Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


//  (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2012-2014.
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 

//  See for the library home page.
/// @file
/// Forward declares monomorphic datasets interfaces
// ***************************************************************************


// Boost.Test
#include <boost/test/data/config.hpp>
#include <boost/test/data/size.hpp>

#include <boost/test/utils/is_forward_iterable.hpp>

// Boost
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/add_const.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/declval.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/decay.hpp>

#include <boost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp>


namespace boost {
namespace unit_test {
namespace data {

namespace monomorphic {

#if !defined(BOOST_TEST_DOXYGEN_DOC__)
template<typename T>
struct traits;

template<typename T>
class dataset;

template<typename T>
class singleton;

template<typename C>
class collection;

template<typename T>
class array;

#  define BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF std::enable_if
#  define BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF boost::enable_if_c

// ************************************************************************** //
// **************            monomorphic::is_dataset           ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //

//! Helper metafunction indicating if the specified type is a dataset.
template<typename DataSet>
struct is_dataset : mpl::false_ {};

//! A reference to a dataset is a dataset
template<typename DataSet>
struct is_dataset<DataSet&> : is_dataset<DataSet> {};

//! A const dataset is a dataset
template<typename DataSet>
struct is_dataset<DataSet const> : is_dataset<DataSet> {};


} // namespace monomorphic

// ************************************************************************** //
// **************                  data::make                  ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //


//! @brief Creates a dataset from a value, a collection or an array
//! This function has several overloads:
//! @code
//! // returns ds if ds is already a dataset
//! template <typename DataSet> DataSet make(DataSet&& ds); 
//! // creates a singleton dataset, for non forward iterable and non dataset type T
//! // (a C string is not considered as a sequence).
//! template <typename T> monomorphic::singleton<T> make(T&& v); 
//! monomorphic::singleton<char*> make( char* str );
//! monomorphic::singleton<char const*> make( char const* str );
//! // creates a collection dataset, for forward iterable and non dataset type C
//! template <typename C> monomorphic::collection<C> make(C && c);
//! // creates an array dataset
//! template<typename T, std::size_t size> monomorphic::array<T> make( T (&a)[size] );
//! @endcode
template<typename DataSet>
inline typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<monomorphic::is_dataset<DataSet>::value,DataSet>::type
make(DataSet&& ds)
    return std::forward<DataSet>( ds );

// warning: doxygen is apparently unable to handle @overload from different files, so if the overloads
// below are not declared with @overload in THIS file, they do not appear in the documentation.

// fwrd declaration for singletons
//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
template<typename T>
inline typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<!is_forward_iterable<T>::value && 
                                     !monomorphic::is_dataset<T>::value &&
                                     !boost::is_array< typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type >::value, 
                                     monomorphic::singleton<T> >::type
make( T&& v );

//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
template<typename C>
inline typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<is_forward_iterable<C>::value, 
                                     monomorphic::collection<C> >::type
make( C&& c );


//! @overload boost::unit_test:data::make()
template<typename DataSet>
inline typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<monomorphic::is_dataset<DataSet>::value,DataSet const&>::type
make(DataSet const& ds)
    return ds;

// fwrd declaration for singletons
#if !(defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC < 1600))
//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
template<typename T>
inline typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<!is_forward_iterable<T>::value && 
                                     !monomorphic::is_dataset<T>::value &&
                                     !boost::is_array< typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type >::value, 
                                     monomorphic::singleton<T> >::type
make( T const& v );

// fwrd declaration for collections
//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
template<typename C>
inline typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<is_forward_iterable<C>::value, 
                                     monomorphic::collection<C> >::type
make( C const& c );



// fwrd declarations
//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
template<typename T, std::size_t size>
inline monomorphic::array< typename boost::remove_const<T>::type >
make( T (&a)[size] );

// apparently some compilers (eg clang-3.4 on linux) have trouble understanding
// the previous line for T being const
//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
template<typename T, std::size_t size>
inline monomorphic::array< typename boost::remove_const<T>::type >
make( T const (&)[size] );

template<typename T, std::size_t size>
inline monomorphic::array< typename boost::remove_const<T>::type >
make( T a[size] );

//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
inline monomorphic::singleton<char*>
make( char* str );

//! @overload boost::unit_test::data::make()
inline monomorphic::singleton<char const*>
make( char const* str );


namespace result_of {

//! Result of the make call.
template<typename DataSet>
struct make
    typedef decltype(data::make(boost::declval<DataSet>())) type;

// explicit specialisation, cumbersome

template <typename DataSet, typename Enable = void>
struct make;

template <typename DataSet>
struct make<
         DataSet const&, 
         typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF<monomorphic::is_dataset<DataSet>::value>::type
    typedef DataSet const& type;

template <typename T>
struct make<
         typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF< (!is_forward_iterable<T>::value && 
                                         !monomorphic::is_dataset<T>::value &&
                                         !boost::is_array< typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type >::value)
    typedef monomorphic::singleton<T> type;

template <typename C>  
struct make<
         typename BOOST_TEST_ENABLE_IF< is_forward_iterable<C>::value>::type
    typedef monomorphic::collection<C> type;

#if 1 
template <typename T, std::size_t size>  
struct make<T [size]>
    typedef monomorphic::array<typename boost::remove_const<T>::type> type;

template <typename T, std::size_t size>  
struct make<T (&)[size]>
    typedef monomorphic::array<typename boost::remove_const<T>::type> type;

template <typename T, std::size_t size>  
struct make<T const (&)[size]>
    typedef monomorphic::array<typename boost::remove_const<T>::type> type;

template <>  
struct make<char*>
    typedef monomorphic::singleton<char*> type;

template <>  
struct make<char const*>
    typedef monomorphic::singleton<char const*> type;


} // namespace result_of


} // namespace data
} // namespace unit_test
} // namespace boost

#include <boost/test/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>