...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
template<typename T, class... Options> class unordered_multiset { public: // types typedef implementation_defined::value_type value_type; typedef implementation_defined::value_traits value_traits; typedef implementation_defined::bucket_traits bucket_traits; typedef implementation_defined::pointer pointer; typedef implementation_defined::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef implementation_defined::reference reference; typedef implementation_defined::const_reference const_reference; typedef implementation_defined::difference_type difference_type; typedef implementation_defined::size_type size_type; typedef implementation_defined::key_type key_type; typedef implementation_defined::key_equal key_equal; typedef implementation_defined::hasher hasher; typedef implementation_defined::bucket_type bucket_type; typedef implementation_defined::bucket_ptr bucket_ptr; typedef implementation_defined::iterator iterator; typedef implementation_defined::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef implementation_defined::insert_commit_data insert_commit_data; typedef implementation_defined::local_iterator local_iterator; typedef implementation_defined::const_local_iterator const_local_iterator; typedef implementation_defined::node_traits node_traits; typedef implementation_defined::node node; typedef implementation_defined::node_ptr node_ptr; typedef implementation_defined::const_node_ptr const_node_ptr; typedef implementation_defined::node_algorithms node_algorithms; // construct/copy/destruct unordered_multiset(const unordered_multiset &); unordered_multiset(const bucket_traits &, const hasher & = hasher(), const key_equal & = key_equal(), const value_traits & = value_traits()); template<typename Iterator> unordered_multiset(Iterator, Iterator, const bucket_traits &, const hasher & = hasher(), const key_equal & = key_equal(), const value_traits & = value_traits()); unordered_multiset& operator=(const unordered_multiset &); ~unordered_multiset(); // public member functions iterator begin() ; const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator cbegin() const; iterator end() ; const_iterator end() const; const_iterator cend() const; hasher hash_function() const; key_equal key_eq() const; bool empty() const; size_type size() const; void swap(unordered_multiset &) ; template<typename Cloner, typename Disposer> void clone_from(const unordered_multiset &, Cloner, Disposer) ; iterator insert(reference) ; template<typename Iterator> void insert(Iterator, Iterator) ; void erase(const_iterator) ; void erase(const_iterator, const_iterator) ; size_type erase(const_reference) ; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> size_type erase(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual) ; template<typename Disposer> void erase_and_dispose(const_iterator, Disposer) ; template<typename Disposer> void erase_and_dispose(const_iterator, const_iterator, Disposer) ; template<typename Disposer> size_type erase_and_dispose(const_reference, Disposer) ; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual, typename Disposer> size_type erase_and_dispose(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual, Disposer) ; void clear() ; template<typename Disposer> void clear_and_dispose(Disposer) ; size_type count(const_reference) const; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> size_type count(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual) const; iterator find(const_reference) ; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> iterator find(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual) ; const_iterator find(const_reference) const; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> const_iterator find(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual) const; std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range(const_reference) ; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual) ; std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range(const_reference) const; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range(const KeyType &, KeyHasher, KeyValueEqual) const; iterator iterator_to(reference) ; const_iterator iterator_to(const_reference) const; local_iterator local_iterator_to(reference) ; const_local_iterator local_iterator_to(const_reference) const; size_type bucket_count() const; size_type bucket_size(size_type) const; size_type bucket(const value_type &) const; template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher> size_type bucket(const KeyType &, const KeyHasher &) const; bucket_ptr bucket_pointer() const; local_iterator begin(size_type) ; const_local_iterator begin(size_type) const; const_local_iterator cbegin(size_type) const; local_iterator end(size_type) ; const_local_iterator end(size_type) const; const_local_iterator cend(size_type) const; void rehash(const bucket_traits &) ; bool incremental_rehash(bool = true) ; bool incremental_rehash(const bucket_traits &) ; size_type split_count() const; // public static functions static local_iterator s_local_iterator_to(reference) ; static const_local_iterator s_local_iterator_to(const_reference) ; static size_type suggested_upper_bucket_count(size_type) ; static size_type suggested_lower_bucket_count(size_type) ; };
The class template unordered_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::tr1::unordered_multiset as described in the C++ TR1.
unordered_multiset is a semi-intrusive container: each object to be stored in the container must contain a proper hook, but the container also needs additional auxiliary memory to work: unordered_multiset needs a pointer to an array of type `bucket_type` to be passed in the constructor. This bucket array must have at least the same lifetime as the container. This makes the use of unordered_multiset more complicated than purely intrusive containers. `bucket_type` is default-constructible, copyable and assignable
The template parameter T
is the type to be managed by the container. The user can specify additional options and if no options are provided default options are used.
The container supports the following options: base_hook<>/member_hook<>/value_traits<>
, constant_time_size<>
, size_type<>
, hash<>
and equal<>
, power_2_buckets<> and cache_begin<>.
unordered_multiset only provides forward iterators but it provides 4 iterator types: iterator and const_iterator to navigate through the whole container and local_iterator and const_local_iterator to navigate through the values stored in a single bucket. Local iterators are faster and smaller.
It's not recommended to use non constant-time size unordered_multisets because several key functions, like "empty()", become non-constant time functions. Non constant-time size unordered_multisets are mainly provided to support auto-unlink hooks.
unordered_multiset, unlike std::unordered_set, does not make automatic rehashings nor offers functions related to a load factor. Rehashing can be explicitly requested and the user must provide a new bucket array that will be used from that moment.
Since no automatic rehashing is done, iterators are never invalidated when inserting or erasing elements. Iterators are only invalidated when rehasing.
construct/copy/destructunordered_multiset(const unordered_multiset &);
This class is non-copyable
unordered_multiset(const bucket_traits & b_traits, const hasher & hash_func = hasher(), const key_equal & equal_func = key_equal(), const value_traits & v_traits = value_traits());
Requires: buckets must not be being used by any other resource.
Effects: Constructs an empty unordered_multiset, storing a reference to the bucket array and copies of the hasher and equal functors.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If value_traits::node_traits::node constructor throws (this does not happen with predefined Boost.Intrusive hooks) or the copy constructor or invocation of Hash or Equal throws.
Notes: buckets array must be disposed only after this is disposed.
template<typename Iterator> unordered_multiset(Iterator b, Iterator e, const bucket_traits & b_traits, const hasher & hash_func = hasher(), const key_equal & equal_func = key_equal(), const value_traits & v_traits = value_traits());
Requires: buckets must not be being used by any other resource and Dereferencing iterator must yield an lvalue of type value_type.
Effects: Constructs an empty unordered_multiset and inserts elements from [b, e).
Complexity: If N is std::distance(b, e): Average case is O(N) (with a good hash function and with buckets_len >= N),worst case O(N2).
Throws: If value_traits::node_traits::node constructor throws (this does not happen with predefined Boost.Intrusive hooks) or the copy constructor or invocation of hasher or key_equal throws.
Notes: buckets array must be disposed only after this is disposed.
unordered_multiset& operator=(const unordered_multiset &);
This class is non-assignable
Effects: Detaches all elements from this. The objects in the unordered_multiset are not deleted (i.e. no destructors are called).
Complexity: Linear to the number of elements in the unordered_multiset, if it's a safe-mode or auto-unlink value. Otherwise constant.
Throws: Nothing.
public member functionsiterator begin() ;
Effects: Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant time if `cache_begin<>` is true. Amortized constant time with worst case (empty unordered_set) O(this->bucket_count())
Throws: Nothing.
const_iterator begin() const;
Effects: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant time if `cache_begin<>` is true. Amortized constant time with worst case (empty unordered_set) O(this->bucket_count())
Throws: Nothing.
const_iterator cbegin() const;
Effects: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant time if `cache_begin<>` is true. Amortized constant time with worst case (empty unordered_set) O(this->bucket_count())
Throws: Nothing.
iterator end() ;
Effects: Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
const_iterator end() const;
Effects: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the end of the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
const_iterator cend() const;
Effects: Returns a const_iterator pointing to the end of the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
hasher hash_function() const;
Effects: Returns the hasher object used by the unordered_set.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If hasher copy-constructor throws.
key_equal key_eq() const;
Effects: Returns the key_equal object used by the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If key_equal copy-constructor throws.
bool empty() const;
Effects: Returns true is the container is empty.
Complexity: if constant-time size and cache_last options are disabled, average constant time (worst case, with empty() == true: O(this->bucket_count()). Otherwise constant.
Throws: Nothing.
size_type size() const;
Effects: Returns the number of elements stored in the unordered_multiset.
Complexity: Linear to elements contained in *this if constant-time size option is enabled. Constant-time otherwise.
Throws: Nothing.
void swap(unordered_multiset & other) ;
Requires: the hasher and the equality function unqualified swap call should not throw.
Effects: Swaps the contents of two unordered_multisets. Swaps also the contained bucket array and equality and hasher functors.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If the swap() call for the comparison or hash functors found using ADL throw. Basic guarantee.
template<typename Cloner, typename Disposer> void clone_from(const unordered_multiset & src, Cloner cloner, Disposer disposer) ;
Requires: Disposer::operator()(pointer) shouldn't throw. Cloner should yield to nodes that compare equal and produce the same hash than the original node.
Effects: Erases all the elements from *this calling Disposer::operator()(pointer), clones all the elements from src calling Cloner::operator()(const_reference ) and inserts them on *this. The hash function and the equality predicate are copied from the source.
If store_hash option is true, this method does not use the hash function.
If any operation throws, all cloned elements are unlinked and disposed calling Disposer::operator()(pointer).
Complexity: Linear to erased plus inserted elements.
Throws: If cloner or hasher throw or hash or equality predicate copying throws. Basic guarantee.
iterator insert(reference value) ;
Requires: value must be an lvalue
Effects: Inserts value into the unordered_multiset.
Returns: An iterator to the new inserted value.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws. Strong guarantee.
Note: Does not affect the validity of iterators and references. No copy-constructors are called.
template<typename Iterator> void insert(Iterator b, Iterator e) ;
Requires: Dereferencing iterator must yield an lvalue of type value_type.
Effects: Equivalent to this->insert(t) for each element in [b, e).
Complexity: Insert range is in general O(N * log(N)), where N is the size of the range. However, it is linear in N if the range is already sorted by value_comp().
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws. Basic guarantee.
Note: Does not affect the validity of iterators and references. No copy-constructors are called.
void erase(const_iterator i) ;
Effects: Erases the element pointed to by i.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: Nothing.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased element. No destructors are called.
void erase(const_iterator b, const_iterator e) ;
Effects: Erases the range pointed to by b end e.
Complexity: Average case O(std::distance(b, e)), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: Nothing.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased elements. No destructors are called.
size_type erase(const_reference value) ;
Effects: Erases all the elements with the given value.
Returns: The number of erased elements.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(value)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws. Basic guarantee.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased elements. No destructors are called.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> size_type erase(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func) ;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
"key_value_equal" must be a equality function that induces the same equality as key_equal. The difference is that "key_value_equal" compares an arbitrary key with the contained values.
Effects: Erases all the elements that have the same hash and compare equal with the given key.
Returns: The number of erased elements.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(value)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the hash_func or the equal_func functors throws. Basic guarantee.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased elements. No destructors are called.
template<typename Disposer> void erase_and_dispose(const_iterator i, Disposer disposer) ;
Requires: Disposer::operator()(pointer) shouldn't throw.
Effects: Erases the element pointed to by i. Disposer::operator()(pointer) is called for the removed element.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: Nothing.
Note: Invalidates the iterators to the erased elements.
template<typename Disposer> void erase_and_dispose(const_iterator b, const_iterator e, Disposer disposer) ;
Requires: Disposer::operator()(pointer) shouldn't throw.
Effects: Erases the range pointed to by b end e. Disposer::operator()(pointer) is called for the removed elements.
Complexity: Average case O(std::distance(b, e)), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: Nothing.
Note: Invalidates the iterators to the erased elements.
template<typename Disposer> size_type erase_and_dispose(const_reference value, Disposer disposer) ;
Requires: Disposer::operator()(pointer) shouldn't throw.
Effects: Erases all the elements with the given value. Disposer::operator()(pointer) is called for the removed elements.
Returns: The number of erased elements.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(value)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws. Basic guarantee.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased elements. No destructors are called.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual, typename Disposer> size_type erase_and_dispose(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func, Disposer disposer) ;
Requires: Disposer::operator()(pointer) shouldn't throw.
Effects: Erases all the elements with the given key. according to the comparison functor "equal_func". Disposer::operator()(pointer) is called for the removed elements.
Returns: The number of erased elements.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(value)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If hash_func or equal_func throw. Basic guarantee.
Note: Invalidates the iterators to the erased elements.
void clear() ;
Effects: Erases all the elements of the container.
Complexity: Linear to the number of elements on the container. if it's a safe-mode or auto-unlink value_type. Constant time otherwise.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased elements. No destructors are called.
template<typename Disposer> void clear_and_dispose(Disposer disposer) ;
Requires: Disposer::operator()(pointer) shouldn't throw.
Effects: Erases all the elements of the container.
Complexity: Linear to the number of elements on the container. Disposer::operator()(pointer) is called for the removed elements.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: Invalidates the iterators (but not the references) to the erased elements. No destructors are called.
size_type count(const_reference value) const;
Effects: Returns the number of contained elements with the given key
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> size_type count(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func) const;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
"key_value_equal" must be a equality function that induces the same equality as key_equal. The difference is that "key_value_equal" compares an arbitrary key with the contained values.
Effects: Returns the number of contained elements with the given key
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
iterator find(const_reference value) ;
Effects: Finds an iterator to the first element whose value is "value" or end() if that element does not exist.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> iterator find(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func) ;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
"key_value_equal" must be a equality function that induces the same equality as key_equal. The difference is that "key_value_equal" compares an arbitrary key with the contained values.
Effects: Finds an iterator to the first element whose key is "key" according to the given hasher and equality functor or end() if that element does not exist.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
Note: This function is used when constructing a value_type is expensive and the value_type can be compared with a cheaper key type. Usually this key is part of the value_type.
const_iterator find(const_reference value) const;
Effects: Finds a const_iterator to the first element whose key is "key" or end() if that element does not exist.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> const_iterator find(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func) const;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
"key_value_equal" must be a equality function that induces the same equality as key_equal. The difference is that "key_value_equal" compares an arbitrary key with the contained values.
Effects: Finds an iterator to the first element whose key is "key" according to the given hasher and equality functor or end() if that element does not exist.
Complexity: Average case O(1), worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
Note: This function is used when constructing a value_type is expensive and the value_type can be compared with a cheaper key type. Usually this key is part of the value_type.
std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range(const_reference value) ;
Effects: Returns a range containing all elements with values equivalent to value. Returns std::make_pair(this->end(), this->end()) if no such elements exist.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(value)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func) ;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
"key_value_equal" must be a equality function that induces the same equality as key_equal. The difference is that "key_value_equal" compares an arbitrary key with the contained values.
Effects: Returns a range containing all elements with equivalent keys. Returns std::make_pair(this->end(), this->end()) if no such elements exist.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(key, hash_func, equal_func)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
Note: This function is used when constructing a value_type is expensive and the value_type can be compared with a cheaper key type. Usually this key is part of the value_type.
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range(const_reference value) const;
Effects: Returns a range containing all elements with values equivalent to value. Returns std::make_pair(this->end(), this->end()) if no such elements exist.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(value)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher, typename KeyValueEqual> std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range(const KeyType & key, KeyHasher hash_func, KeyValueEqual equal_func) const;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
"key_value_equal" must be a equality function that induces the same equality as key_equal. The difference is that "key_value_equal" compares an arbitrary key with the contained values.
Effects: Returns a range containing all elements with equivalent keys. Returns std::make_pair(this->end(), this->end()) if no such elements exist.
Complexity: Average case O(this->count(key, hash_func, equal_func)). Worst case O(this->size()).
Throws: If the internal hasher or the equality functor throws.
Note: This function is used when constructing a value_type is expensive and the value_type can be compared with a cheaper key type. Usually this key is part of the value_type.
iterator iterator_to(reference value) ;
Requires: value must be an lvalue and shall be in a unordered_multiset of appropriate type. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Effects: Returns: a valid iterator belonging to the unordered_multiset that points to the value
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If the hash function throws.
const_iterator iterator_to(const_reference value) const;
Requires: value must be an lvalue and shall be in a unordered_multiset of appropriate type. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Effects: Returns: a valid const_iterator belonging to the unordered_multiset that points to the value
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If the hash function throws.
local_iterator local_iterator_to(reference value) ;
Requires: value must be an lvalue and shall be in a unordered_set of appropriate type. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Effects: Returns: a valid local_iterator belonging to the unordered_set that points to the value
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
const_local_iterator local_iterator_to(const_reference value) const;
Requires: value must be an lvalue and shall be in a unordered_set of appropriate type. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Effects: Returns: a valid const_local_iterator belonging to the unordered_set that points to the value
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
size_type bucket_count() const;
Effects: Returns the number of buckets passed in the constructor or the last rehash function.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
size_type bucket_size(size_type n) const;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns the number of elements in the nth bucket.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
size_type bucket(const value_type & k) const;
Effects: Returns the index of the bucket in which elements with keys equivalent to k would be found, if any such element existed.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If the hash functor throws.
Note: the return value is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
template<typename KeyType, typename KeyHasher> size_type bucket(const KeyType & k, const KeyHasher & hash_func) const;
Requires: "hash_func" must be a hash function that induces the same hash values as the stored hasher. The difference is that "hash_func" hashes the given key instead of the value_type.
Effects: Returns the index of the bucket in which elements with keys equivalent to k would be found, if any such element existed.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: If the hash functor throws.
Note: the return value is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
bucket_ptr bucket_pointer() const;
Effects: Returns the bucket array pointer passed in the constructor or the last rehash function.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
local_iterator begin(size_type n) ;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns a local_iterator pointing to the beginning of the sequence stored in the bucket n.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: [this->begin(n), this->end(n)) is a valid range containing all of the elements in the nth bucket.
const_local_iterator begin(size_type n) const;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns a const_local_iterator pointing to the beginning of the sequence stored in the bucket n.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: [this->begin(n), this->end(n)) is a valid range containing all of the elements in the nth bucket.
const_local_iterator cbegin(size_type n) const;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns a const_local_iterator pointing to the beginning of the sequence stored in the bucket n.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: [this->begin(n), this->end(n)) is a valid range containing all of the elements in the nth bucket.
local_iterator end(size_type n) ;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns a local_iterator pointing to the end of the sequence stored in the bucket n.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: [this->begin(n), this->end(n)) is a valid range containing all of the elements in the nth bucket.
const_local_iterator end(size_type n) const;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns a const_local_iterator pointing to the end of the sequence stored in the bucket n.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: [this->begin(n), this->end(n)) is a valid range containing all of the elements in the nth bucket.
const_local_iterator cend(size_type n) const;
Requires: n is in the range [0, this->bucket_count()).
Effects: Returns a const_local_iterator pointing to the end of the sequence stored in the bucket n.
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: [this->begin(n), this->end(n)) is a valid range containing all of the elements in the nth bucket.
void rehash(const bucket_traits & new_bucket_traits) ;
Requires: new_buckets must be a pointer to a new bucket array or the same as the old bucket array. new_size is the length of the the array pointed by new_buckets. If new_buckets == this->bucket_pointer() n can be bigger or smaller than this->bucket_count().
Effects: Updates the internal reference with the new bucket erases the values from the old bucket and inserts then in the new one.
If store_hash option is true, this method does not use the hash function.
Complexity: Average case linear in this->size(), worst case quadratic.
Throws: If the hasher functor throws.
bool incremental_rehash(bool grow = true) ;
Note: this method is only available if incremental<true> option is activated.
bool incremental_rehash(const bucket_traits & new_bucket_traits) ;Note
size_type split_count() const;
public static functionsstatic local_iterator s_local_iterator_to(reference value) ;
Requires: value must be an lvalue and shall be in a unordered_set of appropriate type. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Effects: Returns: a valid local_iterator belonging to the unordered_set that points to the value
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: This static function is available only if the value traits is stateless.
static const_local_iterator s_local_iterator_to(const_reference value) ;
Requires: value must be an lvalue and shall be in a unordered_set of appropriate type. Otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Effects: Returns: a valid const_local_iterator belonging to the unordered_set that points to the value
Complexity: Constant.
Throws: Nothing.
Note: This static function is available only if the value traits is stateless.
static size_type suggested_upper_bucket_count(size_type n) ;
Effects: Returns the nearest new bucket count optimized for the container that is bigger than n. This suggestion can be used to create bucket arrays with a size that will usually improve container's performance. If such value does not exist, the higher possible value is returned.
Complexity: Amortized constant time.
Throws: Nothing.
static size_type suggested_lower_bucket_count(size_type n) ;
Effects: Returns the nearest new bucket count optimized for the container that is smaller than n. This suggestion can be used to create bucket arrays with a size that will usually improve container's performance. If such value does not exist, the lower possible value is returned.
Complexity: Amortized constant time.
Throws: Nothing.