// boost/filesystem/path.hpp -----------------------------------------------//
// � Copyright Beman Dawes 2002-2003
// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See library home page at
#include <boost/filesystem/config.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/config/abi_prefix.hpp> // must be the last header
namespace boost
namespace filesystem
class directory_iterator;
// path -------------------------------------------------------------------//
typedef bool (*name_check)( const std::string & name );
// compiler generates copy constructor, copy assignment, and destructor
path( const std::string & src );
path( const char * src );
path( const std::string & src, name_check checker );
path( const char * src, name_check checker );
// append operations:
path & operator /=( const path & rhs );
path operator /( const path & rhs ) const
{ return path( *this ) /= rhs; }
// modification functions:
path & normalize();
// conversion functions:
const std::string & string() const { return m_path; }
std::string native_file_string() const;
std::string native_directory_string() const;
// decomposition functions:
path root_path() const;
std::string root_name() const;
std::string root_directory() const;
path relative_path() const;
std::string leaf() const;
path branch_path() const;
// query functions:
bool empty() const { return m_path.empty(); } // name consistent with std containers
bool is_complete() const;
bool has_root_path() const;
bool has_root_name() const;
bool has_root_directory() const;
bool has_relative_path() const;
bool has_leaf() const { return !m_path.empty(); }
bool has_branch_path() const;
// iteration over the names in the path:
class iterator : public boost::iterator_facade<
std::string const,
boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
friend class boost::filesystem::path;
reference dereference() const { return m_name; }
bool equal( const iterator & rhs ) const
{ return m_path_ptr == rhs.m_path_ptr && m_pos == rhs.m_pos; }
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL void increment();
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL void decrement();
std::string m_name; // cache current element.
const path * m_path_ptr; // path being iterated over.
std::string::size_type m_pos; // position of name in
// path_ptr->string(). The
// end() iterator is indicated by
// pos == path_ptr->string().size()
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const
iterator itr;
itr.m_path_ptr = this;
itr.m_pos = m_path.size();
return itr;
// default name_check mechanism:
static bool default_name_check_writable();
static void default_name_check( name_check new_check );
static name_check default_name_check();
// relational operators
bool operator<( const path & that ) const;
bool operator==( const path & that ) const { return !(*this < that) && !(that < *this); }
bool operator!=( const path & that ) const { return !(*this == that); }
bool operator>( const path & that ) const { return that < *this; }
bool operator<=( const path & that ) const { return !(that < *this); }
bool operator>=( const path & that ) const { return !(*this < that); }
// Note: This is an implementation for POSIX and Windows, where there
// are only minor differences between generic and system-specific
// constructor input formats. Private members might be quite different
// in other implementations, particularly where there were wide
// differences between generic and system-specific argument formats,
// or between native_file_string() and native_directory_string() formats.
std::string m_path;
friend class directory_iterator;
// Was qualified; como433beta8 reports:
// warning #427-D: qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
friend class iterator;
public: // should be private, but friend functions don't work for me
void m_path_append( const std::string & src, name_check checker );
void m_replace_leaf( const char * new_leaf );
// path non-member functions ---------------------------------------------//
inline path operator / ( const char * lhs, const path & rhs )
{ return path( lhs ) /= rhs; }
inline path operator / ( const std::string & lhs, const path & rhs )
{ return path( lhs ) /= rhs; }
// path::name_checks ---------------------------------------------------//
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_posix_name( const std::string & name );
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool windows_name( const std::string & name );
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_name( const std::string & name );
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_directory_name( const std::string & name );
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool portable_file_name( const std::string & name );
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool no_check( const std::string & name ); // always returns true
BOOST_FILESYSTEM_DECL bool native( const std::string & name );
// native(name) must return true for any name which MIGHT be valid
// on the native platform.
} // namespace filesystem
} // namespace boost
#include <boost/config/abi_suffix.hpp> // pops abi_suffix.hpp pragmas