Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


Copyright 2017 Glen Joseph Fernandes

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.

#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/core/addressof.hpp>

namespace boost {

template<class T>
struct pointer_traits;

namespace detail {

template<class U>
inline typename boost::pointer_traits<U>::element_type*
ptr_traits_address(const U& v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return boost::pointer_traits<U>::to_address(v);

} /* detail */

template<class T>
struct pointer_traits
    : std::pointer_traits<T> {
    template<class U>
    struct rebind_to {
        typedef typename std::pointer_traits<T>::template rebind<U> type;
    static typename std::pointer_traits<T>::element_type*
    to_address(const T& v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
        return detail::ptr_traits_address(v.operator->());

template<class T>
struct pointer_traits<T*>
    : std::pointer_traits<T*> {
    template<class U>
    struct rebind_to {
        typedef U* type;
    static T* to_address(T* v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
        return v;
namespace detail {

struct ptr_traits_none { char first, second; };

template<class T>
struct ptr_traits_has_element {
    template<class U>
    static ptr_traits_none call(...);
    template<class U>
    static char call(typename U::element_type* = 0);
    static const bool value = sizeof(call<T>(0)) == 1;

template<class T>
struct ptr_traits_first;

template<template<class, class...> class T, class U, class... Args>
struct ptr_traits_first<T<U, Args...> > {
    typedef U type;
template<template<class> class T, class U>
struct ptr_traits_first<T<U> > {
    typedef U type;

template<template<class, class> class T, class U1, class U2>
struct ptr_traits_first<T<U1, U2> > {
    typedef U1 type;

template<template<class, class, class> class T, class U1, class U2, class U3>
struct ptr_traits_first<T<U1, U2, U3> > {
    typedef U1 type;

template<class T, bool = ptr_traits_has_element<T>::value>
struct ptr_traits_element {
    typedef typename T::element_type type;

template<class T>
struct ptr_traits_element<T, false> {
    typedef typename ptr_traits_first<T>::type type;

template<class T>
struct ptr_traits_has_difference {
    template<class U>
    static ptr_traits_none call(...);
    template<class U>
    static char call(typename U::difference_type* = 0);
    static const bool value = sizeof(call<T>(0)) == 1;

template<class T, bool = ptr_traits_has_difference<T>::value>
struct ptr_traits_difference {
    typedef typename T::difference_type type;

template<class T>
struct ptr_traits_difference<T, false> {
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t type;

template<class T, class V>
struct ptr_traits_has_rebind {
    template<class U>
    static ptr_traits_none call(...);
    template<class U>
    static char call(typename U::template rebind<V>* = 0);
    static const bool value = sizeof(call<T>(0)) == 1;

template<class T, class V>
struct ptr_traits_rebind_to;

template<template<class, class...> class T, class U, class... Args, class V>
struct ptr_traits_rebind_to<T<U, Args...>, V> {
    typedef T<V, Args...> type;
template<template<class> class T, class U, class V>
struct ptr_traits_rebind_to<T<U>, V> {
    typedef T<V> type;

template<template<class, class> class T, class U1, class U2, class V>
struct ptr_traits_rebind_to<T<U1, U2>, V> {
    typedef T<V, U2> type;

template<template<class, class, class> class T,
    class U1, class U2, class U3, class V>
struct ptr_traits_rebind_to<T<U1, U2, U3>, V> {
    typedef T<V, U2, U3> type;

template<class T, class U, bool = ptr_traits_has_rebind<T, U>::value>
struct ptr_traits_rebind {
    typedef typename T::template rebind<U> type;

template<class T, class U>
struct ptr_traits_rebind<T, U, false> {
    typedef typename ptr_traits_rebind_to<T, U>::type type;
template<class T, class U>
struct ptr_traits_rebind {
    typedef typename ptr_traits_rebind_to<T, U>::type type;

template<class T>
struct ptr_traits_value {
    typedef T type;

struct ptr_traits_value<void> {
    typedef struct { } type;

} /* detail */

template<class T>
struct pointer_traits {
    typedef T pointer;
    typedef typename detail::ptr_traits_element<T>::type element_type;
    typedef typename detail::ptr_traits_difference<T>::type difference_type;
    template<class U>
    struct rebind_to {
        typedef typename detail::ptr_traits_rebind<T, U>::type type;
    template<class U>
    using rebind = typename detail::ptr_traits_rebind<T, U>::type;
    static pointer
    pointer_to(typename detail::ptr_traits_value<element_type>::type& v) {
        return pointer::pointer_to(v);
    static element_type* to_address(const pointer& v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
        return detail::ptr_traits_address(v.operator->());

template<class T>
struct pointer_traits<T*> {
    typedef T* pointer;
    typedef T element_type;
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
    template<class U>
    struct rebind_to {
        typedef U* type;
    template<class U>
    using rebind = U*;
    static T*
    pointer_to(typename detail::ptr_traits_value<T>::type& v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
        return addressof(v);
    static T* to_address(T* v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
        return v;

template<class T>
inline typename pointer_traits<T>::element_type*
to_address(const T& v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return pointer_traits<T>::to_address(v);

template<class T>
inline T*
to_address(T* v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
    return v;

} /* boost */
