* Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2014.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* \file
* \author Andrey Semashev
* \date 31.10.2009
* The header contains exception classes declarations.
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/enum.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/attribute_name.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/type_info_wrapper.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>
#pragma once
namespace boost {
// Forward-declaration of an exception base class from Boost.Exception
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# if (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
# pragma GCC visibility push (default)
class exception;
# pragma GCC visibility pop
# else
class exception;
# endif
class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE exception;
namespace aux {
//! Attaches attribute name exception information
BOOST_LOG_API void attach_attribute_name_info(exception& e, attribute_name const& name);
} // namespace aux
* \brief Base class for runtime exceptions from the logging library
* Exceptions derived from this class indicate a problem that may not directly
* be caused by the user's code that interacts with the library, such as
* errors caused by input data.
class BOOST_LOG_API runtime_error :
public std::runtime_error
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit runtime_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~runtime_error() throw();
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate errors of missing values
class BOOST_LOG_API missing_value :
public runtime_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit missing_value(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~missing_value() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr, attribute_name const& name);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate errors of incorrect type of an object
class BOOST_LOG_API invalid_type :
public runtime_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit invalid_type(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~invalid_type() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr, attribute_name const& name);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr, type_info_wrapper const& type);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr, attribute_name const& name, type_info_wrapper const& type);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate errors of incorrect value of an object
class BOOST_LOG_API invalid_value :
public runtime_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit invalid_value(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~invalid_value() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate parsing errors
class BOOST_LOG_API parse_error :
public runtime_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit parse_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~parse_error() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr, std::size_t content_line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr, attribute_name const& name);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate conversion errors
class BOOST_LOG_API conversion_error :
public runtime_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit conversion_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~conversion_error() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate underlying OS API errors
class BOOST_LOG_API system_error :
public runtime_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit system_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~system_error() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
* \brief Base class for logic exceptions from the logging library
* Exceptions derived from this class usually indicate errors on the user's side, such as
* incorrect library usage.
class BOOST_LOG_API logic_error :
public std::logic_error
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit logic_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~logic_error() throw();
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate ODR violation
class BOOST_LOG_API odr_violation :
public logic_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit odr_violation(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~odr_violation() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate invalid call sequence
class BOOST_LOG_API unexpected_call :
public logic_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit unexpected_call(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~unexpected_call() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate invalid library setup
class BOOST_LOG_API setup_error :
public logic_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit setup_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~setup_error() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
* \brief Exception class that is used to indicate library limitation
class BOOST_LOG_API limitation_error :
public logic_error
* Default constructor. Creates an exception with the default error message.
* Initializing constructor. Creates an exception with the specified error message.
explicit limitation_error(std::string const& descr);
* Destructor
~limitation_error() throw();
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line);
static BOOST_LOG_NORETURN void throw_(const char* file, std::size_t line, std::string const& descr);
} // namespace boost
#define BOOST_LOG_THROW(ex)\
ex::throw_(__FILE__, static_cast< std::size_t >(__LINE__))
#define BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(ex, descr)\
ex::throw_(__FILE__, static_cast< std::size_t >(__LINE__), descr)
#define BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR_PARAMS(ex, descr, params)\
ex::throw_(__FILE__, static_cast< std::size_t >(__LINE__), descr, BOOST_PP_SEQ_ENUM(params))
#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>