Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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    Copyright 2005-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
    Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

    See for most recent version including documentation.


/// \file               
/// \brief pixel step iterator, pixel image iterator and pixel dereference iterator
/// \author Lubomir Bourdev and Hailin Jin \n
///         Adobe Systems Incorporated
/// \date   2005-2007 \n Last updated on September 18, 2007

#include <cassert>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include "gil_concept.hpp"
#include "gil_config.hpp"
#include "pixel_iterator.hpp"
#include "locator.hpp"

namespace boost { namespace gil {

///                 ITERATOR FROM 2D ADAPTOR

/// \defgroup PixelIteratorModelFromLocator iterator_from_2d
/// \ingroup PixelIteratorModel
/// \brief An iterator over two-dimensional locator. Useful for iterating over the pixels of an image view. Models PixelIteratorConcept, PixelBasedConcept, HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept

/// \ingroup PixelIteratorModelFromLocator PixelBasedModel
/// \brief Provides 1D random-access navigation to the pixels of the image. Models: PixelIteratorConcept, PixelBasedConcept, HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept
/// Pixels are traversed from the top to the bottom row and from the left to the right 
/// within each row

template <typename Loc2>    // Models PixelLocatorConcept
class iterator_from_2d : public iterator_facade<iterator_from_2d<Loc2>,
                                                typename Loc2::value_type,
                                                typename Loc2::reference,
                                                typename Loc2::coord_t> {
    GIL_CLASS_REQUIRE(Loc2, boost::gil, PixelLocatorConcept)
    typedef iterator_facade<iterator_from_2d<Loc2>,
                            typename Loc2::value_type,
                            typename Loc2::reference,
                            typename Loc2::coord_t> parent_t;
    typedef typename parent_t::reference       reference;
    typedef typename parent_t::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename Loc2::x_iterator          x_iterator;
    typedef typename Loc2::point_t             point_t;

    std::ptrdiff_t width()         const { return _width; }            // number of pixels per image row
    std::ptrdiff_t x_pos()         const { return _coords.x; }         // current x position
    std::ptrdiff_t y_pos()         const { return _coords.y; }         // current y position

    /// For some reason operator[] provided by iterator_adaptor returns a custom class that is convertible to reference
    /// We require our own reference because it is registered in iterator_traits
    reference operator[](difference_type d) const { return *(*this+d); }

    bool            is_1d_traversable() const { return _p.is_1d_traversable(width()); }   // is there no gap at the end of each row?
    x_iterator&     x()                   { return _p.x(); }

    iterator_from_2d(const Loc2& p, std::ptrdiff_t width, std::ptrdiff_t x=0, std::ptrdiff_t y=0) : _coords(x,y), _width(width), _p(p) {}
    iterator_from_2d(const iterator_from_2d& pit) : _coords(pit._coords), _width(pit._width), _p(pit._p) {}
    template <typename Loc> iterator_from_2d(const iterator_from_2d<Loc>& pit) : _coords(pit._coords), _width(pit._width), _p(pit._p) {}

    template <typename Loc> friend class iterator_from_2d;
    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
    reference dereference() const { return *_p; }
    void increment() {
        if (_coords.x>=_width) {
    void decrement() {
        if (_coords.x<0) {

    GIL_FORCEINLINE void advance(difference_type d) {  
        if (_width==0) return;  // unfortunately we need to check for that. Default-constructed images have width of 0 and the code below will throw if executed.
        point_t delta;
        if (_coords.x+d>=0) {  // not going back to a previous row?
            delta.x=(_coords.x+(std::ptrdiff_t)d)%_width - _coords.x;
        } else {
            delta.x=(_coords.x+(std::ptrdiff_t)d*(1-_width))%_width -_coords.x;

    difference_type distance_to(const iterator_from_2d& it) const { 
        if (_width==0) return 0;
        return (it.y_pos()-_coords.y)*_width + (it.x_pos()-_coords.x);

    bool equal(const iterator_from_2d& it) const {
        assert(_width==it.width());     // they must belong to the same image
        return _coords==it._coords && _p==it._p;

    point2<std::ptrdiff_t> _coords;
    std::ptrdiff_t _width;
    Loc2 _p;

template <typename Loc> // Models PixelLocatorConcept
struct const_iterator_type<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > {
    typedef iterator_from_2d<typename Loc::const_t> type;

template <typename Loc> // Models PixelLocatorConcept
struct iterator_is_mutable<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > : public iterator_is_mutable<typename Loc::x_iterator> {};

//  HasDynamicXStepTypeConcept

template <typename Loc>
struct dynamic_x_step_type<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > {
    typedef iterator_from_2d<typename dynamic_x_step_type<Loc>::type>  type;

//  PixelBasedConcept

template <typename Loc> // Models PixelLocatorConcept
struct color_space_type<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > : public color_space_type<Loc> {};

template <typename Loc> // Models PixelLocatorConcept
struct channel_mapping_type<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > : public channel_mapping_type<Loc> {};

template <typename Loc> // Models PixelLocatorConcept
struct is_planar<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > : public is_planar<Loc> {};

template <typename Loc> // Models PixelLocatorConcept
struct channel_type<iterator_from_2d<Loc> > : public channel_type<Loc> {};

} }  // namespace boost::gil
