Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of boost. Click here for the latest Boost documentation.


    /// \file matches.hpp
    /// Contains definition of matches\<\> metafunction for determining if
    /// a given expression matches a given pattern.
    //  Copyright 2007 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
    //  Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
    //  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

    #ifndef BOOST_PROTO_MATCHES_HPP_EAN_11_03_2006
    #define BOOST_PROTO_MATCHES_HPP_EAN_11_03_2006

    #include <boost/xpressive/proto/detail/prefix.hpp> // must be first include
    #include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/sub.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/intercept.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_shifted.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_shifted_params.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing_params.hpp>
    #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params_with_a_default.hpp>
    #include <boost/config.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/logical.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/apply.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/aux_/template_arity.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/aux_/lambda_arity_param.hpp>
    #include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
    #include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
    #include <boost/type_traits/is_reference.hpp>
    #include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
    #include <boost/xpressive/proto/proto_fwd.hpp>
    #include <boost/xpressive/proto/traits.hpp>
    #include <boost/xpressive/proto/detail/suffix.hpp> // must be last include

    // Some compilers (like GCC) need extra help figuring out a template's arity.
    // I use MPL's BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_ARITY_PARAM() macro to disambiguate, which
    // which is controlled by the BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_METAFUNCTION_ARITY macro. If
    // You define BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY to be greater than 
    // BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_METAFUNCTION_ARITY on these compilers, things don't work.
    // You must define BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_METAFUNCTION_ARITY to be greater.
    #  error BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_METAFUNCTION_ARITY must be at least as large as BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY
    # endif

    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
    # pragma warning(push)
    # pragma warning(disable:4305) // 'specialization' : truncation from 'const int' to 'bool'

    namespace boost { namespace proto

        namespace detail
            struct _;

            template<typename Expr, typename Grammar>
            struct matches_impl;

            // and_ and or_ implementation
            template<bool B, typename Expr, typename G0>
            struct or1
              : mpl::bool_<B>
                typedef G0 which;

            template<bool B>
            struct and1
              : mpl::bool_<B>

            template<bool B, typename Pred>
            struct and2;

            template<typename And>
            struct last;

            template<typename T, typename U
                BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_ARITY_PARAM(long Arity = mpl::aux::template_arity<U>::value)
            struct lambda_matches
              : mpl::false_

            template<typename T>
            struct lambda_matches<T, proto::_ BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_ARITY_PARAM(-1)>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T>
            struct lambda_matches<T, T BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_ARITY_PARAM(-1)>
              : mpl::true_

            template<template<typename> class T, typename Expr0, typename Grammar0>
            struct lambda_matches<T<Expr0>, T<Grammar0> BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_ARITY_PARAM(1) >
              : lambda_matches<Expr0, Grammar0>

            // vararg_matches_impl
            template<typename Args1, typename Back, long From, long To>
            struct vararg_matches_impl;

            // vararg_matches
            template<typename Args1, typename Args2, typename Back, bool Can, bool Zero, typename EnableIf = void>
            struct vararg_matches
              : mpl::false_

            template<typename Args1, typename Args2, typename Back>
            struct vararg_matches<Args1, Args2, Back, true, true, typename Back::proto_is_vararg_>
              : matches_impl<expr<_, Args1, Args1::size>, expr<_, Args2, Args1::size> >

            template<typename Args1, typename Args2, typename Back>
            struct vararg_matches<Args1, Args2, Back, true, false, typename Back::proto_is_vararg_>
              : and2<
                    matches_impl<expr<_, Args1, Args2::size>, expr<_, Args2, Args2::size> >::value
                  , vararg_matches_impl<Args1, typename Back::proto_base_expr, Args2::size + 1, Args1::size>

            // How terminal_matches<> handles references and cv-qualifiers.
            // The cv and ref_ matter *only* if the grammar has a top-level ref_.
            // Expr     |   Grammar  |  Match
            // ------------------------------
            // T            T           yes
            // T &          T           yes
            // T const &    T           yes
            // T            T &         no
            // T &          T &         yes
            // T const &    T &         no
            // T            T const &   no
            // T &          T const &   no
            // T const &    T const &   yes

            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct is_cv_ref_compatible
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct is_cv_ref_compatible<T, U &>
              : mpl::false_

            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct is_cv_ref_compatible<T &, U &>
              : mpl::bool_<is_const<T>::value == is_const<U>::value>

        #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, == 1310)
            // MSVC-7.1 has lots of problems with array types that have been
            // deduced. Partially specializing terminal_matches<> on array types
            // doesn't seem to work.
                typename T
              , typename U
              , bool B = is_array<typename remove_cv_ref<T>::type>::value
            struct terminal_array_matches
              : mpl::false_

            template<typename T, typename U, std::size_t M>
            struct terminal_array_matches<T, U(&)[M], true>
              : is_convertible<T, U(&)[M]>

            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct terminal_array_matches<T, U(&)[proto::N], true>
              : is_convertible<T, U *>

            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct terminal_array_matches<T, U *, true>
              : is_convertible<T, U *>

            // terminal_matches
            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct terminal_matches
              : mpl::or_<
                        is_cv_ref_compatible<T, U>
                      , lambda_matches<
                            typename remove_cv_ref<T>::type
                          , typename remove_cv_ref<U>::type
                  , terminal_array_matches<T, U>
            // terminal_matches
            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct terminal_matches
              : mpl::and_<
                    is_cv_ref_compatible<T, U>
                  , lambda_matches<
                        typename remove_cv_ref<T>::type
                      , typename remove_cv_ref<U>::type

            template<typename T, std::size_t M>
            struct terminal_matches<T(&)[M], T(&)[proto::N]>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T, std::size_t M>
            struct terminal_matches<T(&)[M], T *>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T>
            struct terminal_matches<T, T>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T>
            struct terminal_matches<T &, T>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T>
            struct terminal_matches<T const &, T>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T>
            struct terminal_matches<T, proto::_>
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T>
            struct terminal_matches<T, exact<T> >
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename T, typename U>
            struct terminal_matches<T, proto::convertible_to<U> >
              : is_convertible<T, U>

            // matches_impl
            template<typename Expr, typename Grammar>
            struct matches_impl
              : mpl::false_

            template<typename Expr>
            struct matches_impl< Expr, proto::_ >
              : mpl::true_

            template<typename Tag, typename Args1, long N1, typename Args2, long N2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<Tag, Args1, N1>, expr<Tag, Args2, N2> >
              : vararg_matches< Args1, Args2, typename Args2::back_, (N1+2 > N2), (N2 > N1) >

            template<typename Tag, typename Args1, long N1, typename Args2, long N2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<Tag, Args1, N1>, expr<proto::_, Args2, N2> >
              : vararg_matches< Args1, Args2, typename Args2::back_, (N1+2 > N2), (N2 > N1) >

            template<typename Args1, typename Args2, long N2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<tag::terminal, Args1, 0>, expr<proto::_, Args2, N2> >
              : mpl::false_

            template<typename Tag, typename Args1, typename Args2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<Tag, Args1, 1>, expr<Tag, Args2, 1> >
              : matches_impl<typename Args1::arg0::proto_base_expr, typename Args2::arg0::proto_base_expr>

            template<typename Tag, typename Args1, typename Args2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<Tag, Args1, 1>, expr<proto::_, Args2, 1> >
              : matches_impl<typename Args1::arg0::proto_base_expr, typename Args2::arg0::proto_base_expr>

            template<typename Args1, typename Args2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<tag::terminal, Args1, 0>, expr<tag::terminal, Args2, 0> >
              : terminal_matches<typename Args1::arg0, typename Args2::arg0>

        #define BOOST_PROTO_MATCHES_N_FUN(z, n, data)\
                typename Args1::BOOST_PP_CAT(arg, n)::proto_base_expr\
              , typename Args2::BOOST_PP_CAT(arg, n)::proto_base_expr\

        #define BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_MATCHES(z, n, data)\
                typename Expr::proto_base_expr\
              , typename BOOST_PP_CAT(G, n)::proto_base_expr\

        #define BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_LAMBDA_MATCHES(z, n, data)\
                BOOST_PP_CAT(Expr, n)\
              , BOOST_PP_CAT(Grammar, n)\

            #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 (4, (2, BOOST_PROTO_MAX_LOGICAL_ARITY, <boost/xpressive/proto/matches.hpp>, 1))
            #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 (4, (2, BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, <boost/xpressive/proto/matches.hpp>, 1))
        #include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()

        #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 (4, (2, BOOST_PROTO_MAX_ARITY, <boost/xpressive/proto/matches.hpp>, 2))
        #include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()


            // handle proto::if_
            template<typename Expr, typename Condition>
            struct matches_impl<Expr, if_<Condition> >
              : mpl::apply1<Condition, Expr>::type

            // handle proto::not_
            template<typename Expr, typename Grammar>
            struct matches_impl<Expr, not_<Grammar> >
              : mpl::not_<matches_impl<Expr, typename Grammar::proto_base_expr> >

            // handle proto::switch_
            template<typename Expr, typename Cases>
            struct matches_impl<Expr, switch_<Cases> >
              : matches_impl<
                  , typename Cases::template case_<typename Expr::proto_tag>::proto_base_expr

        namespace result_of
            template<typename Expr, typename Grammar>
            struct matches
              : detail::matches_impl<typename Expr::proto_base_expr, typename Grammar::proto_base_expr>

        namespace wildcardns_
            struct _
              : has_identity_transform
                typedef _ proto_base_expr;
                typedef void proto_is_wildcard_;

            template<typename T>
            transform::detail::yes_type is_wildcard_expression_fun(T const *);

        namespace control
            // not_
            template<typename Grammar>
            struct not_
              : has_identity_transform
                typedef not_ proto_base_expr;

            // if_
            template<typename Condition, typename Then, typename Else>
            struct if_
              : or_<
                    and_<if_<Condition>, Then>
                  , and_<not_<if_<Condition> >, Else>

            template<typename Condition, typename Then>
            struct if_<Condition, Then, void>
              : and_<if_<Condition>, Then>

            template<typename Condition>
            struct if_<Condition, void, void>
              : has_identity_transform
                typedef if_ proto_base_expr;

            // or_
            struct or_
                typedef or_ proto_base_expr;

                template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Visitor>
                struct apply
                    typedef typename detail::matches_impl<Expr, or_>::which which;
                    typedef typename which::template apply<Expr, State, Visitor>::type type;

                template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Visitor>
                static typename apply<Expr, State, Visitor>::type
                call(Expr const &expr, State const &state, Visitor &visitor)
                    typedef typename detail::matches_impl<Expr, or_>::which which;
                    return which::call(expr, state, visitor);

            // and_
            struct and_
                typedef and_ proto_base_expr;

                template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Visitor>
                struct apply
                    typedef typename detail::last<and_>::type which;
                    typedef typename which::template apply<Expr, State, Visitor>::type type;

                template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Visitor>
                static typename apply<Expr, State, Visitor>::type
                call(Expr const &expr, State const &state, Visitor &visitor)
                    typedef typename detail::last<and_>::type which;
                    return which::call(expr, state, visitor);

            // switch_
            template<typename Cases>
            struct switch_
                typedef switch_ proto_base_expr;

                template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Visitor>
                struct apply
                  : Cases::template case_<typename Expr::proto_tag>::template apply<Expr, State, Visitor>

                template<typename Expr, typename State, typename Visitor>
                static typename apply<Expr, State, Visitor>::type
                call(Expr const &expr, State const &state, Visitor &visitor)
                    return Cases::template case_<typename Expr::proto_tag>::call(expr, state, visitor);

            template<typename T>
            struct exact

            template<typename T>
            struct convertible_to

            template<typename Grammar>
            struct vararg
              : Grammar
                typedef void proto_is_vararg_;

    #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
    # pragma warning(pop)



    #define N BOOST_PP_ITERATION()

            template<bool B, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_DEC(N), typename P)>
            struct BOOST_PP_CAT(and, N)
              : BOOST_PP_CAT(and, BOOST_PP_DEC(N))<
                    P0::value BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(BOOST_PP_SUB(N,2))

            template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_DEC(N), typename P)>
            struct BOOST_PP_CAT(and, N)<false, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_DEC(N), P)>
              : mpl::false_

            template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, typename G)>
            struct last<proto::and_<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, G)> >
                typedef BOOST_PP_CAT(G, BOOST_PP_DEC(N)) type;

            template<bool B, typename Expr, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, typename G)>
            struct BOOST_PP_CAT(or, N)
              : BOOST_PP_CAT(or, BOOST_PP_DEC(N))<
                    matches_impl<Expr, typename G1::proto_base_expr>::value
                  , Expr, BOOST_PP_ENUM_SHIFTED_PARAMS(N, G)

            template<typename Expr BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename G)>
            struct BOOST_PP_CAT(or, N)<true, Expr, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, G)>
              : mpl::true_
                typedef G0 which;

            // handle proto::or_
            template<typename Expr, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, typename G)>
            struct matches_impl<Expr, proto::or_<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, G)> >
              : BOOST_PP_CAT(or, N)<
                    matches_impl<typename Expr::proto_base_expr, typename G0::proto_base_expr>::value,
                    typename Expr::proto_base_expr, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, G)

            // handle proto::and_
            template<typename Expr, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, typename G)>
            struct matches_impl<Expr, proto::and_<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, G)> >
              : detail::BOOST_PP_CAT(and, N)<
                    BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_MATCHES(~, 0, ~)::value,

    #undef N


    #define N BOOST_PP_ITERATION()

            template<typename Args, typename Back, long To>
            struct vararg_matches_impl<Args, Back, N, To>
              : and2<
                    matches_impl<typename Args::BOOST_PP_CAT(arg, BOOST_PP_DEC(N))::proto_base_expr, Back>::value
                  , vararg_matches_impl<Args, Back, N + 1, To>

            template<typename Args, typename Back>
            struct vararg_matches_impl<Args, Back, N, N>
              : matches_impl<typename Args::BOOST_PP_CAT(arg, BOOST_PP_DEC(N))::proto_base_expr, Back>

                template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, typename BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)> class T
                BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename Expr)
                BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename Grammar)
            struct lambda_matches<T<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, Expr)>, T<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, Grammar)> BOOST_MPL_AUX_LAMBDA_ARITY_PARAM(N) >
              : BOOST_PP_CAT(and, N)<
                    BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_LAMBDA_MATCHES(~, 0, ~)::value,

            template<typename Tag, typename Args1, typename Args2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<Tag, Args1, N>, expr<Tag, Args2, N> >
              : BOOST_PP_CAT(and, N)<
                    BOOST_PROTO_MATCHES_N_FUN(~, 0, ~)::value,

            template<typename Tag, typename Args1, typename Args2>
            struct matches_impl< expr<Tag, Args1, N>, expr<proto::_, Args2, N> >
              : BOOST_PP_CAT(and, N)<
                    BOOST_PROTO_MATCHES_N_FUN(~, 0, ~)::value,

    #undef N
