...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
A TCP/IP stream socket with timeouts and a polymorphic executor.
Defined in header <boost/beast/core/tcp_stream.hpp>
using tcp_stream = basic_stream< net::ip::tcp, net::executor, unlimited_rate_policy >;
Name |
Description |
The endpoint type. |
The type of the executor associated with the stream. |
The protocol type. |
The type of the underlying socket. |
Name |
Description |
Connect the stream to the specified endpoint asynchronously. Establishes a connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence asynchronously. |
Read some data asynchronously. |
Write some data asynchronously. |
Constructor. Move constructor. |
Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the socket. |
Close the timed stream. |
Connect the stream to the specified endpoint. Establishes a connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence. |
Set the timeout for the next logical operation. |
Set the timeout for the next logical operation. |
Disable the timeout for the next logical operation. |
Get the executor associated with the object. |
Move assignment (deleted). |
Returns the rate policy associated with the object. |
Read some data. |
Release ownership of the underlying socket. |
Return a reference to the underlying socket. |
Write some data. |
Destructor. |
This stream wraps a net::basic_stream_socket
to provide the following
Although the stream supports multiple concurrent outstanding asynchronous
operations, the stream object is not thread-safe. The caller is responsible
for ensuring that the stream is accessed from only one thread at a time.
This includes the times when the stream, and its underlying socket, are accessed
by the networking implementation. To meet this thread safety requirement,
all asynchronous operations must be performed by the stream within the same
implicit strand (only one thread net::io_context::run
or within the same explicit strand, such as an instance of net::strand
Completion handlers with explicit associated executors (such as those arising
from use of net::bind_executor
) will be invoked by the stream
using the associated executor. Otherwise, the completion handler will be
invoked by the executor associated with the stream upon construction. The
type of executor used with this stream must meet the following requirements:
The executor type net::strand
meets these requirements. Use of
a strand as the executor in the stream class template offers an additional
notational convenience: the strand does not need to be specified in each
individual initiating function call. Unlike other stream wrappers, the underlying
socket is accessed through the basic_stream::socket
member function instead of
. This causes the
to be returned in calls to get_lowest_layer
To use this stream declare an instance of the class. Then, before each logical
operation for which a timeout is desired, call basic_stream::expires_after
with a duration, or
call basic_stream::expires_at
with a time point. Alternatively,
call basic_stream::expires_never
to disable the timeout
for subsequent logical operations. A logical operation is any series of one
or more direct or indirect calls to the timeout stream's asynchronous read,
asynchronous write, or asynchronous connect functions. When a timeout is
set and a mixed operation is performed (one that includes both reads and
writes, for example) the timeout applies to all of the intermediate asynchronous
operations used in the enclosing operation. This allows timeouts to be applied
to stream algorithms which were not written specifically to allow for timeouts,
when those algorithms are passed a timeout stream with a timeout set. When
a timeout occurs the socket will be closed, canceling any pending I/O operations.
The completion handlers for these canceled operations will be invoked with
the error timeout
This function reads an HTTP request with a timeout, then sends the HTTP response with a different timeout.
void process_http_1 (tcp_stream& stream, net::yield_context yield) { flat_buffer buffer; http::request<http::empty_body> req; // Read the request, with a 15 second timeout stream.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(15)); http::async_read(stream, buffer, req, yield); // Calculate the response http::response<http::string_body> res = make_response(req); // Send the response, with a 30 second timeout. stream.expires_after (std::chrono::seconds(30)); http::async_write (stream, res, yield); }
The example above could be expressed using a single timeout with a simple modification. The function that follows first reads an HTTP request then sends the HTTP response, with a single timeout that applies to the entire combined operation of reading and writing:
void process_http_2 (tcp_stream& stream, net::yield_context yield) { flat_buffer buffer; http::request<http::empty_body> req; // Require that the read and write combined take no longer than 30 seconds stream.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(30)); http::async_read(stream, buffer, req, yield); http::response<http::string_body> res = make_response(req); http::async_write (stream, res, yield); }
Some stream algorithms, such as ssl::stream::async_handshake
perform both reads and writes. A timeout set before calling the initiating
function of such composite stream algorithms will apply to the entire composite
operation. For example, a timeout may be set on performing the SSL handshake
void do_ssl_handshake (net::ssl::stream<tcp_stream>& stream, net::yield_context yield) { // Require that the SSL handshake take no longer than 10 seconds stream.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(10)); stream.async_handshake(net::ssl::stream_base::client, yield); }
Synchronous functions behave identically as that of the wrapped net::basic_stream_socket
Timeouts are not available when performing blocking calls.
Type |
Description |
A type meeting the requirements of Protocol
representing the protocol the protocol to use for the basic stream
socket. A common choice is |
A type meeting the requirements of Executor
to be used for submitting all completion handlers which do not
already have an associated executor. If this type is omitted, the
default of |
Distinct objects: Safe.
Shared objects: Unsafe. The application must also ensure that all asynchronous operations are performed within the same implicit or explicit strand.
Convenience header <boost/beast/core.hpp>