...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
// In header: <boost/container/new_allocator.hpp> class new_allocator<void> { public: // types typedef void value_type; typedef void * pointer; typedef const void * const_pointer; typedef implementation_defined propagate_on_container_move_assignment; // A integral constant of type bool with value true. typedef implementation_defined is_always_equal; // A integral constant of type bool with value true. // member classes/structs/unions template<typename T2> struct rebind { // types typedef new_allocator< T2 > other; }; // construct/copy/destruct new_allocator() noexcept; new_allocator(const new_allocator &) noexcept; template<typename T2> new_allocator(const new_allocator< T2 > &) noexcept; // friend functions friend void swap(new_allocator &, new_allocator &) noexcept; friend bool operator==(const new_allocator &, const new_allocator &) noexcept; friend bool operator!=(const new_allocator &, const new_allocator &) noexcept; };
Specialization of new_allocator for void types
construct/copy/destructnew_allocator() noexcept;
Default constructor Never throws
new_allocator(const new_allocator &) noexcept;
Constructor from other new_allocator
. Never throws
template<typename T2> new_allocator(const new_allocator< T2 > &) noexcept;
Constructor from related new_allocator
. Never throws
friend functionsfriend void swap(new_allocator &, new_allocator &) noexcept;
Swaps two allocators, does nothing because this new_allocator
is stateless
friend bool operator==(const new_allocator &, const new_allocator &) noexcept;
An new_allocator
always compares to true, as memory allocated with one instance can be deallocated by another instance
friend bool operator!=(const new_allocator &, const new_allocator &) noexcept;
An new_allocator
always compares to false, as memory allocated with one instance can be deallocated by another instance