Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Copyright (C) 2019 T. Zachary Laine
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/stl_interfaces/reverse_iterator.hpp>

#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>

#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstddef>

namespace boost { namespace stl_interfaces { namespace detail {

    template<typename T, typename SizeType>
    struct n_iter : iterator_interface<
                        n_iter<T, SizeType>,
        n_iter() : x_(nullptr), n_(0) {}
        n_iter(T const & x, SizeType n) : x_(&x), n_(n) {}

        constexpr std::ptrdiff_t operator-(n_iter other) const noexcept
            return std::ptrdiff_t(n_) - std::ptrdiff_t(other.n_);
        n_iter & operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t offset)
            n_ += offset;
            return *this;

        friend access;
        constexpr T const *& base_reference() noexcept { return x_; }
        constexpr T const * base_reference() const noexcept { return x_; }

        T const * x_;
        SizeType n_;

    template<typename T, typename SizeType>
    constexpr auto make_n_iter(T const & x, SizeType n) noexcept(
        noexcept(n_iter<T, SizeType>(x, n)))
        using result_type = n_iter<T, SizeType>;
        return result_type(x, SizeType(0));
    template<typename T, typename SizeType>
    constexpr auto make_n_iter_end(T const & x, SizeType n) noexcept(
        noexcept(n_iter<T, SizeType>(x, n)))
        return n_iter<T, SizeType>(x, n);

    template<typename Container>
    std::size_t fake_capacity(Container const & c)
        return SIZE_MAX;
        typename Container,
        typename Enable = decltype(
            std::size_t() = std::declval<Container const &>().capacity())>
    std::size_t fake_capacity(Container const & c)
        return c.capacity();


namespace boost { namespace stl_interfaces { inline namespace v1 {

    /** A CRTP template that one may derive from to make it easier to define
        container types.

        The template parameter `D` for `sequence_container_interface` may be
        an incomplete type. Before any member of the resulting specialization
        of `sequence_container_interface` other than special member functions
        is referenced, `D` shall be complete; shall model
        `std::semiregular`, and `std::forward_range`; and shall contain all
        the nested types required in Table 72: Container requirements and, for
        those whose iterator nested type models `std::bidirectinal_iterator`,
        those in Table 73: Reversible container requirements.

        For an object `d` of type `D`, a call to `std::ranges::begin(d)` sxhall
        not mutate any data members of `d`, and `d`'s destructor shall end the
        lifetimes of the objects in `[std::ranges::begin(d),
        std::ranges::end(d))`. */
        typename Derived,
        element_layout Contiguity = element_layout::discontiguous
        typename E = std::enable_if_t<
            std::is_class<Derived>::value &&
            std::is_same<Derived, std::remove_cv_t<Derived>>::value>
    struct sequence_container_interface;

    namespace v1_dtl {
        template<typename Iter>
        using in_iter = std::is_convertible<
            typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category,

        template<typename D, typename = void>
        struct clear_impl
            static constexpr void call(D & d) noexcept {}
        template<typename D>
        struct clear_impl<D, void_t<decltype(std::declval<D>().clear())>>
            static constexpr void call(D & d) noexcept { d.clear(); }

        template<typename D, element_layout Contiguity>
        void derived_container(sequence_container_interface<D, Contiguity> const &);

        typename Derived,
        element_layout Contiguity
        typename E
    struct sequence_container_interface
        constexpr Derived & derived() noexcept
            return static_cast<Derived &>(*this);
        constexpr const Derived & derived() const noexcept
            return static_cast<Derived const &>(*this);
        constexpr Derived & mutable_derived() const noexcept
            return const_cast<Derived &>(static_cast<Derived const &>(*this));

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto empty() noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().begin() == std::declval<D &>().end()))
            -> decltype(
                std::declval<D &>().begin() == std::declval<D &>().end())
            return derived().begin() == derived().end();
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto empty() const noexcept(noexcept(
            std::declval<D const &>().begin() ==
            std::declval<D const &>().end()))
            -> decltype(
                std::declval<D const &>().begin() ==
                std::declval<D const &>().end())
            return derived().begin() == derived().end();

            typename D = Derived,
            element_layout C = Contiguity,
            typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<C == element_layout::contiguous>>
        constexpr auto data() noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().begin()))
            -> decltype(std::addressof(*std::declval<D &>().begin()))
            return std::addressof(*derived().begin());
            typename D = Derived,
            element_layout C = Contiguity,
            typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<C == element_layout::contiguous>>
        constexpr auto data() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D const &>().begin()))
                -> decltype(std::addressof(*std::declval<D const &>().begin()))
            return std::addressof(*derived().begin());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto size()
                std::declval<D &>().end() - std::declval<D &>().begin()))
            -> decltype(typename D::size_type(
                std::declval<D &>().end() - std::declval<D &>().begin()))
            return derived().end() - derived().begin();
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto size() const noexcept(noexcept(
            std::declval<D const &>().end() -
            std::declval<D const &>().begin()))
            -> decltype(typename D::size_type(
                std::declval<D const &>().end() -
                std::declval<D const &>().begin()
            return derived().end() - derived().begin();

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto front() noexcept(noexcept(*std::declval<D &>().begin()))
            -> decltype(*std::declval<D &>().begin())
            return *derived().begin();
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto front() const
            noexcept(noexcept(*std::declval<D const &>().begin()))
                -> decltype(*std::declval<D const &>().begin())
            return *derived().begin();

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto push_front(typename D::value_type const & x) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().emplace_front(x)))
            -> decltype((void)std::declval<D &>().emplace_front(x))

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto push_front(typename D::value_type && x) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().emplace_front(std::move(x))))
            -> decltype((void)std::declval<D &>().emplace_front(std::move(x)))

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto pop_front() noexcept -> decltype(
            std::declval<D &>().emplace_front(
                std::declval<typename D::value_type &>()),
            (void)std::declval<D &>().erase(std::declval<D &>().begin()))

            typename D = Derived,
            typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<
                v1_dtl::decrementable_sentinel<D>::value &&
        constexpr auto
        back() noexcept(noexcept(*std::prev(std::declval<D &>().end())))
            -> decltype(*std::prev(std::declval<D &>().end()))
            return *std::prev(derived().end());
            typename D = Derived,
            typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<
                v1_dtl::decrementable_sentinel<D>::value &&
        constexpr auto back() const
            noexcept(noexcept(*std::prev(std::declval<D const &>().end())))
                -> decltype(*std::prev(std::declval<D const &>().end()))
            return *std::prev(derived().end());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto push_back(typename D::value_type const & x) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().emplace_back(x)))
            -> decltype((void)std::declval<D &>().emplace_back(x))

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto push_back(typename D::value_type && x) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().emplace_back(std::move(x))))
            -> decltype((void)std::declval<D &>().emplace_back(std::move(x)))

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto pop_back() noexcept -> decltype(
            std::declval<D &>().emplace_back(
                std::declval<typename D::value_type &>()),
            (void)std::declval<D &>().erase(
                std::prev(std::declval<D &>().end())))

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto operator[](typename D::size_type n) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().begin()[n]))
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().begin()[n])
            return derived().begin()[n];
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto operator[](typename D::size_type n) const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D const &>().begin()[n]))
                -> decltype(std::declval<D const &>().begin()[n])
            return derived().begin()[n];

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto at(typename D::size_type i)
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().size(), std::declval<D &>()[i])
            if (derived().size() <= i) {
                throw std::out_of_range(
                    "Bounds check failed in sequence_container_interface::at()");
            return derived()[i];

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto at(typename D::size_type i) const -> decltype(
            std::declval<D const &>().size(), std::declval<D const &>()[i])
            if (derived().size() <= i) {
                throw std::out_of_range(
                    "Bounds check failed in sequence_container_interface::at()");
            return derived()[i];

        template<typename D = Derived, typename Iter = typename D::const_iterator>
        constexpr Iter begin() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().begin()))
            return Iter(mutable_derived().begin());
        template<typename D = Derived, typename Iter = typename D::const_iterator>
        constexpr Iter end() const noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().end()))
            return Iter(mutable_derived().end());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto cbegin() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D const &>().begin()))
                -> decltype(std::declval<D const &>().begin())
            return derived().begin();
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto cend() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D const &>().end()))
                -> decltype(std::declval<D const &>().end())
            return derived().end();

            typename D = Derived,
            typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<v1_dtl::common_range<D>::value>>
        constexpr auto rbegin() noexcept(noexcept(
            stl_interfaces::make_reverse_iterator(std::declval<D &>().end())))
            return stl_interfaces::make_reverse_iterator(derived().end());
            typename D = Derived,
            typename Enable = std::enable_if_t<v1_dtl::common_range<D>::value>>
        constexpr auto rend() noexcept(noexcept(
            stl_interfaces::make_reverse_iterator(std::declval<D &>().begin())))
            return stl_interfaces::make_reverse_iterator(derived().begin());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto rbegin() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().rbegin()))
                typename D::const_reverse_iterator(mutable_derived().rbegin());
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto rend() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().rend()))
            return typename D::const_reverse_iterator(mutable_derived().rend());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto crbegin() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D const &>().rbegin()))
                -> decltype(std::declval<D const &>().rbegin())
            return derived().rbegin();
        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto crend() const
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D const &>().rend()))
                -> decltype(std::declval<D const &>().rend())
            return derived().rend();

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto insert(
            typename D::const_iterator pos,
            typename D::value_type const &
                x) noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().emplace(pos, x)))
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().emplace(pos, x))
            return derived().emplace(pos, x);

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto insert(
            typename D::const_iterator pos,
            typename D::value_type &&
                x) noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>()
                                         .emplace(pos, std::move(x))))
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().emplace(pos, std::move(x)))
            return derived().emplace(pos, std::move(x));

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto insert(
            typename D::const_iterator pos,
            typename D::size_type n,
            typename D::value_type const & x)
            // If you see an error in this noexcept() expression, that's
            // because this function is not properly constrained.  In other
            // words, Derived does not have a "range" insert like
            // insert(position, first, last).  If that is the case, this
            // function should be removed via SFINAE from overload resolution.
            // However, both the trailing decltype code below and a
            // std::enable_if in the template parameters do not work.  Sorry
            // about that.  See below for details.
            noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>().insert(
                pos, detail::make_n_iter(x, n), detail::make_n_iter_end(x, n))))
        // This causes the compiler to infinitely recurse into this function's
        // declaration, even though the call below does not match the
        // signature of this function.
#if 0
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().insert(
                pos, detail::make_n_iter(x, n), detail::make_n_iter_end(x, n)))
            return derived().insert(
                pos, detail::make_n_iter(x, n), detail::make_n_iter_end(x, n));

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto insert(
            typename D::const_iterator pos,
            std::initializer_list<typename D::value_type>
                il) noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>()
                                          .insert(pos, il.begin(), il.end())))
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().insert(pos, il.begin(), il.end()))
            return derived().insert(pos, il.begin(), il.end());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto erase(typename D::const_iterator pos) noexcept
            -> decltype(std::declval<D &>().erase(pos, std::next(pos)))
            return derived().erase(pos, std::next(pos));

            typename InputIterator,
            typename D = Derived,
            typename Enable =
        constexpr auto assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().insert(
                std::declval<D &>().begin(), first, last)))
            -> decltype(
                std::declval<D &>().erase(
                    std::declval<D &>().begin(), std::declval<D &>().end()),
                (void)std::declval<D &>().insert(
                    std::declval<D &>().begin(), first, last))
            auto out = derived().begin();
            auto const out_last = derived().end();
            for (; out != out_last && first != last; ++first, ++out) {
                *out = *first;
            if (out != out_last)
                derived().erase(out, out_last);
            if (first != last)
                derived().insert(derived().end(), first, last);

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto assign(
            typename D::size_type n,
            typename D::value_type const &
                x) noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<D &>()
                                             std::declval<D &>().begin(),
                                             detail::make_n_iter(x, n),
                                             detail::make_n_iter_end(x, n))))
            -> decltype(
                std::declval<D &>().size(),
                std::declval<D &>().erase(
                    std::declval<D &>().begin(), std::declval<D &>().end()),
                (void)std::declval<D &>().insert(
                    std::declval<D &>().begin(),
                    detail::make_n_iter(x, n),
                    detail::make_n_iter_end(x, n)))
            if (detail::fake_capacity(derived()) < n) {
                Derived temp(n, x);
            } else {
                auto const min_size =
                    std::min<std::ptrdiff_t>(n, derived().size());
                auto const fill_end =
                    std::fill_n(derived().begin(), min_size, x);
                if (min_size < (std::ptrdiff_t)derived().size()) {
                    derived().erase(fill_end, derived().end());
                } else {
                    n -= min_size;
                        detail::make_n_iter(x, n),
                        detail::make_n_iter_end(x, n));

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto
        assign(std::initializer_list<typename D::value_type> il) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().assign(il.begin(), il.end())))
            -> decltype((void)std::declval<D &>().assign(il.begin(), il.end()))
            derived().assign(il.begin(), il.end());

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto
        operator=(std::initializer_list<typename D::value_type> il) noexcept(
            noexcept(std::declval<D &>().assign(il.begin(), il.end())))
            -> decltype(
                std::declval<D &>().assign(il.begin(), il.end()),
                std::declval<D &>())
            derived().assign(il.begin(), il.end());
            return *this;

        template<typename D = Derived>
        constexpr auto clear() noexcept
            -> decltype((void)std::declval<D &>().erase(
                std::declval<D &>().begin(), std::declval<D &>().end()))
            derived().erase(derived().begin(), derived().end());

    /** Implementation of free function `swap()` for all containers derived
        from `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto swap(
        ContainerInterface & lhs,
        ContainerInterface & rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs.swap(rhs)))
        -> decltype(v1_dtl::derived_container(lhs), lhs.swap(rhs))
        return lhs.swap(rhs);

    /** Implementation of `operator==()` for all containers derived from
        `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto
    operator==(ContainerInterface const & lhs, ContainerInterface const & rhs) noexcept(
        noexcept(lhs.size() == rhs.size()) &&
        noexcept(*lhs.begin() == *rhs.begin()))
        -> decltype(
            lhs.size() == rhs.size(),
            *lhs.begin() == *rhs.begin(),
        return lhs.size() == rhs.size() &&
               std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());

    /** Implementation of `operator!=()` for all containers derived from
        `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto operator!=(
        ContainerInterface const & lhs,
        ContainerInterface const & rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs == rhs))
        -> decltype(v1_dtl::derived_container(lhs), lhs == rhs)
        return !(lhs == rhs);

    /** Implementation of `operator<()` for all containers derived from
        `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto operator<(
        ContainerInterface const & lhs,
        ContainerInterface const &
            rhs) noexcept(noexcept(*lhs.begin() < *rhs.begin()))
        -> decltype(
            v1_dtl::derived_container(lhs), *lhs.begin() < *rhs.begin(), true)
        auto it1 = lhs.begin();
        auto const last1 = lhs.end();
        auto it2 = rhs.begin();
        auto const last2 = rhs.end();
        for (; it1 != last1 && it2 != last2; ++it1, ++it2) {
            if (*it1 < *it2)
                return true;
            if (*it2 < *it1)
                return false;
        return it1 == last1 && it2 != last2;

    /** Implementation of `operator<=()` for all containers derived from
        `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto operator<=(
        ContainerInterface const & lhs,
        ContainerInterface const & rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs < rhs))
        -> decltype(v1_dtl::derived_container(lhs), lhs < rhs)
        return !(rhs < lhs);

    /** Implementation of `operator>()` for all containers derived from
        `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto operator>(
        ContainerInterface const & lhs,
        ContainerInterface const & rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs < rhs))
        -> decltype(v1_dtl::derived_container(lhs), lhs < rhs)
        return rhs < lhs;

    /** Implementation of `operator>=()` for all containers derived from
        `sequence_container_interface`.  */
    template<typename ContainerInterface>
    constexpr auto operator>=(
        ContainerInterface const & lhs,
        ContainerInterface const & rhs) noexcept(noexcept(lhs < rhs))
        -> decltype(v1_dtl::derived_container(lhs), lhs < rhs)
        return !(lhs < rhs);

