...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
basic_endpoint(); » more...
Construct an endpoint using a port number, specified in the host's byte order. The IP address will be the any address (i.e. INADDR_ANY or in6addr_any). This constructor would typically be used for accepting new connections.
basic_endpoint( const InternetProtocol & internet_protocol, port_type port_num); » more...
Construct an endpoint using a port number and an IP address. This constructor may be used for accepting connections on a specific interface or for making a connection to a remote endpoint.
basic_endpoint( const boost::asio::ip::address & addr, port_type port_num); » more...
Copy constructor.
basic_endpoint( const basic_endpoint & other); » more...
Move constructor.
basic_endpoint( basic_endpoint && other); » more...