Boost.Test > Examples > unit_test_example2
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The Unit Test Framework example 2

Rationale: to demonstrate
  • an ability to construct multi-test case test suites
  • an ability of the Unit Test Framework to catch system level errors like floating point exceptions or dead loop
  • usage of BOOST_CHECKPOINT test tool to mark exception risky places
Input: This example does not require any input
Output: The output depends on whether or not your system support setting test case timeout. For Win32 it will look like this:
Running 2 test case...
Exception in "force_division_by_zero": integer divide by zero
.../unit_test_example2.cpp(16) : last checkpoint: About to force division by zero!

*** errors detected in test suite "Unit test example 2"; see standard output for details
Source: unit_test_example2.cpp