Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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Class template d_ary_heap

boost::heap::d_ary_heap — d-ary heap class


// In header: <boost/heap/d_ary_heap.hpp>

template<typename T, class... Options> 
class d_ary_heap {
  // types
  typedef T                                        value_type;      
  typedef implementation_defined::size_type        size_type;       
  typedef implementation_defined::difference_type  difference_type; 
  typedef implementation_defined::value_compare    value_compare;   
  typedef implementation_defined::allocator_type   allocator_type;  
  typedef implementation_defined::reference        reference;       
  typedef implementation_defined::const_reference  const_reference; 
  typedef implementation_defined::pointer          pointer;         
  typedef implementation_defined::const_pointer    const_pointer;   
  typedef implementation_defined::iterator         iterator;        
  typedef implementation_defined::const_iterator   const_iterator;  
  typedef implementation_defined::ordered_iterator ordered_iterator;
  typedef implementation_defined::handle_type      handle_type;     

  // construct/copy/destruct
  explicit d_ary_heap(value_compare const & = value_compare());
  d_ary_heap(d_ary_heap const &);
  d_ary_heap(d_ary_heap &&);
  d_ary_heap & operator=(d_ary_heap &&);
  d_ary_heap & operator=(d_ary_heap const &);

  // public member functions
  bool empty(void) const;
  size_type size(void) const;
  size_type max_size(void) const;
  void clear(void);
  allocator_type get_allocator(void) const;
  value_type const & top(void) const;
  mpl::if_c< is_mutable, handle_type, void >::type push(value_type const &);
  template<class... Args> 
    mpl::if_c< is_mutable, handle_type, void >::type emplace(Args &&...);
  template<typename HeapType> bool operator<(HeapType const &) const;
  template<typename HeapType> bool operator>(HeapType const &) const;
  template<typename HeapType> bool operator>=(HeapType const &) const;
  template<typename HeapType> bool operator<=(HeapType const &) const;
  template<typename HeapType> bool operator==(HeapType const &) const;
  template<typename HeapType> bool operator!=(HeapType const &) const;
  void update(handle_type, const_reference);
  void update(handle_type);
  void increase(handle_type, const_reference);
  void increase(handle_type);
  void decrease(handle_type, const_reference);
  void decrease(handle_type);
  void erase(handle_type);
  void pop(void);
  void swap(d_ary_heap &);
  const_iterator begin(void) const;
  iterator begin(void);
  iterator end(void);
  const_iterator end(void) const;
  ordered_iterator ordered_begin(void) const;
  ordered_iterator ordered_end(void) const;
  void reserve(size_type);
  value_compare const & value_comp(void) const;

  // public static functions
  static handle_type s_handle_from_iterator(iterator const &);

  // public data members
  static const bool constant_time_size;
  static const bool has_ordered_iterators;
  static const bool is_mergable;
  static const bool has_reserve;
  static const bool is_stable;


This class implements an immutable priority queue. Internally, the d-ary heap is represented as dynamically sized array (std::vector), that directly stores the values.

The template parameter T is the type to be managed by the container. The user can specify additional options and if no options are provided default options are used.

The container supports the following options:

  • boost::heap::arity<>, required

  • boost::heap::compare<>, defaults to compare<std::less<T> >

  • boost::heap::stable<>, defaults to stable<false>

  • boost::heap::stability_counter_type<>, defaults to stability_counter_type<boost::uintmax_t>

  • boost::heap::allocator<>, defaults to allocator<std::allocator<T> >

  • boost::heap::mutable_<>, defaults to mutable_<false>

d_ary_heap public types

  1. typedef implementation_defined::iterator iterator;

    Note: The iterator does not traverse the priority queue in order of the priorities.

d_ary_heap public construct/copy/destruct

  1. explicit d_ary_heap(value_compare const & cmp = value_compare());

    Effects: constructs an empty priority queue.

    Complexity: Constant.

  2. d_ary_heap(d_ary_heap const & rhs);

    Effects: copy-constructs priority queue from rhs.

    Complexity: Linear.

  3. d_ary_heap(d_ary_heap && rhs);

    Effects: C++11-style move constructor.

    Complexity: Constant.

    Note: Only available, if BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES is not defined

  4. d_ary_heap & operator=(d_ary_heap && rhs);

    Effects: C++11-style move assignment.

    Complexity: Constant.

    Note: Only available, if BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES is not defined

  5. d_ary_heap & operator=(d_ary_heap const & rhs);

    Effects: Assigns priority queue from rhs.

    Complexity: Linear.

d_ary_heap public member functions

  1. bool empty(void) const;

    Effects: Returns true, if the priority queue contains no elements.

    Complexity: Constant.

  2. size_type size(void) const;

    Effects: Returns the number of elements contained in the priority queue.

    Complexity: Constant.

  3. size_type max_size(void) const;

    Effects: Returns the maximum number of elements the priority queue can contain.

    Complexity: Constant.

  4. void clear(void);

    Effects: Removes all elements from the priority queue.

    Complexity: Linear.

  5. allocator_type get_allocator(void) const;

    Effects: Returns allocator.

    Complexity: Constant.

  6. value_type const & top(void) const;

    Effects: Returns a const_reference to the maximum element.

    Complexity: Constant.

  7. mpl::if_c< is_mutable, handle_type, void >::type push(value_type const & v);

    Effects: Adds a new element to the priority queue.

    Complexity: Logarithmic (amortized). Linear (worst case).

  8. template<class... Args> 
      mpl::if_c< is_mutable, handle_type, void >::type emplace(Args &&... args);

    Effects: Adds a new element to the priority queue. The element is directly constructed in-place.

    Complexity: Logarithmic (amortized). Linear (worst case).

  9. template<typename HeapType> bool operator<(HeapType const & rhs) const;

    Returns: Element-wise comparison of heap data structures

    Requirement: the value_compare object of both heaps must match.

  10. template<typename HeapType> bool operator>(HeapType const & rhs) const;

    Returns: Element-wise comparison of heap data structures

    Requirement: the value_compare object of both heaps must match.

  11. template<typename HeapType> bool operator>=(HeapType const & rhs) const;

    Returns: Element-wise comparison of heap data structures

    Requirement: the value_compare object of both heaps must match.

  12. template<typename HeapType> bool operator<=(HeapType const & rhs) const;

    Returns: Element-wise comparison of heap data structures

    Requirement: the value_compare object of both heaps must match.

  13. template<typename HeapType> bool operator==(HeapType const & rhs) const;
    Equivalent comparison Returns: True, if both heap data structures are equivalent.

    Requirement: the value_compare object of both heaps must match.

  14. template<typename HeapType> bool operator!=(HeapType const & rhs) const;
    Equivalent comparison Returns: True, if both heap data structures are not equivalent.

    Requirement: the value_compare object of both heaps must match.

  15. void update(handle_type handle, const_reference v);

    Effects: Assigns v to the element handled by handle & updates the priority queue.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  16. void update(handle_type handle);

    Effects: Updates the heap after the element handled by handle has been changed.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Note: If this is not called, after a handle has been updated, the behavior of the data structure is undefined!

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  17. void increase(handle_type handle, const_reference v);

    Effects: Assigns v to the element handled by handle & updates the priority queue.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Note: The new value is expected to be greater than the current one

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  18. void increase(handle_type handle);

    Effects: Updates the heap after the element handled by handle has been changed.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Note: The new value is expected to be greater than the current one. If this is not called, after a handle has been updated, the behavior of the data structure is undefined!

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  19. void decrease(handle_type handle, const_reference v);

    Effects: Assigns v to the element handled by handle & updates the priority queue.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Note: The new value is expected to be less than the current one

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  20. void decrease(handle_type handle);

    Effects: Updates the heap after the element handled by handle has been changed.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Note: The new value is expected to be less than the current one. If this is not called, after a handle has been updated, the behavior of the data structure is undefined!

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  21. void erase(handle_type handle);

    Effects: Removes the element handled by handle from the priority_queue.

    Complexity: Logarithmic.

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable

  22. void pop(void);

    Effects: Removes the top element from the priority queue.

    Complexity: Logarithmic (amortized). Linear (worst case).

  23. void swap(d_ary_heap & rhs);

    Effects: Swaps two priority queues.

    Complexity: Constant.

  24. const_iterator begin(void) const;

    Effects: Returns an iterator to the first element contained in the priority queue.

    Complexity: Constant.

  25. iterator begin(void);

    Effects: Returns an iterator to the first element contained in the priority queue.

    Complexity: Constant.

  26. iterator end(void);

    Effects: Returns an iterator to the end of the priority queue.

    Complexity: Constant.

  27. const_iterator end(void) const;

    Effects: Returns an iterator to the end of the priority queue.

    Complexity: Constant.

  28. ordered_iterator ordered_begin(void) const;

    Effects: Returns an ordered iterator to the first element contained in the priority queue.

    Note: Ordered iterators traverse the priority queue in heap order.

  29. ordered_iterator ordered_end(void) const;

    Effects: Returns an ordered iterator to the end of the priority queue.

    Note: Ordered iterators traverse the priority queue in heap order.

  30. void reserve(size_type element_count);

    Effects: Reserves memory for element_count elements

    Complexity: Linear.

    Node: Invalidates iterators

  31. value_compare const & value_comp(void) const;

    Effect: Returns the value_compare object used by the priority queue

d_ary_heap public static functions

  1. static handle_type s_handle_from_iterator(iterator const & it);

    Effects: Casts an iterator to a node handle.

    Complexity: Constant.

    Requirement: data structure must be configured as mutable
