// Demonstrate and test boost/operators.hpp on std::iterators --------------//
// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 1999. Permission to copy, use, modify,
// sell and distribute this software is granted provided this
// copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided
// "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as
// to its suitability for any purpose.
// See for most recent version including documentation.
// Revision History
// 29 May 01 Factored implementation, added comparison tests, use Test Tools
// library (Daryle Walker)
// 12 Dec 99 Initial version with iterator operators (Jeremy Siek)
#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp> // for main
#include <boost/config.hpp> // for BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT
#include <boost/cstdlib.hpp> // for boost::exit_success
#include <boost/operators.hpp> // for boost::random_access_iterator_helper
#include <cstddef> // for std::ptrdiff_t, std::size_t
#include <cstring> // for std::strcmp
#include <iostream> // for std::cout (std::endl, ends, and flush indirectly)
#include <string> // for std::string
#include <strstream> // for std::ostrstream
namespace std { using ::strcmp; }
# endif
// Iterator test class
template <class T, class R, class P>
struct test_iter
: public boost::random_access_iterator_helper<
test_iter<T,R,P>, T, std::ptrdiff_t, P, R>
typedef test_iter self;
typedef R Reference;
typedef std::ptrdiff_t Distance;
explicit test_iter(T* i =0) : _i(i) { }
test_iter(const self& x) : _i(x._i) { }
self& operator=(const self& x) { _i = x._i; return *this; }
Reference operator*() const { return *_i; }
self& operator++() { ++_i; return *this; }
self& operator--() { --_i; return *this; }
self& operator+=(Distance n) { _i += n; return *this; }
self& operator-=(Distance n) { _i -= n; return *this; }
bool operator==(const self& x) const { return _i == x._i; }
bool operator<(const self& x) const { return _i < x._i; }
friend Distance operator-(const self& x, const self& y) {
return x._i - y._i;
P _i;
// Iterator operator testing classes
class test_opr_base
// Test data and types
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( std::size_t, fruit_length = 6u );
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( std::size_t, scratch_length = 40u );
typedef std::string fruit_array_type[ fruit_length ];
typedef char scratch_array_type[ scratch_length ];
static fruit_array_type fruit;
static scratch_array_type scratch;
}; // test_opr_base
// A definition is required even for integral static constants
const std::size_t test_opr_base::fruit_length;
const std::size_t test_opr_base::scratch_length;
template <typename T, typename R = T&, typename P = T*>
class test_opr
: public test_opr_base
typedef test_opr<T, R, P> self_type;
// Types
typedef T value_type;
typedef R reference;
typedef P pointer;
typedef test_iter<T, R, P> iter_type;
// Test controller
static void master_test( char const name[] );
// Test data
static iter_type const fruit_begin;
static iter_type const fruit_end;
// Test parts
static void post_increment_test();
static void post_decrement_test();
static void indirect_referral_test();
static void offset_addition_test();
static void reverse_offset_addition_test();
static void offset_subtraction_test();
static void comparison_test();
static void indexing_test();
}; // test_opr
// Class-static data definitions
test_opr_base::fruit = { "apple", "orange", "pear", "peach", "grape", "plum" };
test_opr_base::scratch = "";
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
typename test_opr<T, R, P>::iter_type const
test_opr<T, R, P>::fruit_begin = test_iter<T,R,P>( fruit );
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
typename test_opr<T, R, P>::iter_type const
test_opr<T, R, P>::fruit_end = test_iter<T,R,P>( fruit + fruit_length );
// Main testing function
test_main( int , char * [] )
using std::string;
typedef test_opr<string, string &, string *> test1_type;
typedef test_opr<string, string const &, string const *> test2_type;
test1_type::master_test( "non-const string" );
test2_type::master_test( "const string" );
return boost::exit_success;
// Tests for all of the operators added by random_access_iterator_helper
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::master_test
char const name[]
std::cout << "Doing test run for " << name << '.' << std::endl;
// Test post-increment
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::post_increment_test
std::cout << "\tDoing post-increment test." << std::endl;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( iter_type i = fruit_begin ; i != fruit_end ; )
oss << *i++ << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "apple orange pear peach grape plum ")
== 0 );
// Test post-decrement
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::post_decrement_test
std::cout << "\tDoing post-decrement test." << std::endl;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( iter_type i = fruit_end ; i != fruit_begin ; )
oss << *i << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "plum grape peach pear orange apple ")
== 0 );
// Test indirect structure referral
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::indirect_referral_test
std::cout << "\tDoing indirect reference test." << std::endl;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( iter_type i = fruit_begin ; i != fruit_end ; ++i )
oss << i->size() << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "5 6 4 5 5 4 ") == 0 );
// Test offset addition
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::offset_addition_test
std::cout << "\tDoing offset addition test." << std::endl;
std::ptrdiff_t const two = 2;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( iter_type i = fruit_begin ; i != fruit_end ; i = i + two )
oss << *i << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "apple pear grape ") == 0 );
// Test offset addition, in reverse order
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::reverse_offset_addition_test
std::cout << "\tDoing reverse offset addition test." << std::endl;
std::ptrdiff_t const two = 2;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( iter_type i = fruit_begin ; i != fruit_end ; i = two + i )
oss << *i << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "apple pear grape ") == 0 );
// Test offset subtraction
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::offset_subtraction_test
std::cout << "\tDoing offset subtraction test." << std::endl;
std::ptrdiff_t const two = 2;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( iter_type i = fruit_end ; fruit_begin < i ; )
i = i - two;
if ( (fruit_begin < i) || (fruit_begin == i) )
oss << *i << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "grape pear apple ") == 0 );
// Test comparisons
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::comparison_test
using std::cout;
using std::ptrdiff_t;
cout << "\tDoing comparison tests.\n\t\tPass:";
for ( iter_type i = fruit_begin ; i != fruit_end ; ++i )
ptrdiff_t const i_offset = i - fruit_begin;
cout << ' ' << *i << std::flush;
for ( iter_type j = fruit_begin ; j != fruit_end ; ++j )
ptrdiff_t const j_offset = j - fruit_begin;
BOOST_TEST( (i != j) == (i_offset != j_offset) );
BOOST_TEST( (i > j) == (i_offset > j_offset) );
BOOST_TEST( (i <= j) == (i_offset <= j_offset) );
BOOST_TEST( (i >= j) == (i_offset >= j_offset) );
cout << std::endl;
// Test indexing
template <typename T, typename R, typename P>
test_opr<T, R, P>::indexing_test
std::cout << "\tDoing indexing test." << std::endl;
std::ostrstream oss( scratch, scratch_length );
for ( std::size_t k = 0u ; k < fruit_length ; ++k )
oss << fruit_begin[ k ] << ' ';
oss << std::ends;
BOOST_TEST( std::strcmp(oss.str(), "apple orange pear peach grape plum ")
== 0 );