...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
The header <boost/throw_exception.hpp> defines the helper function boost::throw_exception. It is intended to be used in Boost libraries that need to throw exceptions, but support configurations and platforms where exceptions aren't available, as indicated by the presence of the BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS configuration macro.
When BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS is not defined, boost::throw_exception(e) is equivalent to throw e. Otherwise, the function is left undefined, and the user is expected to supply an appropriate definition. Callers of throw_exception are allowed to assume that the function never returns; therefore, if the user-defined throw_exception returns, the behavior is undefined.
namespace boost { #ifdef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS void throw_exception(std::exception const & e); // user defined #else template<class E> void throw_exception(E const & e) { throw e; } #endif }
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