Release Notes
Boost release 1.31.0
Boost release 1.30.0
Migration guide from Boost Test v1
This version of Boost.Test library substitute
the original testing library used in a Boost. These are several simple steps
you need to follow to smoothly migrate to the latest software.
If your code were using the original version
of cpp_main facility, to migrate you will need to delete the inclusion of
the <boost/test/cpp_main.cpp>, since this file is not present any more.
After that you have following choices:
- Link with Program Execution Monitor (exact library name depends on compiler
you are using, but most probably it will be libboost_prg_exec_monitor.lib).
- Include <boost/test/included/prg_exec_monitor.hpp>, in which case
you need not link with precompiled component but it may incur probably
some compile time overhead.
If your code were using the original version
of test_main and test tools facilitates of Boost.Test library, to migrate
to use of latest one you have following choices:
- Without changing of the code that were using Boost.Test facilities link
with Test Execution Monitor (exact library name depends on compiler you
are using, but most probably it will be libtest_exec_monitor.lib).
- Include <boost/test/included/test_exec_monitor.hpp>, in which case
you need not link with precompiled component but it may incur probably
some compile time overhead. Definition of BOOST_INCLUDE_MAIN could be deleted
- Include <boost/test/minimal.hpp>, in which case you need not link
with precompiled component and it most probably does not incur a compile
time overhead, but you will be limited ti the set of features defined in
the original test library. Definition of BOOST_INCLUDE_MAIN could be deleted
either. Would you decide in a future to use any of newer Boost Test features
you will be enforced to snitch to one the two chaises above.