Boost.Hana  1.2.0
Your standard library for metaprogramming


Concepts provided by the library.


 The Applicative concept represents Functors with the ability to lift values and combine computations.
 The Comonad concept represents context-sensitive computations and data.
 The Comparable concept defines equality and inequality.
 The Constant concept represents data that can be manipulated at compile-time.
 Euclidean Ring
 The EuclideanRing concept represents a commutative Ring that can also be endowed with a division algorithm.
 The Foldable concept represents data structures that can be reduced to a single value.
 The Functor concept represents types that can be mapped over.
 The Group concept represents Monoids where all objects have an inverse w.r.t. the Monoid's binary operation.
 The Hashable concept represents objects that can be normalized to a type-level hash.
 The Iterable concept represents data structures supporting external iteration.
 The Logical concept represents types with a truth value.
 A Metafunction is a function that takes hana::types as inputs and returns a hana::type as output.
 The Monad concept represents Applicatives with the ability to flatten nested levels of structure.
 The MonadPlus concept represents Monads with a monoidal structure.
 The Monoid concept represents data types with an associative binary operation that has an identity.
 The Orderable concept represents totally ordered data types.
 Represents types that are generic containers of two elements.
 The Ring concept represents Groups that also form a Monoid under a second binary operation that distributes over the first.
 The Searchable concept represents structures that can be searched.
 The Sequence concept represents generic index-based sequences.
 The Struct concept represents struct-like user-defined types.


struct  boost::hana::IntegralConstant< C >
 The IntegralConstant concept represents compile-time integral values. More...