Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Copyright 2008 Christophe Henry
// henry UNDERSCORE christophe AT hotmail DOT com
// This is an extended version of the state machine available in the boost::mpl library
// Distributed under the same license as the original.
// Copyright for the original version:
// Copyright 2005 David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy. Distributed
// under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at



#include <boost/mpl/set.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>

#include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>

#include <boost/msm/row_tags.hpp>
#include <boost/msm/common.hpp>
#include <boost/msm/front/completion_event.hpp>


namespace boost { namespace msm { namespace front
    template <class SOURCE,class EVENT,class TARGET,class ACTION=none,class GUARD=none>
    struct Row
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef TARGET  Target;
        typedef ACTION  Action;
        typedef GUARD   Guard;
        // action plus guard
        typedef row_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static void action_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static bool guard_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt,AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
            return Guard()(evt,fsm,src,tgt);

    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT,class TARGET>
    struct Row<SOURCE,EVENT,TARGET,none,none>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef TARGET  Target;
        typedef none    Action;
        typedef none    Guard;
        // no action, no guard
        typedef _row_tag row_type_tag;
    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT,class TARGET,class ACTION>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef TARGET  Target;
        typedef ACTION  Action;
        typedef none    Guard;
        // no guard
        typedef a_row_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static void action_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT,class TARGET,class GUARD>
    struct Row<SOURCE,EVENT,TARGET,none,GUARD>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef TARGET  Target;
        typedef none    Action;
        typedef GUARD   Guard;
        // no action
        typedef g_row_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static bool guard_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
            return Guard()(evt,fsm,src,tgt);
    // internal transitions
    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT,class ACTION>
    struct Row<SOURCE,EVENT,none,ACTION,none>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef Source  Target;
        typedef ACTION  Action;
        typedef none    Guard;
        // no guard
        typedef a_irow_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static void action_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT,class GUARD>
    struct Row<SOURCE,EVENT,none,none,GUARD>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef Source  Target;
        typedef none    Action;
        typedef GUARD   Guard;
        // no action
        typedef g_irow_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static bool guard_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
            return Guard()(evt,fsm,src,tgt);
    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT,class ACTION,class GUARD>
    struct Row<SOURCE,EVENT,none,ACTION,GUARD>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef Source  Target;
        typedef ACTION  Action;
        typedef GUARD   Guard;
        // action + guard
        typedef irow_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static void action_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static bool guard_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
            return Guard()(evt,fsm,src,tgt);
    template<class SOURCE,class EVENT>
    struct Row<SOURCE,EVENT,none,none,none>
        typedef SOURCE  Source;
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef Source  Target;
        typedef none    Action;
        typedef none    Guard;
        // no action, no guard
        typedef _irow_tag row_type_tag;
    template<class TGT>
    struct get_row_target
        typedef typename TGT::Target type;

    template <class EVENT,class ACTION=none,class GUARD=none>
    struct Internal
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef ACTION  Action;
        typedef GUARD   Guard;
        // action plus guard
        typedef sm_i_row_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static void action_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static bool guard_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
            return Guard()(evt,fsm,src,tgt);

    template<class EVENT,class ACTION>
    struct Internal<EVENT,ACTION,none>
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef ACTION  Action;
        typedef none    Guard;
        // no guard
        typedef sm_a_i_row_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static void action_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
    template<class EVENT,class GUARD>
    struct Internal<EVENT,none,GUARD>
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef none    Action;
        typedef GUARD   Guard;
        // no action
        typedef sm_g_i_row_tag row_type_tag;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState,class AllStates>
        static bool guard_call(FSM& fsm,EVT const& evt,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt, AllStates&)
            // create functor, call it
            return Guard()(evt,fsm,src,tgt);
    template<class EVENT>
    struct Internal<EVENT,none,none>
        typedef EVENT   Evt;
        typedef none    Action;
        typedef none    Guard;
        // no action, no guard
        typedef sm__i_row_tag row_type_tag;
    struct state_tag{};
    struct event_tag{};
    struct action_tag{};
    struct state_action_tag{};
    struct flag_tag{};
    struct config_tag{};
    struct not_euml_tag{};

    template <class Sequence>
    struct ActionSequence_
        typedef Sequence sequence;
        template <class Event,class FSM,class STATE >
        struct state_action_result 
            typedef void type;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class STATE>
        struct Call
            Call(EVT const& evt,FSM& fsm,STATE& state):
        template <class FCT>
        void operator()(::boost::msm::wrap<FCT> const& )
            EVT const&  evt_;
            FSM&        fsm_;
            STATE&      state_;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState>
        struct transition_action_result 
            typedef void type;
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState>
        struct Call2
            Call2(EVT const& evt,FSM& fsm,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt):
        template <class FCT>
        void operator()(::boost::msm::wrap<FCT> const& )
            EVT const & evt_;
            FSM& fsm_;
            SourceState& src_;
            TargetState& tgt_;

        typedef ::boost::mpl::set<state_action_tag,action_tag> tag_type;

        template <class EVT,class FSM,class STATE>
        void operator()(EVT const& evt,FSM& fsm,STATE& state)
            mpl::for_each<Sequence,boost::msm::wrap< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> >
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState>
        void operator()(EVT const& evt,FSM& fsm,SourceState& src,TargetState& tgt)
            mpl::for_each<Sequence,boost::msm::wrap< ::boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> >

    // functor pre-defined for basic functionality
    struct Defer 
        template <class EVT,class FSM,class SourceState,class TargetState>
        void operator()(EVT const& evt,FSM& fsm,SourceState& ,TargetState& ) const