it2 () and it2t ().index2 () == it2 ().index2 ().

Relation between iterator column/row end and iterator index If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Column Iterator and it2 = it1.end () then it2.index2 () > it2t.index2 () for all it2t with it2t () == it2 () and it2t ().index1 () == it2 ().index1 ().

If it1 is a Indexed Bidirectional Row Iterator and it2 = it1.end () then it2.index1 () > it2t.index1 () for all it2t with it2t () == it2 () and it2t ().index2 () == it2 ().index2 ().


Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator


An Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator is an iterator of a container that can be dereferenced, incremented, decremented and carries index information.

Refinement of

Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator .

Associated types

Value type The type of the value obtained by dereferencing a Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator
Container type The type of the container a Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator points into.


I A type that is a model of Indexed Random Access Column/Row Iterator
T The value type of I
C The container type of I
it, itt, it1, it2 Objects of type I
t Object of type T
c Object of type C


Valid expressions

In addition to the expressions defined for Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator , the following expressions must be valid.

Name Expression Type requirements Return type
Forward motion it += n   I &
Iterator addition it + n   I
Backward motion i -= n   I &
Iterator subtraction it - n   I 
Difference it1 - it2   C::difference_type
Element operator it [n]   Convertible to T.
Element assignment it [n] = t I is mutable Convertible to T.

Expression Semantics

Semantics of an expression is defined only where it differs from, or is not defined in, Indexed Bidirectional Column/Row Iterator .

Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Forward motion it += n Including it itself, there must be n dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators following or preceding it, depending on whether n is positive or negative. If n > 0, equivalent to executing ++ it n times. If n < 0, equivalent to executing -- it n times. If n == 0, this is a null operation. it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Iterator addition it + n Same as for i += n. Equivalent to
 I itt = it;
 return itt += n;
Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Backward motion it -= n Including it itself, there must be n dereferenceable or past-the-end iterators preceding or following it, depending on whether n is positive or negative. Equivalent to it += (-n). it is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Iterator subtraction it - n Same as for i -= n. Equivalent to
 I itt = it;
 return itt -= n;
Result is dereferenceable or past-the-end.
Difference it1 - it2 Either it1 is reachable from it2 or it2 is reachable from it1, or both. Returns a number n such that it1 == it2 + n  
Element operator it [n] it + n exists and is dereferenceable. Equivalent to *(it + n)  
Element assignment i[n] = t Same as for it [n]. Equivalent to *(it + n) = t  

Complexity guarantees

The complexity of operations on indexed random access Column/Row iterators is guaranteed to be amortized constant time.


Symmetry of addition and subtraction If it + n is well-defined, then it += n; it -= n; and (it + n) - n are null operations. Similarly, if it - n is well-defined, then it -= n; it += n; and (it - n) + n are null operations.
Relation between distance and addition If it1 - it2 is well-defined, then it1 == it2 + (it1 - it2).
Reachability and distance If it1 is reachable from it2, then it1 - it2 >= 0.


Copyright (©) 2000-2002 Joerg Walter, Mathias Koch
Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Last revised: 1/15/2003