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Boost.Flyweight flyweight reference


Header "boost/flyweight/flyweight_fwd.hpp" synopsis

#include <iosfwd>

namespace boost{
namespace flyweights{

  typename T,
  typename Arg1=implementation defined,
  typename Arg2=implementation defined,
  typename Arg3=implementation defined,
  typename Arg4=implementation defined,
  typename Arg5=implementation defined
class flyweight;

// comparison:

// OP is any of ==,<,!=,>,>=,<=

  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);

  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator OP(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);

  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);

// specialized algorithms:

template<typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5>
inline void swap(
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x,flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& y);

  typename ElemType,typename Traits, 
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator<<(
  std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& out,
  const flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);

  typename ElemType,typename Traits, 
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator>>(
  std::basic_istream<ElemType,Traits>& in,
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);

} // namespace boost::flyweights

using flyweights::flyweight;

} // namespace boost

flyweight_fwd.hpp forward declares the class template flyweight and its associated global functions.

Header "boost/flyweight/flyweight.hpp" synopsis

Class template flyweight

Objects of type flyweight<...> provide access to immutable values of type flyweight<...>::value_type, with the following advantages over using plain value_type objects:

So, if the level of redundancy (ratio of total objects to different values) is high enough, substituting a suitable instantiation of flyweight for value_type results in a reduction in memory usage.

flyweight is parameterized according to some aspects:

These aspects impact the internal structure and behavior of the flyweight instantiation in the following manner: In what follows, we implicitly assume that key_type equivalence refers to the equivalence relationship induced by the factory class used. Also, two values of value_type are considered equivalent if they are constructed from equivalent keys, or are copies of objects constructed from equivalent keys.

#include <initializer_list>

  typename T,
  typename Arg1,typename Arg2,typename Arg3,typename Arg4,typename Arg5
class flyweight
  typedef dependent on T key_type;
  typedef dependent on T value_type;

  // static data initialization:

  static bool init();
  class initializer{public:initializer();};
  // construct/copy/destroy:
  template<typename... Args>
  explicit flyweight(Args&&... args);

  template<typename V>
  flyweight(std::initializer_list<V> list);

  flyweight(const flyweight& x);
  flyweight(flyweight& x);
  flyweight(const flyweight&& x);
  flyweight(flyweight&& x);

  explicit flyweight(const value_type& x);
  explicit flyweight(value_type& x);
  explicit flyweight(const value_type&& x);
  explicit flyweight(value_type&& x);

  template<typename V>
  flyweight& operator=(std::initializer_list<V> list);

  flyweight& operator=(const flyweight& x);  

  flyweight& operator=(const value_type& x);
  flyweight& operator=(value_type&& x);

  // convertibility to underlying type:

  const key_type&   get_key()const;
  const value_type& get()const;
  operator const    value_type&()const;  

  // modifiers:

  void swap(flyweight& x);

Instantiation types

T can be either:

In the first case, the nested types key_type and value_type are both equal to T. In the second case, key_type=Key, value_type=Value; we say then that the instantiation of flyweight is a key-value flyweight. value_type is the type of the values flyweight objects give access to, while value lookup is based on associated key_type values. key_value must be Assignable and value_type must be constructible from key_type; additionally, key_value must conform to any extra requirements imposed by the type of factory used. For key-value flyweights, it is guaranteed that the creation or assignment of a flyweight object results in at most one construction (or copy construction in some particular cases) of an object of value_type, and this construction only occurs in the case that no equivalent value existed previously in the flyweight factory.

The types Arg1, ... , Arg5, if provided, must be any of the following, in no particular order:

No aspect can be specified twice. Each internal component of the flyweight instantiation is obtained through use of the corresponding specifier; for instance, the factory results from a certain (MPL) invocation of the given factory specifier, the internal mutex from the given locking policy, etc. The default configuration arguments are:

Static data initialization

The static data internal to a given flyweight instantiation (factory instance, etc.) is constructed during the dynamic initialization phase of the program and always before the first program-wide use of the instantiated class. The following utilities can be used when more control about the moment of construction is required.

static bool init();
Effects: After execution of this function the static data associated to the instantiation of flyweight is guaranteed to be constructed.
Note: Concurrent execution of this function is not thread safe.
Effects: Executes init().

Constructors, copy and assignment

template<typename... Args>
explicit flyweight(Args&&... args);
Effects: Constructs a flyweight object with the value value_type(key_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) if flyweight is key-value or value_type(std::forward<Args>(args)...) otherwise.
Note: In compilers without variadic template support, the implementation replaces this constructor with a number of overloads accepting any combination of const/non-const lvalue/rvalue reference arguments up to a maximum number that can be globally configured by the user.
template<typename V>
flyweight(std::initializer_list<V> list);
Effects: Constructs a flyweight object with the value value_type(key_type(list)) if flyweight is key-value or value_type(list) otherwise.
Note: The specialization for a particular std::initializer_list<V'> of this member function template is not available unless key_type is constructible from std::initializer_list<V'>.
flyweight(const flyweight& x);
flyweight(flyweight& x);
flyweight(const flyweight&& x);
flyweight(flyweight&& x);
Effects: Constructs a flyweight object associated to the same value as x.
Exception safety: nothrow.
explicit flyweight(const value_type& x);
explicit flyweight(value_type& x);
explicit flyweight(const value_type&& x);
explicit flyweight(value_type&& x);
Requires: If flyweight is key-value, value_type is Assignable and the Key Extractor KeyFromValue must have been supplied as part of the key_value<> construct.
Effects: Constructs a flyweight associated to a copy of x or with a value_type constructed from a key equivalent to that associated to x. For non-key-value flyweights, x is its own key; for key-value flyweights, the key is extracted through use of an object of type KeyFromValue.
template<typename V>
flyweight& operator=(std::initializer_list<V> list);
Effects: *this=flyweight(list).
Returns: *this.
Note: The specialization for a particular std::initializer_list<V'> of this member function template is not available unless key_type is constructible from std::initializer_list<V'>.
flyweight& operator=(const flyweight& x);
Effects: Associates the flyweight object with the same value as x.
Returns: *this.
Exception safety: nothrow.
flyweight& operator=(const value_type& x);
flyweight& operator=(value_type&& x);
Effects: *this=flyweight(x) (first overload), *this=flyweight(std::move(x)) (second overload).
Returns: *this.

Convertibility to the underlying types

const key_type& get_key()const;
Return: A copy of the key used to construct the value_type associated to the flyweight object.
Exception safety: If flyweight is not key-value or if KeyFromValue was not provided, nothrow.
const value_type& get()const;
operator const value_type&()const;
Return: The value associated to the flyweight object.
Exception safety: nothrow.


void swap(flyweight& x);
Effects: Swaps the associations to value_types each flyweight object has. No swapping of key_type or value_type objects is done.
Exception safety: nothrow.

Comparison operators

  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator ==(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: If x and y are of the same type, returns true if and only if they are associated to the same value; if x and y have different types, returns x.get()==y.get().
Exception safety: If x and y are of the same type, nothrow.
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator ==(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);
Returns: x.get()==y.
  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator ==(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: x==y.get().
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator <(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: x.get()<y.get().
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator <(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);
Returns: x.get()<y.
  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator <(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
Returns: x<y.get().
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(
  const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,
  const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);
  typename T1,typename Arg11,...,typename Arg15,
  typename T2
bool operator OP(const flyweight<T1,Arg11,...,Arg15>& x,const T2& y);
  typename T1,
  typename T2,typename Arg21,...,typename Arg25
bool operator OP(const T1& x,const flyweight<T2,Arg21,...,Arg25>& y);

(OP is any of !=, >, >=, <=.)

Returns: true if and only if
!(x==y) (OP is !=),
  y< x  (OP is ),
!(x< y) (OP is >=),
!(y< x) (OP is <=).

Specialized algorithms

template<typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5>
inline void swap(
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x,flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& y);
Effects: x.swap(y).
  typename ElemType,typename Traits,
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator<<(
  std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& out,
  const flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);
Effects: out<<x.get().
Returns: out.
  typename ElemType,typename Traits,
  typename T,typename Arg1,...,typename Arg5
inline std::basic_ostream<ElemType,Traits>& operator>>(
  std::basic_istream<ElemType,Traits>& in,
  flyweight<T,Arg1,...,Arg5>& x);
Requires: If flyweight is key-value, value_type is Assignable and the Key Extractor KeyFromValue must have been supplied as part of the key_value<> construct.
Effects: Reads an object of type value_type from in and assigns it to x.
Returns: in.

Configuration macros

Effects: In compilers without variadic template support, globally define this macro to set the maximum number of arguments accepted by flyweight forwarding constructor, which by default is 5.

Revised February 1st 2014

© Copyright 2006-2014 Joaquín M López Muñoz. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at