Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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C++ Boost

Table of Contents: the Boost Graph Library BGL Book

  1. Introduction to the BGL
  2. History
  3. List of BGL Users
  4. Publications
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. A Quick Tour of the Boost Graph Library.
  7. Review of Elementary Graph Theory
  8. Boost Graph Library Tutorial
    1. Property Maps
    2. The adjacency_list class
  9. Examples
    1. File Dependency Example
    2. Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon
    3. Graph Coloring
    4. Sparse Matrix Ordering
  10. Extending the Boost Graph Library
    1. Constructing graph algorithms with BGL
    2. Converting Existing Graphs to BGL
  11. The Boost Graph Interface
    1. Graph
    2. Incidence Graph
    3. Bidirectional Graph
    4. Adjacency Graph
    5. Vertex List Graph
    6. Edge List Graph
    7. Vertex and Edge List Graph
    8. Adjacency Matrix
    9. Mutable Graph
    10. Property Graph
    11. Mutable Property Graph
  12. The Property Map Library (technically not part of the graph library, but used a lot here)
  13. (Python)Python bindings
  14. Visitor Concepts
    1. BFS Visitor
    2. DFS Visitor
    3. Dijkstra Visitor
    4. Bellman Ford Visitor
    5. A* Visitor
    6. Event Visitor
    7. Planar Face Visitor
    8. TSP Tour Visitor
  15. EventVisitorList Adaptors
    1. Event Visitor List
    2. bfs_visitor
    3. dfs_visitor
    4. dijkstra_visitor
    5. bellman_visitor
    6. astar_visitor
  16. Event Visitors
    1. predecessor_recorder
    2. distance_recorder
    3. time_stamper
    4. property_writer
    5. tsp_tour_visitor
    6. tsp_tour_len_visitor
  17. Graph classes
    1. adjacency_list
    2. adjacency_matrix
    3. compressed_sparse_row_graph
  18. Graph Adaptors
    1. subgraph
    2. edge_list
    3. reverse_graph
    4. filtered_graph
    5. Vector as Graph *
    6. Matrix as Graph*
    7. Leda Graph *
    8. Stanford GraphBase
    9. Implicit Graphs
      1. Multi-dimensional grid graph
    10. Iterator Adaptors
      1. adjacency_iterator
      2. inv_adjacency_iterator
    11. Traits classes
      1. graph_traits
      2. adjacency_list_traits
      3. property_map
    12. Algorithms
      1. bgl_named_params
      2. Core Algorithm Patterns
        1. breadth_first_search
        2. breadth_first_visit
        3. depth_first_search
        4. depth_first_visit
        5. undirected_dfs
      3. Graph Algorithms
        1. Shortest Paths Algorithms
          1. dijkstra_shortest_paths
          2. dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_color_map
          3. bellman_ford_shortest_paths
          4. dag_shortest_paths
          5. johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths
          6. floyd_warshall_all_pairs_shortest_paths
          7. r_c_shortest_paths - resource-constrained shortest paths
        2. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
          1. kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree
          2. prim_minimum_spanning_tree
        3. Connected Components Algorithms
          1. connected_components
          2. strong_components
          3. biconnected_components
          4. articulation_points
          5. Incremental Connected Components
            1. initialize_incremental_components
            2. incremental_components
            3. same_component
            4. component_index
        4. Maximum Flow and Matching Algorithms
          1. edmonds_karp_max_flow
          2. push_relabel_max_flow
          3. kolmogorov_max_flow
          4. edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching
        5. Sparse Matrix Ordering Algorithms
          1. cuthill_mckee_ordering
          2. king_ordering
          3. minimum_degree_ordering
        6. topological_sort
        7. transitive_closure
        8. copy_graph
        9. transpose_graph
        10. isomorphism
        11. Path and Tour Algorithms
          1. metric_tsp_approx
        12. sequential_vertex_coloring
        13. sloan_ordering
        14. sloan_start_end_vertices
        15. ith_wavefront, max_wavefront, aver_wavefront, and rms_wavefront
        16. brandes_betweenness_centrality
        17. Layout algorithms
          1. random_graph_layout
          2. circle_layout
          3. kamada_kawai_spring_layout
          4. fruchterman_reingold_force_directed_layout
          5. gursoy_atun_layout
        18. Clustering algorithms
          1. betweenness_centrality_clustering
        19. astar_search
        20. lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree
        21. minimum_cycle_ratio and maximum_cycle_ratio
        22. Planar Graph Algorithms
          1. boyer_myrvold_planarity_test
          2. planar_face_traversal
          3. planar_canonical_ordering
          4. chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing
          5. is_straight_line_drawing
          6. is_kuratowski_subgraph
          7. make_connected
          8. make_biconnected_planar
          9. make_maximal_planar
        23. lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree
        24. mcgregor_common_subgraphs
    13. Graph Input/Output
      1. AT&T Graphviz: read_graphviz, write_graphviz
      2. DIMACS Max-flow: read_dimacs_max_flow, write_dimacs_max_flow
      3. GraphML: read_graphml and write_graphml
    14. Auxiliary Concepts, Classes, and Functions
      1. property
      2. ColorValue
      3. Buffer
      4. BasicMatrix
      5. incident
      6. opposite
      7. bandwidth
      8. ith_bandwidth
      9. Tools for random graphs
        1. random_vertex
        2. random_edge
        3. generate_random_graph
        4. randomize_property
        5. erdos_renyi_iterator
        6. sorted_erdos_renyi_iterator
        7. plod_iterator
        8. small_world_iterator
    15. Challenge and To-Do List
    16. Trouble Shooting
    17. Known Problems
    18. FAQ
    19. BGL Book Errata

    * Items marked have not yet been documented.

    Copyright © 2000-2001 Jeremy Siek, Indiana University (
    Lie-Quan Lee, Indiana University (
    Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University (