...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
To use these functions, you need to include:
#include <msm/front/euml/stl.hpp>
or the specified header in the following tables.
The following tables list the supported STL algorithms:
Table 10.1. STL algorithms
STL algorithms in querying.hpp | Functor |
find_(first, last, value) | Find_ |
find_if_(first, last, value) | FindIf_ |
lower_bound_(first, last, value [,opᵃ]) | LowerBound_ |
upper_bound_(first, last, value [,opᵃ]) | UpperBound_ |
equal_range_(first, last, value [,opᵃ]) | EqualRange_ |
binary_search_(first, last, value [,opᵃ]) | BinarySearch_ |
min_element_(first, last[,opᵃ]) | MinElement_ |
max_element_(first, last[,opᵃ]) | MaxElement_ |
adjacent_find_(first, last[,opᵃ]) | AdjacentFind_ |
find_end_( first1, last1, first2, last2 [,op ᵃ]) | FindEnd_ |
find_first_of_( first1, last1, first2, last2 [,op ᵃ]) | FindFirstOf_ |
equal_( first1, last1, first2 [,op ᵃ]) | Equal_ |
search_( first1, last1, first2, last2 [,op ᵃ]) | Search_ |
includes_( first1, last1, first2, last2 [,op ᵃ]) | Includes_ |
lexicographical_compare_ ( first1, last1, first2, last2 [,op ᵃ]) | LexicographicalCompare_ |
count_(first, last, value [,size]) | Count_ |
count_if_(first, last, op ᵃ [,size]) | CountIf_ |
distance_(first, last) | Distance_ |
mismatch _( first1, last1, first2 [,op ᵃ]) | Mismatch_ |
Table 10.2. STL algorithms
STL algorithms in iteration.hpp | Functor |
for_each_(first,last, unary opᵃ) | ForEach_ |
accumulate_first, last, init [,opᵃ]) | Accumulate_ |
Table 10.3. STL algorithms
STL algorithms in transformation.hpp | Functor |
copy_(first, last, result) | Copy_ |
copy_backward_(first, last, result) | CopyBackward_ |
reverse_(first, last) | Reverse_ |
reverse_copy_(first, last , result) | ReverseCopy_ |
remove_(first, last, value) | Remove_ |
remove_if_(first, last , opᵃ) | RemoveIf_ |
remove_copy_(first, last , output, value) | RemoveCopy_ |
remove_copy_if_(first, last, output, opᵃ) | RemoveCopyIf_ |
fill_(first, last, value) | Fill_ |
fill_n_(first, size, value)ᵇ | FillN_ |
generate_(first, last, generatorᵃ) | Generate_ |
generate_(first, size, generatorᵃ)ᵇ | GenerateN_ |
unique_(first, last [,opᵃ]) | Unique_ |
unique_copy_(first, last, output [,opᵃ]) | UniqueCopy_ |
random_shuffle_(first, last [,opᵃ]) | RandomShuffle_ |
rotate_copy_(first, middle, last, output) | RotateCopy_ |
partition_ (first, last [,opᵃ]) | Partition_ |
stable_partition_ (first, last [,opᵃ]) | StablePartition_ |
stable_sort_(first, last [,opᵃ]) | StableSort_ |
sort_(first, last [,opᵃ]) | Sort_ |
partial_sort_(first, middle, last [,opᵃ]) | PartialSort_ |
partial_sort_copy_ (first, last, res_first, res_last [,opᵃ]) | PartialSortCopy_ |
nth_element_(first, nth, last [,opᵃ]) | NthElement_ |
merge_( first1, last1, first2, last2, output [,op ᵃ]) | Merge_ |
inplace_merge_(first, middle, last [,opᵃ]) | InplaceMerge_ |
set_union_(first1, last1, first2, last2, output [,op ᵃ]) | SetUnion_ |
push_heap_(first, last [,op ᵃ]) | PushHeap_ |
pop_heap_(first, last [,op ᵃ]) | PopHeap_ |
make_heap_(first, last [,op ᵃ]) | MakeHeap_ |
sort_heap_(first, last [,op ᵃ]) | SortHeap_ |
next_permutation_(first, last [,op ᵃ]) | NextPermutation_ |
prev_permutation_(first, last [,op ᵃ]) | PrevPermutation_ |
inner_product_(first1, last1, first2, init [,op1ᵃ] [,op2ᵃ]) | InnerProduct_ |
partial_sum_(first, last, output [,opᵃ]) | PartialSum_ |
adjacent_difference_(first, last, output [,opᵃ]) | AdjacentDifference_ |
replace_(first, last, old_value, new_value) | Replace_ |
replace_if_(first, last, opᵃ, new_value) | ReplaceIf_ |
replace_copy_(first, last, result, old_value, new_value) | ReplaceCopy_ |
replace_copy_if_(first, last, result, opᵃ, new_value) | ReplaceCopyIf_ |
rotate_(first, middle, last)ᵇ | Rotate_ |
Table 10.4. STL container methods
STL container methods(common) in container.hpp | Functor |
container::reference front_(container) | Front_ |
container::reference back_(container) | Back_ |
container::iterator begin_(container) | Begin_ |
container::iterator end_(container) | End_ |
container::reverse_iterator rbegin_(container) | RBegin_ |
container::reverse_iterator rend_(container) | REnd_ |
void push_back_(container, value) | Push_Back_ |
void pop_back_(container, value) | Pop_Back_ |
void push_front_(container, value) | Push_Front_ |
void pop_front_(container, value) | Pop_Front_ |
void clear_(container) | Clear_ |
size_type capacity_(container) | Capacity_ |
size_type size_(container) | Size_ |
size_type max_size_(container) | Max_Size_ |
void reserve_(container, value) | Reserve _ |
void resize_(container, value) | Resize _ |
iterator insert_(container, pos, value) | Insert_ |
void insert_( container , pos, first, last) | Insert_ |
void insert_( container , pos, number, value) | Insert_ |
void swap_( container , other_container) | Swap_ |
void erase_( container , pos) | Erase_ |
void erase_( container , first, last) | Erase_ |
bool empty_( container) | Empty_ |
Table 10.5. STL list methods
std::list methods in container.hpp | Functor |
void list_remove_(container, value) | ListRemove_ |
void list_remove_if_(container, opᵃ) | ListRemove_If_ |
void list_merge_(container, other_list) | ListMerge_ |
void list_merge_(container, other_list, opᵃ) | ListMerge_ |
void splice_(container, iterator, other_list) | Splice_ |
void splice_(container, iterator, other_list, iterator) | Splice_ |
void splice_(container, iterator, other_list, first, last) | Splice_ |
void list_reverse_(container) | ListReverse_ |
void list_unique_(container) | ListUnique_ |
void list_unique_(container, opᵃ) | ListUnique_ |
void list_sort_(container) | ListSort_ |
void list_sort_(container, opᵃ) | ListSort_ |
Table 10.6. STL associative container methods
Associative container methods in container.hpp | Functor |
iterator insert_(container, pos, value) | Insert_ |
void insert_( container , first, last) | Insert_ |
pair<iterator, bool> insert_( container , value) | Insert_ |
void associative_erase_( container , pos) | Associative_Erase_ |
void associative_erase_( container , first, last) | Associative_Erase_ |
size_type associative_erase_( container , key) | Associative_Erase_ |
iterator associative_find_( container , key) | Associative_Find_ |
size_type associative_count_( container , key) | AssociativeCount_ |
iterator associative_lower_bound_( container , key) | Associative_Lower_Bound_ |
iterator associative_upper_bound_( container , key) | Associative_Upper_Bound_ |
pair<iterator, iterator> associative_equal_range_( container , key) | Associative_Equal_Range_ |
Table 10.7. STL pair
std::pair in container.hpp | Functor |
first_type first_(pair<T1, T2>) | First_ |
second_type second_(pair<T1, T2>) | Second_ |
Table 10.8. STL string
STL string method | std::string method in container.hpp | Functor |
substr (size_type pos, size_type size) | string substr_(container, pos, length) | Substr_ |
int compare(string) | int string_compare_(container, another_string) | StringCompare_ |
int compare(char*) | int string_compare_(container, another_string) | StringCompare_ |
int compare(size_type pos, size_type size, string) | int string_compare_(container, pos, size, another_string) | StringCompare_ |
int compare (size_type pos, size_type size, string, size_type length) | int string_compare_(container, pos, size, another_string, length) | StringCompare_ |
string& append(const string&) | string& append_(container, another_string) | Append_ |
string& append (charT*) | string& append_(container, another_string) | Append_ |
string& append (string , size_type pos, size_type size) | string& append_(container, other_string, pos, size) | Append_ |
string& append (charT*, size_type size) | string& append_(container, another_string, length) | Append_ |
string& append (size_type size, charT) | string& append_(container, size, char) | Append_ |
string& append (iterator begin, iterator end) | string& append_(container, begin, end) | Append_ |
string& insert (size_type pos, charT*) | string& string_insert_(container, pos, other_string) | StringInsert_ |
string& insert(size_type pos, charT*,size_type n) | string& string_insert_(container, pos, other_string, n) | StringInsert_ |
string& insert(size_type pos,size_type n, charT c) | string& string_insert_(container, pos, n, c) | StringInsert_ |
string& insert (size_type pos, const string&) | string& string_insert_(container, pos, other_string) | StringInsert_ |
string& insert (size_type pos, const string&, size_type pos1, size_type n) | string& string_insert_(container, pos, other_string, pos1, n) | StringInsert_ |
string& erase(size_type pos=0, size_type n=npos) | string& string_erase_(container, pos, n) | StringErase_ |
string& assign(const string&) | string& string_assign_(container, another_string) | StringAssign_ |
string& assign(const charT*) | string& string_assign_(container, another_string) | StringAssign_ |
string& assign(const string&, size_type pos, size_type n) | string& string_assign_(container, another_string, pos, n) | StringAssign_ |
string& assign(const charT*, size_type n) | string& string_assign_(container, another_string, n) | StringAssign_ |
string& assign(size_type n, charT c) | string& string_assign_(container, n, c) | StringAssign_ |
string& assign(iterator first, iterator last) | string& string_assign_(container, first, last) | StringAssign_ |
string& replace(size_type pos, size_type n, const string&) | string& string_replace_(container, pos, n, another_string) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(size_type pos, size_type n, const charT*, size_type n1) | string& string_replace_(container, pos, n, another_string, n1) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(size_type pos, size_type n, const charT*) | string& string_replace_(container, pos, n, another_string) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(size_type pos, size_type n, size_type n1, charT c) | string& string_replace_(container, pos, n, n1, c) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const string&) | string& string_replace_(container, first, last, another_string) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const charT*, size_type n) | string& string_replace_(container, first, last, another_string, n) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const charT*) | string& string_replace_(container, first, last, another_string) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(iterator first, iterator last, size_type n, charT c) | string& string_replace_(container, first, last, n, c) | StringReplace_ |
string& replace(iterator first, iterator last, iterator f, iterator l) | string& string_replace_(container, first, last, f, l) | StringReplace_ |
const charT* c_str() | const charT* c_str_(container) | CStr_ |
const charT* data() | const charT* string_data_(container) | StringData_ |
size_type copy(charT* buf, size_type n, size_type pos = 0) | size_type string_copy_(container, buf, n, pos); size_type string_copy_(container, buf, n) | StringCopy_ |
size_type find(charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) | size_type string_find_(container, s, pos, n) | StringFind_ |
size_type find(charT* s, size_type pos=0) | size_type string_find_(container, s, pos); size_type string_find_(container, s) | StringFind_ |
size_type find(const string& s, size_type pos=0) | size_type string_find_(container, s, pos) size_type string_find_(container, s) | StringFind_ |
size_type find(charT c, size_type pos=0) | size_type string_find_(container, c, pos) size_type string_find_(container, c) | StringFind_ |
size_type rfind(charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) | size_type string_rfind_(container, s, pos, n) | StringRFind_ |
size_type rfind(charT* s, size_type pos=npos) | size_type string_rfind_(container, s, pos); size_type string_rfind_(container, s) | StringRFind_ |
size_type rfind(const string& s, size_type pos=npos) | size_type string_rfind_(container, s, pos); size_type string_rfind_(container, s) | StringRFind_ |
size_type rfind(charT c, size_type pos=npos) | size_type string_rfind_(container, c, pos) size_type string_rfind_(container, c) | StringRFind_ |
size_type find_first_of(charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) | size_type find_first_of_(container, s, pos, n) | StringFindFirstOf_ |
size_type find_first_of (charT* s, size_type pos=0) | size_type find_first_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_first_of_(container, s) | StringFindFirstOf_ |
size_type find_first_of (const string& s, size_type pos=0) | size_type find_first_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_first_of_(container, s) | StringFindFirstOf_ |
size_type find_first_of (charT c, size_type pos=0) | size_type find_first_of_(container, c, pos) size_type find_first_of_(container, c) | StringFindFirstOf_ |
size_type find_first_not_of(charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) | size_type find_first_not_of_(container, s, pos, n) | StringFindFirstNotOf_ |
size_type find_first_not_of (charT* s, size_type pos=0) | size_type find_first_not_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_first_not_of_(container, s) | StringFindFirstNotOf_ |
size_type find_first_not_of (const string& s, size_type pos=0) | size_type find_first_not_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_first_not_of_(container, s) | StringFindFirstNotOf_ |
size_type find_first_not_of (charT c, size_type pos=0) | size_type find_first_not_of_(container, c, pos); size_type find_first_not_of_(container, c) | StringFindFirstNotOf_ |
size_type find_last_of(charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) | size_type find_last_of_(container, s, pos, n) | StringFindLastOf_ |
size_type find_last_of (charT* s, size_type pos=npos) | size_type find_last_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_last_of_(container, s) | StringFindLastOf_ |
size_type find_last_of (const string& s, size_type pos=npos) | size_type find_last_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_last_of_(container, s) | StringFindLastOf_ |
size_type find_last_of (charT c, size_type pos=npos) | size_type find_last_of_(container, c, pos); size_type find_last_of_(container, c) | StringFindLastOf_ |
size_type find_last_not_of(charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) | size_type find_last_not_of_(container, s, pos, n) | StringFindLastNotOf_ |
size_type find_last_not_of (charT* s, size_type pos=npos) | size_type find_last_not_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_last_of_(container, s) | StringFindLastNotOf_ |
size_type find_last_not_of (const string& s, size_type pos=npos) | size_type find_last_not_of_(container, s, pos); size_type find_last_not_of_(container, s) | StringFindLastNotOf_ |
size_type find_last_not_of (charT c, size_type pos=npos) | size_type find_last_not_of_(container, c, pos); size_type find_last_not_of_(container, c) | StringFindLastNotOf_ |
ᵃ: algorithms requiring a predicate need to make them eUML compatible by wrapping them inside a Predicate_ functor. For example, std::less<int> => Predicate_<std::less<int> >()
ᵇ: If using the SGI STL implementation, these functors use the SGI return value