...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
Using incomplete classes for implementation hiding
The "Pimpl" idiom
Using abstract classes for implementation hiding
Preventing delete px.get()
Using a shared_ptr
to hold a pointer to an array
Encapsulating allocation details, wrapping factory
Using a shared_ptr
to hold a pointer to a statically
allocated object
Using a shared_ptr
to hold a pointer to a COM object
Using a shared_ptr
to hold a pointer to an object
with an embedded reference count
Using a shared_ptr
to hold another shared
ownership smart pointer
Obtaining a shared_ptr
from a raw pointer
Obtaining a shared_ptr
to this
in a constructor
Obtaining a shared_ptr
to this
Using shared_ptr
as a smart counted handle
Using shared_ptr
to execute code on block
Using shared_ptr<void>
to hold an arbitrary
Associating arbitrary data with heterogeneous shared_ptr
Using shared_ptr
as a CopyConstructible mutex lock
Using shared_ptr
to wrap member function calls
Delayed deallocation
Weak pointers to objects not managed by a shared_ptr
A proven technique (that works in C, too) for separating interface from implementation is to use a pointer to an incomplete class as an opaque handle:
class FILE; FILE * fopen(char const * name, char const * mode); void fread(FILE * f, void * data, size_t size); void fclose(FILE * f);
It is possible to express the above interface using shared_ptr
eliminating the need to manually call fclose
class FILE; shared_ptr<FILE> fopen(char const * name, char const * mode); void fread(shared_ptr<FILE> f, void * data, size_t size);
This technique relies on shared_ptr
's ability to execute a custom
deleter, eliminating the explicit call to fclose
, and on the fact
that shared_ptr<X>
can be copied and destroyed when X
is incomplete.
A C++ specific variation of the incomplete class pattern is the "Pimpl" idiom.
The incomplete class is not exposed to the user; it is hidden behind a
forwarding facade. shared_ptr
can be used to implement a "Pimpl":
// file.hpp: class file { private: class impl; shared_ptr<impl> pimpl_; public: file(char const * name, char const * mode); // compiler generated members are fine and useful void read(void * data, size_t size); };
// file.cpp: #include "file.hpp" class file::impl { private: impl(impl const &); impl & operator=(impl const &); // private data public: impl(char const * name, char const * mode) { ... } ~impl() { ... } void read(void * data, size_t size) { ... } }; file::file(char const * name, char const * mode): pimpl_(new impl(name, mode)) { } void file::read(void * data, size_t size) { pimpl_->read(data, size); }
The key thing to note here is that the compiler-generated copy constructor,
assignment operator, and destructor all have a sensible meaning. As a result,
is CopyConstructible
and Assignable
allowing its use in standard containers.
Another widely used C++ idiom for separating inteface and implementation is to
use abstract base classes and factory functions. The abstract classes are
sometimes called "interfaces" and the pattern is known as "interface-based
programming". Again, shared_ptr
can be used as the return type of
the factory functions:
// X.hpp: class X { public: virtual void f() = 0; virtual void g() = 0; protected: ~X() {} }; shared_ptr<X> createX();
-- X.cpp: class X_impl: public X { private: X_impl(X_impl const &); X_impl & operator=(X_impl const &); public: virtual void f() { // ... } virtual void g() { // ... } }; shared_ptr<X> createX() { shared_ptr<X> px(new X_impl); return px; }
A key property of shared_ptr is that the allocation, construction, deallocation,
and destruction details are captured at the point of construction, inside the
factory function. Note the protected and nonvirtual destructor in the example
above. The client code cannot, and does not need to, delete a pointer to X
the shared_ptr<X>
instance returned from createX
will correctly call ~X_impl
delete px.get()
It is often desirable to prevent client code from deleting a pointer that is
being managed by shared_ptr
. The previous technique showed one
possible approach, using a protected destructor. Another alternative is to use
a private deleter:
class X { private: ~X(); class deleter; friend class deleter; class deleter { public: void operator()(X * p) { delete p; } }; public: static shared_ptr<X> create() { shared_ptr<X> px(new X, X::deleter()); return px; } };
to hold a pointer to an arrayA shared_ptr
can be used to hold a pointer to an array allocated
with new[]
shared_ptr<X> px(new X[1], checked_array_deleter<X>());
Note, however, that shared_array
often preferable, if this is an option. It has an array-specific interface,
without operator*
and operator->
, and does not
allow pointer conversions.
can be used in creating C++ wrappers over existing C
style library interfaces that return raw pointers from their factory functions
to encapsulate allocation details. As an example, consider this interface,
where CreateX
might allocate X
from its own private
heap, ~X
may be inaccessible, or X
may be incomplete:
X * CreateX(); void DestroyX(X *);
The only way to reliably destroy a pointer returned by CreateX
to call DestroyX
Here is how a shared_ptr
-based wrapper may look like:
shared_ptr<X> createX() { shared_ptr<X> px(CreateX(), DestroyX); return px; }
Client code that calls createX
still does not need to know how the
object has been allocated, but now the destruction is automatic.
to hold a pointer to a statically
allocated objectSometimes it is desirable to create a shared_ptr
to an already
existing object, so that the shared_ptr
does not attempt to
destroy the object when there are no more references left. As an example, the
factory function:
shared_ptr<X> createX();
in certain situations may need to return a pointer to a statically allocated X
The solution is to use a custom deleter that does nothing:
struct null_deleter { void operator()(void const *) const { } }; static X x; shared_ptr<X> createX() { shared_ptr<X> px(&x, null_deleter()); return px; }
The same technique works for any object known to outlive the pointer.
to hold a pointer to a COM ObjectBackground: COM objects have an embedded reference count and two member
functions that manipulate it. AddRef()
increments the count. Release()
decrements the count and destroys itself when the count drops to zero.
It is possible to hold a pointer to a COM object in a shared_ptr
shared_ptr<IWhatever> make_shared_from_COM(IWhatever * p) { p->AddRef(); shared_ptr<IWhatever> pw(p, mem_fn(&IWhatever::Release)); return pw; }
Note, however, that shared_ptr
copies created from pw
not "register" in the embedded count of the COM object; they will share the
single reference created in make_shared_from_COM
. Weak pointers
created from pw
will be invalidated when the last shared_ptr
is destroyed, regardless of whether the COM object itself is still alive.
As explained in the mem_fn
you need to #define
to hold a pointer to an object
with an embedded reference countThis is a generalization of the above technique. The example assumes that the
object implements the two functions required by intrusive_ptr
and intrusive_ptr_release
template<class T> struct intrusive_deleter { void operator()(T * p) { if(p) intrusive_ptr_release(p); } }; shared_ptr<X> make_shared_from_intrusive(X * p) { if(p) intrusive_ptr_add_ref(p); shared_ptr<X> px(p, intrusive_deleter<X>()); return px; }
to hold another shared
ownership smart pointerOne of the design goals of shared_ptr
is to be used in library
interfaces. It is possible to encounter a situation where a library takes a shared_ptr
argument, but the object at hand is being managed by a different reference
counted or linked smart pointer.
It is possible to exploit shared_ptr
's custom deleter feature to
wrap this existing smart pointer behind a shared_ptr
template<class P> struct smart_pointer_deleter { private: P p_; public: smart_pointer_deleter(P const & p): p_(p) { } void operator()(void const *) { p_.reset(); } P const & get() const { return p_; } }; shared_ptr<X> make_shared_from_another(another_ptr<X> qx) { shared_ptr<X> px(qx.get(), smart_pointer_deleter< another_ptr<X> >(qx)); return px; }
One subtle point is that deleters are not allowed to throw exceptions, and the
above example as written assumes that p_.reset()
doesn't throw. If
this is not the case, p_.reset()
should be wrapped in a try {}
catch(...) {}
block that ignores exceptions. In the (usually
unlikely) event when an exception is thrown and ignored, p_
be released when the lifetime of the deleter ends. This happens when all
references, including weak pointers, are destroyed or reset.
Another twist is that it is possible, given the above shared_ptr
to recover the original smart pointer, using
void extract_another_from_shared(shared_ptr<X> px) { typedef smart_pointer_deleter< another_ptr<X> > deleter; if(deleter const * pd = get_deleter<deleter>(px)) { another_ptr<X> qx = pd->get(); } else { // not one of ours } }
from a raw pointerSometimes it is necessary to obtain a shared_ptr
given a raw
pointer to an object that is already managed by another shared_ptr
instance. Example:
void f(X * p) { shared_ptr<X> px(???); }
Inside f
, we'd like to create a shared_ptr
to *p
In the general case, this problem has no solution. One approach is to modify f
to take a shared_ptr
, if possible:
void f(shared_ptr<X> px);
The same transformation can be used for nonvirtual member functions, to convert
the implicit this
void X::f(int m);
would become a free function with a shared_ptr
first argument:
void f(shared_ptr<X> this_, int m);
If f
cannot be changed, but X
uses intrusive counting,
use make_shared_from_intrusive
above. Or, if it's known that the shared_ptr
created in f
will never outlive the object, use a null deleter.
to this
in a constructorSome designs require objects to register themselves on construction with a central authority. When the registration routines take a shared_ptr, this leads to the question how could a constructor obtain a shared_ptr to this:
class X { public: X() { shared_ptr<X> this_(???); } };
In the general case, the problem cannot be solved. The X
being constructed can be an automatic variable or a static variable; it can be
created on the heap:
shared_ptr<X> px(new X);
but at construction time, px
does not exist yet, and it is
impossible to create another shared_ptr
instance that shares
ownership with it.
Depending on context, if the inner shared_ptr
need to keep the object alive, use a null_deleter
as explained
here and here. If X
supposed to always live on the heap, and be managed by a shared_ptr
use a static factory function:
class X { private: X() { ... } public: static shared_ptr<X> create() { shared_ptr<X> px(new X); // use px as 'this_' return px; } };
to this
Sometimes it is needed to obtain a shared_ptr
from this
in a virtual member function under the assumption that this
already managed by a shared_ptr
. The transformations
described in the previous technique cannot be applied.
A typical example:
class X { public: virtual void f() = 0; protected: ~X() {} }; class Y { public: virtual shared_ptr<X> getX() = 0; protected: ~Y() {} }; // -- class impl: public X, public Y { public: impl() { ... } virtual void f() { ... } virtual shared_ptr<X> getX() { shared_ptr<X> px(???); return px; } };
The solution is to keep a weak pointer to this
as a member in impl
class impl: public X, public Y { private: weak_ptr<impl> weak_this; impl(impl const &); impl & operator=(impl const &); impl() { ... } public: static shared_ptr<impl> create() { shared_ptr<impl> pi(new impl); pi->weak_this = pi; return pi; } virtual void f() { ... } virtual shared_ptr<X> getX() { shared_ptr<X> px(weak_this); return px; } };
The library now includes a helper class template
that can be used to encapsulate the
class impl: public X, public Y, public enable_shared_from_this<impl> { public: impl(impl const &); impl & operator=(impl const &); public: virtual void f() { ... } virtual shared_ptr<X> getX() { return shared_from_this(); } }
as a smart counted handleSome library interfaces use opaque handles, a variation of the incomplete class technique described above. An example:
typedef void * HANDLE; HANDLE CreateProcess(); void CloseHandle(HANDLE);
Instead of a raw pointer, it is possible to use shared_ptr
as the
handle and get reference counting and automatic resource management for free:
typedef shared_ptr<void> handle; handle createProcess() { shared_ptr<void> pv(CreateProcess(), CloseHandle); return pv; }
to execute code on block exitshared_ptr<void>
can automatically execute cleanup code when
control leaves a scope.
, where p
is a pointer:shared_ptr<void> guard(p, f);
f(x, y)
:shared_ptr<void> guard(static_cast<void*>(0), bind(f, x, y));
For a more thorough treatment, see the article "Simplify Your Exception-Safe Code" by Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean, available online at http://www.cuj.com/experts/1812/alexandr.htm?topic=experts.
to hold an arbitrary
can act as a generic object pointer similar
to void*
. When a shared_ptr<void>
constructed as:
shared_ptr<void> pv(new X);
is destroyed, it will correctly dispose of the X
object by
executing ~X
This propery can be used in much the same manner as a raw void*
used to temporarily strip type information from an object pointer. A shared_ptr<void>
can later be cast back to the correct type by using
and weak_ptr
support operator<
comparisons required by standard associative containers such as std::map
This can be used to non-intrusively associate arbitrary data with objects
managed by shared_ptr
typedef int Data; std::map< shared_ptr<void>, Data > userData; // or std::map< weak_ptr<void>, Data > userData; to not affect the lifetime shared_ptr<X> px(new X); shared_ptr<int> pi(new int(3)); userData[px] = 42; userData[pi] = 91;
as a CopyConstructible mutex lockSometimes it's necessary to return a mutex lock from a function, and a
noncopyable lock cannot be returned by value. It is possible to use shared_ptr
as a mutex lock:
class mutex { public: void lock(); void unlock(); }; shared_ptr<mutex> lock(mutex & m) { m.lock(); return shared_ptr<mutex>(&m, mem_fn(&mutex::unlock)); }
Better yet, the shared_ptr
instance acting as a lock can be
encapsulated in a dedicated shared_lock
class shared_lock { private: shared_ptr<void> pv; public: template<class Mutex> explicit shared_lock(Mutex & m): pv((m.lock(), &m), mem_fn(&Mutex::unlock)) {} };
can now be used as:
shared_lock lock(m);
Note that shared_lock
is not templated on the mutex type, thanks to
's ability to hide type information.
to wrap member function callsshared_ptr
implements the ownership semantics required from the Wrap
scheme described in Bjarne Stroustrup's article "Wrapping C++ Member Function
Calls" (available online at http://www.research.att.com/~bs/wrapper.pdf).
An implementation is given below:
template<class T> class pointer { private: T * p_; public: explicit pointer(T * p): p_(p) { } shared_ptr<T> operator->() const { p_->prefix(); return shared_ptr<T>(p_, mem_fn(&T::suffix)); } }; class X { private: void prefix(); void suffix(); friend class pointer<X>; public: void f(); void g(); }; int main() { X x; pointer<X> px(&x); px->f(); px->g(); }
In some situations, a single px.reset()
can trigger an expensive
deallocation in a performance-critical region:
class X; // ~X is expensive class Y { shared_ptr<X> px; public: void f() { px.reset(); } };
The solution is to postpone the potential deallocation by moving px
to a dedicated free list that can be periodically emptied when performance and
response times are not an issue:
vector< shared_ptr<void> > free_list; class Y { shared_ptr<X> px; public: void f() { free_list.push_back(px); px.reset(); } }; // periodically invoke free_list.clear() when convenient
Another variation is to move the free list logic to the construction point by using a delayed deleter:
struct delayed_deleter { template<class T> void operator()(T * p) { try { shared_ptr<void> pv(p); free_list.push_back(pv); } catch(...) { } } };
Make the object hold a shared_ptr
to itself, using a null_deleter
class X { private: shared_ptr<X> this_; int i_; public: explicit X(int i): this_(this, null_deleter()), i_(i) { } // repeat in all constructors (including the copy constructor!) X(X const & rhs): this_(this, null_deleter()), i_(rhs.i_) { } // do not forget to not assign this_ in the copy assignment X & operator=(X const & rhs) { i_ = rhs.i_; } weak_ptr<X> get_weak_ptr() const { return this_; } };
When the object's lifetime ends, X::this_
will be destroyed, and
all weak pointers will automatically expire.
$Date: 2005/01/13 13:45:59 $
Copyright © 2003 Peter Dimov. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.