// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
// Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Custom polygon example
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_categories.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/register/ring.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/add_const_if_c.hpp>
// Sample point, having x/y
struct my_point
my_point(double a = 0, double b = 0)
: x(a), y(b)
double x,y;
// Sample polygon, having legacy methods
// (similar to e.g. COM objects)
class my_polygon
std::vector<my_point> points;
public :
void add_point(my_point const& p) { points.push_back(p); }
// Const access
my_point const& get_point(std::size_t i) const
assert(i < points.size());
return points[i];
// Mutable access
my_point & get_point(std::size_t i)
assert(i < points.size());
return points[i];
int point_count() const { return points.size(); }
void erase_all() { points.clear(); }
inline void set_size(int n) { points.resize(n); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adaption: implement iterator and range-extension, and register with Boost.Geometry
// 1) implement iterator (const and non-const versions)
template <bool IsConst>
struct custom_iterator : public boost::iterator_facade
typename boost::geometry::add_const_if_c<IsConst, my_point>::type&
// Constructor for begin()
explicit custom_iterator(typename boost::geometry::add_const_if_c<IsConst, my_polygon>::type& polygon)
: m_polygon(&polygon)
, m_index(0)
// Constructor for end()
explicit custom_iterator(bool, typename boost::geometry::add_const_if_c<IsConst, my_polygon>::type& polygon)
: m_polygon(&polygon)
, m_index(polygon.point_count())
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
typedef boost::iterator_facade
typename boost::geometry::add_const_if_c<IsConst, my_point>::type&
> facade;
typename boost::geometry::add_const_if_c<IsConst, my_polygon>::type* m_polygon;
int m_index;
bool equal(custom_iterator const& other) const
return this->m_index == other.m_index;
typename facade::difference_type distance_to(custom_iterator const& other) const
return other.m_index - this->m_index;
void advance(typename facade::difference_type n)
m_index += n;
if(m_polygon != NULL
&& (m_index >= m_polygon->point_count()
|| m_index < 0)
m_index = m_polygon->point_count();
void increment()
void decrement()
// const and non-const dereference of this iterator
typename boost::geometry::add_const_if_c<IsConst, my_point>::type& dereference() const
return m_polygon->get_point(m_index);
// 2) Implement Boost.Range const functionality
// using method 2, "provide free-standing functions and specialize metafunctions"
// 2a) meta-functions
namespace boost
template<> struct range_mutable_iterator<my_polygon>
typedef custom_iterator<false> type;
template<> struct range_const_iterator<my_polygon>
typedef custom_iterator<true> type;
// RangeEx
template<> struct range_size<my_polygon>
typedef std::size_t type;
} // namespace 'boost'
// 2b) free-standing function for Boost.Range ADP
inline custom_iterator<false> range_begin(my_polygon& polygon)
return custom_iterator<false>(polygon);
inline custom_iterator<true> range_begin(my_polygon const& polygon)
return custom_iterator<true>(polygon);
inline custom_iterator<false> range_end(my_polygon& polygon)
return custom_iterator<false>(true, polygon);
inline custom_iterator<true> range_end(my_polygon const& polygon)
return custom_iterator<true>(true, polygon);
// 3) optional, for writable geometries only, implement push_back/resize/clear
namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace traits
template<> struct push_back<my_polygon>
static inline void apply(my_polygon& polygon, my_point const& point)
template<> struct resize<my_polygon>
static inline void apply(my_polygon& polygon, std::size_t new_size)
// 4) register with Boost.Geometry
BOOST_GEOMETRY_REGISTER_POINT_2D(my_point, double, cs::cartesian, x, y)
// end adaption
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void walk_using_iterator(my_polygon const& polygon)
for (custom_iterator<true> it = custom_iterator<true>(polygon);
it != custom_iterator<true>(true, polygon);
std::cout << boost::geometry::dsv(*it) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
void walk_using_range(my_polygon const& polygon)
for (boost::range_iterator<my_polygon const>::type it
= boost::begin(polygon);
it != boost::end(polygon);
std::cout << boost::geometry::dsv(*it) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
my_polygon container1;
// Create (as an example) a regular polygon
const int n = 5;
const double d = (360 / n) * boost::geometry::math::d2r;
double a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++, a += d)
container1.add_point(my_point(sin(a), cos(a)));
std::cout << "Walk using Boost.Iterator derivative" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Walk using Boost.Range extension" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Use it by Boost.Geometry" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Area: " << boost::geometry::area(container1) << std::endl;
// Container 2 will be modified by Boost.Geometry. Add all points but the last one.
my_polygon container2;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Use here the Boost.Geometry internal way of inserting (but the my_polygon way of getting)
boost::geometry::traits::push_back<my_polygon>::apply(container2, container1.get_point(i));
std::cout << "Second container is not closed:" << std::endl;
// Correct (= close it)
std::cout << "Now it is closed:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Area: " << boost::geometry::area(container2) << std::endl;
// Use things from std:: using Boost.Range
std::reverse(boost::begin(container2), boost::end(container2));
std::cout << "Area reversed: " << boost::geometry::area(container2) << std::endl;
return 0;