...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
Provides access to various Unit Test Framework runtime parameters.
Primarily for use by the framework itself
namespace boost { namespace unit_test { namespace runtime_config { class stream_holder; std::string AUTO_START_DBG; std::string BREAK_EXEC_PATH; std::string BUILD_INFO; std::string CATCH_SYS_ERRORS; std::string COLOR_OUTPUT; std::string DETECT_FP_EXCEPT; std::string DETECT_MEM_LEAKS; std::string LIST_CONTENT; std::string LIST_LABELS; std::string COMBINED_LOGGER; std::string LOG_FORMAT; std::string LOG_LEVEL; std::string LOG_SINK; std::string OUTPUT_FORMAT; std::string RANDOM_SEED; std::string REPORT_FORMAT; std::string REPORT_LEVEL; std::string REPORT_MEM_LEAKS; std::string REPORT_SINK; std::string RESULT_CODE; std::string RUN_FILTERS; std::string SAVE_TEST_PATTERN; std::string SHOW_PROGRESS; std::string USE_ALT_STACK; std::string WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER; void init(int & argc, char ** argv); // Access to arguments. runtime::arguments_store const & argument_store(); template<typename T> T const & get(runtime::cstring parameter_name); bool has(runtime::cstring parameter_name); // For public access. bool save_pattern(); } } }