Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of boost. Click here for the latest Boost documentation.


/// \file op_base.hpp
/// Contains definitions of unary_op\<\>, binary_op\<\> and nary_op\<\>,
/// as well as the is_op\<\> and the make_op() helper function.
//  Copyright 2004 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
//  Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#ifndef BOOST_PROTO_OP_BASE_HPP_EAN_04_01_2005
#define BOOST_PROTO_OP_BASE_HPP_EAN_04_01_2005

#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/or.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/intercept.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing_params.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing_binary_params.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat_from_to.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/fusion/sequence/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/xpressive/proto/proto_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/xpressive/proto/arg_traits.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace proto

    // op_root
    struct op_root

    // is_proxy
    template<typename T>
    struct is_proxy
      : mpl::false_

    template<typename Op, typename Param>
    struct is_proxy<op_proxy<Op, Param> >
      : mpl::true_

    // is_op
    template<typename T>
    struct is_op
      : mpl::or_<is_proxy<T>, is_base_and_derived<op_root, T> >

    // as_op
    template<typename Op>
    struct as_op<Op, true>
        typedef typename Op::type type;

        static typename Op::const_reference make(Op const &op)
            return op.cast();

    template<typename T>
    struct as_op<T, false>
        typedef unary_op<T, noop_tag> type;

        static type const make(T const &t)
            return noop(t);

// These operators must be members.
#define BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_MEMBER_OPS()                                                         \
    template<typename Arg>                                                                      \
    binary_op<Op, typename as_op<Arg>::type, assign_tag> const                                  \
    operator =(Arg const &arg) const                                                            \
    {                                                                                           \
        return make_op<assign_tag>(this->cast(), as_op<Arg>::make(arg));                        \
    }                                                                                           \
    template<typename Arg>                                                                      \
    binary_op<Op, typename as_op<Arg>::type, subscript_tag> const                               \
    operator [](Arg const &arg) const                                                           \
    {                                                                                           \
        return make_op<subscript_tag>(this->cast(), as_op<Arg>::make(arg));                     \
    }                                                                                           \
    nary_op<Op> operator ()() const                                                             \
    {                                                                                           \
        return nary_op<Op>(this->cast());                                                       \
    }                                                                                           \

#define BOOST_PROTO_FUN_OP(z, n, _)                                                             \
    template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, typename A)>                                          \
    nary_op<Op BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS_Z(z, n, A)>                                        \
    operator ()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS_Z(z, n, A, const &a)) const                         \
    {                                                                                           \
        return nary_op<Op BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS_Z(z, n, A)>                             \
            (this->cast() BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS_Z(z, n, a));                            \

    // op_base
    template<typename Op>
    struct op_base : op_root
        typedef Op type;
        typedef type const &const_reference;

        Op &cast()
            return *static_cast<Op *>(this);

        Op const &cast() const
            return *static_cast<Op const *>(this);


    // unary_op
    template<typename Arg, typename Tag>
    struct unary_op : op_base<unary_op<Arg, Tag> >
        typedef typename value_type<Arg>::type arg_type;
        typedef Tag tag_type;

        arg_type arg;

          : arg()

        explicit unary_op(typename call_traits<Arg>::param_type arg_)
          : arg(arg_)

        using op_base<unary_op<Arg, Tag> >::operator =;

    // binary_op
    template<typename Left, typename Right, typename Tag>
    struct binary_op : op_base<binary_op<Left, Right, Tag> >
        typedef typename value_type<Left>::type left_type;
        typedef typename value_type<Right>::type right_type;
        typedef Tag tag_type;

        left_type left;
        right_type right;

          : left()
          , right()

            typename call_traits<Left>::param_type left_
          , typename call_traits<Right>::param_type right_)
          : left(left_)
          , right(right_)

        using op_base<binary_op<Left, Right, Tag> >::operator =;

    // nary_op
    template<typename Fun, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, typename A)>
    struct nary_op
      : op_base<nary_op<Fun, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, A)> >
        typedef function_tag tag_type;
        typedef Fun functor_type;
        typedef fusion::tuple<
                BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, typename value_type<A, >::type BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)
        > args_type;

        functor_type functor;
        args_type args;

          : functor()
          , args()

    #define BOOST_PROTO_NARY_OP_CTOR(z, n, _)                                                   \
        nary_op(                                                                                \
            typename call_traits<Fun>::param_type fun                                           \
            BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_BINARY_PARAMS_Z(z, n, typename call_traits<A, >::param_type a))\
          : functor(fun)                                                                        \
          , args(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(z, n, a))                                               \



        using op_base<nary_op<Fun, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, A)> >::operator =;

    // op_proxy
    template<typename Op, typename Param>
    struct op_proxy
        typedef Op type;
        typedef type const const_reference;
        Param param_;

        Op const cast() const
            return Op(this->param_);

        operator Op const() const
            return this->cast();


    template<typename Op>
    struct op_proxy<Op, void>
        typedef Op type;
        typedef type const const_reference;

        Op const cast() const
            return Op();

        operator Op const() const
            return this->cast();


    // make_op
    template<typename Op, typename Arg>
    unary_op<Arg, Op> const
    make_op(Arg const &arg)
        return unary_op<Arg, Op>(arg);

    // make_op
    template<typename Op, typename Left, typename Right>
    binary_op<Left, Right, Op> const
    make_op(Left const &left, Right const &right)
        return binary_op<Left, Right, Op>(left, right);

