// Copyright 2018 Hans Dembinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at
#include <boost/core/ignore_unused.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis/option.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/args_type.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/detect.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/static_if.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/try_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/type_name.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/list.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/variant2/variant.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace boost {
namespace histogram {
namespace detail {
template <class T>
using get_options_from_method = axis::option::bitset<T::options()>;
template <class Axis>
struct static_options_impl {
static_assert(std::is_same<std::decay_t<Axis>, Axis>::value,
"support of static_options for qualified types was removed, please use "
using type = mp11::mp_eval_or<
mp11::mp_if<has_method_update<Axis>, axis::option::growth_t, axis::option::none_t>,
get_options_from_method, Axis>;
template <class T>
using get_inclusive_from_method = std::integral_constant<bool, T::inclusive()>;
template <class Axis>
struct static_is_inclusive_impl {
using type = mp11::mp_eval_or<decltype(static_options_impl<Axis>::type::test(
axis::option::underflow | axis::option::overflow)),
get_inclusive_from_method, Axis>;
template <class I, class D, class A>
double value_method_switch_impl1(std::false_type, I&&, D&&, const A&) {
// comma trick to make all compilers happy; some would complain about
// unreachable code after the throw, others about a missing return
std::runtime_error(type_name<A>() + " has no value method")),
template <class I, class D, class A>
decltype(auto) value_method_switch_impl1(std::true_type, I&& i, D&& d, const A& a) {
using T = arg_type<decltype(&A::value)>;
return static_if<std::is_same<T, axis::index_type>>(std::forward<I>(i),
std::forward<D>(d), a);
template <class I, class D, class A>
decltype(auto) value_method_switch(I&& i, D&& d, const A& a) {
return value_method_switch_impl1(has_method_value<A>{}, std::forward<I>(i),
std::forward<D>(d), a);
static axis::null_type null_value;
struct variant_access {
template <class T, class Variant>
static auto get_if(Variant* v) noexcept {
using T0 = mp11::mp_first<std::decay_t<Variant>>;
return static_if<std::is_pointer<T0>>(
[](auto* vptr) {
using TP = mp11::mp_if<std::is_const<std::remove_pointer_t<T0>>, const T*, T*>;
auto ptp = variant2::get_if<TP>(vptr);
return ptp ? *ptp : nullptr;
[](auto* vptr) { return variant2::get_if<T>(vptr); }, &(v->impl));
template <class T0, class Visitor, class Variant>
static decltype(auto) visit_impl(mp11::mp_identity<T0>, Visitor&& vis, Variant&& v) {
return variant2::visit(std::forward<Visitor>(vis), v.impl);
template <class T0, class Visitor, class Variant>
static decltype(auto) visit_impl(mp11::mp_identity<T0*>, Visitor&& vis, Variant&& v) {
return variant2::visit(
[&vis](auto&& x) -> decltype(auto) { return std::forward<Visitor>(vis)(*x); },
template <class Visitor, class Variant>
static decltype(auto) visit(Visitor&& vis, Variant&& v) {
using T0 = mp11::mp_first<std::decay_t<Variant>>;
return visit_impl(mp11::mp_identity<T0>{}, std::forward<Visitor>(vis),
} // namespace detail
namespace axis {
namespace traits {
/** Get value type for axis type.
Doxygen does not render this well. This is a meta-function (template alias), it accepts
an axis type and returns the value type.
template <class Axis>
using value_type =
struct value_type;
/** Whether axis is continuous or discrete.
Doxygen does not render this well. This is a meta-function (template alias), it accepts
an axis type and returns a compile-time boolean. If the boolean is true, the axis is
continuous. Otherwise it is discrete.
template <class Axis>
using is_continuous = typename std::is_floating_point<traits::value_type<Axis>>::type;
struct is_continuous;
/** Meta-function to detect whether an axis is reducible.
Doxygen does not render this well. This is a meta-function (template alias), it accepts
an axis type and represents compile-time boolean which is true or false, depending on
whether the axis can be reduced with boost::histogram::algorithm::reduce().
@tparam Axis axis type.
template <class Axis>
using is_reducible = std::is_constructible<Axis, const Axis&, axis::index_type,
axis::index_type, unsigned>;
struct is_reducible;
/** Get static axis options for axis type.
Doxygen does not render this well. This is a meta-function (template alias), it accepts
an axis type and returns the boost::histogram::axis::option::bitset.
If Axis::options() is valid and constexpr, static_options is the corresponding
option type. Otherwise, it is boost::histogram::axis::option::growth_t, if the
axis has a method `update`, else boost::histogram::axis::option::none_t.
@tparam Axis axis type
template <class Axis>
using static_options = typename detail::static_options_impl<Axis>::type;
struct static_options;
/** Meta-function to detect whether an axis is inclusive.
Doxygen does not render this well. This is a meta-function (template alias), it accepts
an axis type and represents compile-time boolean which is true or false, depending on
whether the axis is inclusive or not.
An inclusive axis has a bin for every possible input value. A histogram which consists
only of inclusive axes can be filled more efficiently, since input values always
end up in a valid cell and there is no need to keep track of input tuples that need to
be discarded.
An axis with underflow and overflow bins is always inclusive, but an axis may be
inclusive under other conditions. The meta-function checks for the method `constexpr
static bool inclusive()`, and uses the result. If this method is not present, it uses
static_options<Axis> and checks whether the underflow and overflow bits are present.
@tparam axis type
template <class Axis>
using static_is_inclusive = typename detail::static_is_inclusive_impl<Axis>::type;
struct static_is_inclusive;
/** Returns axis options as unsigned integer.
If axis.options() is a valid expression, return the result. Otherwise, return
@param axis any axis instance
template <class Axis>
constexpr unsigned options(const Axis& axis) noexcept {
return static_options<Axis>::value;
// specialization for variant
template <class... Ts>
unsigned options(const variant<Ts...>& axis) noexcept {
return axis.options();
/** Returns true if axis is inclusive or false.
See static_is_inclusive for details.
@param axis any axis instance
template <class Axis>
constexpr bool inclusive(const Axis& axis) noexcept {
return static_is_inclusive<Axis>::value;
// specialization for variant
template <class... Ts>
bool inclusive(const variant<Ts...>& axis) noexcept {
return axis.inclusive();
/** Returns axis size plus any extra bins for under- and overflow.
@param axis any axis instance
template <class Axis>
index_type extent(const Axis& axis) noexcept {
const auto opt = options(axis);
return axis.size() + (opt & option::underflow ? 1 : 0) +
(opt & option::overflow ? 1 : 0);
/** Returns reference to metadata of an axis.
If the expression x.metadata() for an axis instance `x` (maybe const) is valid, return
the result. Otherwise, return a reference to a static instance of
@param axis any axis instance
template <class Axis>
decltype(auto) metadata(Axis&& axis) noexcept {
return detail::static_if<detail::has_method_metadata<std::decay_t<Axis>>>(
[](auto&& a) -> decltype(auto) { return a.metadata(); },
[](auto &&) -> mp11::mp_if<std::is_const<std::remove_reference_t<Axis>>,
axis::null_type const&, axis::null_type&> {
return detail::null_value;
/** Returns axis value for index.
If the axis has no `value` method, throw std::runtime_error. If the method exists and
accepts a floating point index, pass the index and return the result. If the method
exists but accepts only integer indices, cast the floating point index to int, pass this
index and return the result.
@param axis any axis instance
@param index floating point axis index
template <class Axis>
decltype(auto) value(const Axis& axis, real_index_type index) {
return detail::value_method_switch(
[index](const auto& a) { return a.value(static_cast<index_type>(index)); },
[index](const auto& a) { return a.value(index); }, axis);
/** Returns axis value for index if it is convertible to target type or throws.
Like boost::histogram::axis::traits::value, but converts the result into the requested
return type. If the conversion is not possible, throws std::runtime_error.
@tparam Result requested return type
@tparam Axis axis type
@param axis any axis instance
@param index floating point axis index
template <class Result, class Axis>
Result value_as(const Axis& axis, real_index_type index) {
return detail::try_cast<Result, std::runtime_error>(
value(axis, index)); // avoid conversion warning
/** Returns axis index for value.
Throws std::invalid_argument if the value argument is not implicitly convertible.
@param axis any axis instance
@param value argument to be passed to `index` method
template <class Axis, class U>
axis::index_type index(const Axis& axis, const U& value) noexcept(
std::is_convertible<U, value_type<Axis>>::value) {
return axis.index(detail::try_cast<value_type<Axis>, std::invalid_argument>(value));
// specialization for variant
template <class... Ts, class U>
axis::index_type index(const variant<Ts...>& axis, const U& value) {
return axis.index(value);
/** Return axis rank (how many arguments it processes).
@param axis any axis instance
template <class Axis>
constexpr unsigned rank(const Axis& axis) {
using T = value_type<Axis>;
// cannot use mp_eval_or since T could be a fixed-sized sequence
return mp11::mp_eval_if_not<detail::is_tuple<T>, mp11::mp_size_t<1>, mp11::mp_size,
// specialization for variant
template <class... Ts>
unsigned rank(const axis::variant<Ts...>& axis) {
return detail::variant_access::visit([](const auto& a) { return rank(a); }, axis);
/** Returns pair of axis index and shift for the value argument.
Throws `std::invalid_argument` if the value argument is not implicitly convertible to
the argument expected by the `index` method. If the result of
boost::histogram::axis::traits::static_options<decltype(axis)> has the growth flag set,
call `update` method with the argument and return the result. Otherwise, call `index`
and return the pair of the result and a zero shift.
@param axis any axis instance
@param value argument to be passed to `update` or `index` method
template <class Axis, class U>
std::pair<index_type, index_type> update(Axis& axis, const U& value) noexcept(
std::is_convertible<U, value_type<Axis>>::value) {
return detail::static_if_c<static_options<Axis>::test(option::growth)>(
[&value](auto& a) {
return a.update(detail::try_cast<value_type<Axis>, std::invalid_argument>(value));
[&value](auto& a) { return std::make_pair(index(a, value), index_type{0}); }, axis);
// specialization for variant
template <class... Ts, class U>
std::pair<index_type, index_type> update(variant<Ts...>& axis, const U& value) {
return visit([&value](auto& a) { return a.update(value); }, axis);
/** Returns bin width at axis index.
If the axis has no `value` method, throw std::runtime_error. If the method exists and
accepts a floating point index, return the result of `axis.value(index + 1) -
axis.value(index)`. If the method exists but accepts only integer indices, return 0.
@param axis any axis instance
@param index bin index
template <class Axis>
decltype(auto) width(const Axis& axis, index_type index) {
return detail::value_method_switch(
[](const auto&) { return 0; },
[index](const auto& a) { return a.value(index + 1) - a.value(index); }, axis);
/** Returns bin width at axis index.
Like boost::histogram::axis::traits::width, but converts the result into the requested
return type. If the conversion is not possible, throw std::runtime_error.
@param axis any axis instance
@param index bin index
template <class Result, class Axis>
Result width_as(const Axis& axis, index_type index) {
return detail::value_method_switch(
[](const auto&) { return Result{}; },
[index](const auto& a) {
return detail::try_cast<Result, std::runtime_error>(a.value(index + 1) -
} // namespace traits
} // namespace axis
} // namespace histogram
} // namespace boost