Boost GIL

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locator_type< T, L, IsPlanar, IsStepX, IsMutable > Struct Template Reference

Returns the type of a homogeneous locator given the channel type, layout, whether it operates on planar data and whether it has a step horizontally. More...

#include <metafunctions.hpp>

Public Types

typedef type_from_x_iterator
< typename iterator_type< T, L,
IsPlanar, IsStepX, IsMutable >
::type >::xy_locator_type 

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename L, bool IsPlanar = false, bool IsStepX = false, bool IsMutable = true>
struct boost::gil::locator_type< T, L, IsPlanar, IsStepX, IsMutable >

Returns the type of a homogeneous locator given the channel type, layout, whether it operates on planar data and whether it has a step horizontally.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: