Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Copyright 2001 University of Notre Dame.
// Copyright 2003 Jeremy Siek
// Authors: Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy Siek, and Douglas Gregor
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <cstdio> // for FILE
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/subgraph.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/dynamic_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/overloading.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/dll_import_export.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/detail/mpi_include.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_multi_pass.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive_static.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

namespace boost

template < typename directed_category > struct graphviz_io_traits
    static std::string name() { return "digraph"; }
    static std::string delimiter() { return "->"; }

template <> struct graphviz_io_traits< undirected_tag >
    static std::string name() { return "graph"; }
    static std::string delimiter() { return "--"; }

struct default_writer
    void operator()(std::ostream&) const {}
    template < class VorE > void operator()(std::ostream&, const VorE&) const {}

template < typename T > inline std::string escape_dot_string(const T& obj)
    using namespace boost::xpressive;
    static sregex valid_unquoted_id = (((alpha | '_') >> *_w)
        | (!as_xpr('-') >> (('.' >> *_d) | (+_d >> !('.' >> *_d)))));
    std::string s(boost::lexical_cast< std::string >(obj));
    if (regex_match(s, valid_unquoted_id))
        return s;
        boost::algorithm::replace_all(s, "\"", "\\\"");
        return "\"" + s + "\"";

template < class Name > class label_writer
    label_writer(Name _name) : name(_name) {}
    template < class VertexOrEdge >
    void operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const
        out << "[label=" << escape_dot_string(get(name, v)) << "]";

    Name name;
template < class Name > inline label_writer< Name > make_label_writer(Name n)
    return label_writer< Name >(n);

enum edge_attribute_t
    edge_attribute = 1111
enum vertex_attribute_t
    vertex_attribute = 2222
enum graph_graph_attribute_t
    graph_graph_attribute = 3333
enum graph_vertex_attribute_t
    graph_vertex_attribute = 4444
enum graph_edge_attribute_t
    graph_edge_attribute = 5555

BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, attribute);
BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, attribute);
BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(graph, graph_attribute);
BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(graph, vertex_attribute);
BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(graph, edge_attribute);

template < class Attribute >
inline void write_attributes(const Attribute& attr, std::ostream& out)
    typename Attribute::const_iterator i, iend;
    i = attr.begin();
    iend = attr.end();

    while (i != iend)
        out << i->first << "=" << escape_dot_string(i->second);
        if (i != iend)
            out << ", ";

template < typename Attributes >
inline void write_all_attributes(
    Attributes attributes, const std::string& name, std::ostream& out)
    typename Attributes::const_iterator i = attributes.begin(),
                                        end = attributes.end();
    if (i != end)
        out << name << " [\n";
        write_attributes(attributes, out);
        out << "];\n";

inline void write_all_attributes(
    detail::error_property_not_found, const std::string&, std::ostream&)
    // Do nothing - no attributes exist

template < typename GraphGraphAttributes, typename GraphNodeAttributes,
    typename GraphEdgeAttributes >
struct graph_attributes_writer
        GraphGraphAttributes gg, GraphNodeAttributes gn, GraphEdgeAttributes ge)
    : g_attributes(gg), n_attributes(gn), e_attributes(ge)

    void operator()(std::ostream& out) const
        write_all_attributes(g_attributes, "graph", out);
        write_all_attributes(n_attributes, "node", out);
        write_all_attributes(e_attributes, "edge", out);
    GraphGraphAttributes g_attributes;
    GraphNodeAttributes n_attributes;
    GraphEdgeAttributes e_attributes;

template < typename GAttrMap, typename NAttrMap, typename EAttrMap >
graph_attributes_writer< GAttrMap, NAttrMap, EAttrMap >
    const GAttrMap& g_attr, const NAttrMap& n_attr, const EAttrMap& e_attr)
    return graph_attributes_writer< GAttrMap, NAttrMap, EAttrMap >(
        g_attr, n_attr, e_attr);

template < typename Graph >
    typename graph_property< Graph, graph_graph_attribute_t >::type,
    typename graph_property< Graph, graph_vertex_attribute_t >::type,
    typename graph_property< Graph, graph_edge_attribute_t >::type >
make_graph_attributes_writer(const Graph& g)
    typedef typename graph_property< Graph, graph_graph_attribute_t >::type
    typedef typename graph_property< Graph, graph_vertex_attribute_t >::type
        typename graph_property< Graph, graph_edge_attribute_t >::type EAttrMap;
    GAttrMap gam = get_property(g, graph_graph_attribute);
    NAttrMap nam = get_property(g, graph_vertex_attribute);
    EAttrMap eam = get_property(g, graph_edge_attribute);
    graph_attributes_writer< GAttrMap, NAttrMap, EAttrMap > writer(
        gam, nam, eam);
    return writer;

template < typename AttributeMap > struct attributes_writer
    attributes_writer(AttributeMap attr) : attributes(attr) {}

    template < class VorE >
    void operator()(std::ostream& out, const VorE& e) const
        this->write_attribute(out, attributes[e]);

    template < typename AttributeSequence >
    void write_attribute(std::ostream& out, const AttributeSequence& seq) const
        if (!seq.empty())
            out << "[";
            write_attributes(seq, out);
            out << "]";

    void write_attribute(std::ostream&, detail::error_property_not_found) const
    AttributeMap attributes;

template < typename Graph >
    typename property_map< Graph, edge_attribute_t >::const_type >
make_edge_attributes_writer(const Graph& g)
    typedef typename property_map< Graph, edge_attribute_t >::const_type
    return attributes_writer< EdgeAttributeMap >(get(edge_attribute, g));

template < typename Graph >
    typename property_map< Graph, vertex_attribute_t >::const_type >
make_vertex_attributes_writer(const Graph& g)
    typedef typename property_map< Graph, vertex_attribute_t >::const_type
    return attributes_writer< VertexAttributeMap >(get(vertex_attribute, g));

template < typename Graph, typename VertexPropertiesWriter,
    typename EdgePropertiesWriter, typename GraphPropertiesWriter,
    typename VertexID >
inline void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g,
    VertexPropertiesWriter vpw, EdgePropertiesWriter epw,
    GraphPropertiesWriter gpw,
        Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((EdgeListGraphConcept< Graph >));

    typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::directed_category cat_type;
    typedef graphviz_io_traits< cat_type > Traits;
    std::string name = "G";
    out << Traits::name() << " " << escape_dot_string(name) << " {"
        << std::endl;

    gpw(out); // print graph properties

    typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_iterator i, end;

    for (boost::tie(i, end) = vertices(g); i != end; ++i)
        out << escape_dot_string(get(vertex_id, *i));
        vpw(out, *i); // print vertex attributes
        out << ";" << std::endl;
    typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_iterator ei, edge_end;
    for (boost::tie(ei, edge_end) = edges(g); ei != edge_end; ++ei)
        out << escape_dot_string(get(vertex_id, source(*ei, g)))
            << Traits::delimiter()
            << escape_dot_string(get(vertex_id, target(*ei, g))) << " ";
        epw(out, *ei); // print edge attributes
        out << ";" << std::endl;
    out << "}" << std::endl;

template < typename Graph, typename VertexPropertiesWriter,
    typename EdgePropertiesWriter, typename GraphPropertiesWriter >
inline void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g,
    VertexPropertiesWriter vpw, EdgePropertiesWriter epw,
    GraphPropertiesWriter gpw BOOST_GRAPH_ENABLE_IF_MODELS_PARM(
        Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    write_graphviz(out, g, vpw, epw, gpw, get(vertex_index, g));

template < typename Graph >
inline void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out,
        Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    default_writer dw;
    default_writer gw;
    write_graphviz(out, g, dw, dw, gw);

template < typename Graph, typename VertexWriter >
inline void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g,
        Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    default_writer dw;
    default_writer gw;
    write_graphviz(out, g, vw, dw, gw);

template < typename Graph, typename VertexWriter, typename EdgeWriter >
inline void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g, VertexWriter vw,
        Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    default_writer gw;
    write_graphviz(out, g, vw, ew, gw);

namespace detail

    template < class Graph_, class RandomAccessIterator, class VertexID >
    void write_graphviz_subgraph(std::ostream& out, const subgraph< Graph_ >& g,
        RandomAccessIterator vertex_marker, RandomAccessIterator edge_marker,
        VertexID vertex_id)
        typedef subgraph< Graph_ > Graph;
        typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
        typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::directed_category cat_type;
        typedef graphviz_io_traits< cat_type > Traits;

        typedef typename graph_property< Graph, graph_name_t >::type NameType;
        const NameType& g_name = get_property(g, graph_name);

        if (g.is_root())
            out << Traits::name();
            out << "subgraph";

        out << " " << escape_dot_string(g_name) << " {" << std::endl;

        typename Graph::const_children_iterator i_child, j_child;

        // print graph/node/edge attributes

        // print subgraph
        for (boost::tie(i_child, j_child) = g.children(); i_child != j_child;
                out, *i_child, vertex_marker, edge_marker, vertex_id);

        // Print out vertices and edges not in the subgraphs.

        typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_iterator i, end;
        typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_iterator ei, edge_end;

        for (boost::tie(i, end) = vertices(g); i != end; ++i)
            Vertex v = g.local_to_global(*i);
            int pos = get(vertex_id, v);
            if (vertex_marker[pos])
                vertex_marker[pos] = false;
                out << escape_dot_string(pos);
                make_vertex_attributes_writer(g.root())(out, v);
                out << ";" << std::endl;

        for (boost::tie(ei, edge_end) = edges(g); ei != edge_end; ++ei)
            Vertex u = g.local_to_global(source(*ei, g)),
                   v = g.local_to_global(target(*ei, g));
            int pos = get(get(edge_index, g.root()), g.local_to_global(*ei));
            if (edge_marker[pos])
                edge_marker[pos] = false;
                out << escape_dot_string(get(vertex_id, u)) << " "
                    << Traits::delimiter() << " "
                    << escape_dot_string(get(vertex_id, v));
                    out, *ei); // print edge properties
                out << ";" << std::endl;
        out << "}" << std::endl;
} // namespace detail

// requires graph_name graph property
template < typename Graph >
void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out, const subgraph< Graph >& g)
    std::vector< bool > edge_marker(num_edges(g), true);
    std::vector< bool > vertex_marker(num_vertices(g), true);

    detail::write_graphviz_subgraph(out, g, vertex_marker.begin(),
        edge_marker.begin(), get(vertex_index, g));

template < typename Graph >
void write_graphviz(const std::string& filename, const subgraph< Graph >& g)
    std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
    std::vector< bool > edge_marker(num_edges(g), true);
    std::vector< bool > vertex_marker(num_vertices(g), true);

    detail::write_graphviz_subgraph(out, g, vertex_marker.begin(),
        edge_marker.begin(), get(vertex_index, g));

template < typename Graph, typename VertexID >
void write_graphviz(
    std::ostream& out, const subgraph< Graph >& g, VertexID vertex_id)
    std::vector< bool > edge_marker(num_edges(g), true);
    std::vector< bool > vertex_marker(num_vertices(g), true);

        out, g, vertex_marker.begin(), edge_marker.begin(), vertex_id);

template < typename Graph, typename VertexID >
void write_graphviz(
    const std::string& filename, const subgraph< Graph >& g, VertexID vertex_id)
    std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
    std::vector< bool > edge_marker(num_edges(g), true);
    std::vector< bool > vertex_marker(num_vertices(g), true);

        out, g, vertex_marker.begin(), edge_marker.begin(), vertex_id);

#if 0
  // This interface has not worked for a long time
  typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> GraphvizAttrList;

  typedef property<vertex_attribute_t, GraphvizAttrList>

  typedef property<edge_attribute_t, GraphvizAttrList,
                   property<edge_index_t, int> >

  typedef property<graph_graph_attribute_t, GraphvizAttrList,
                   property<graph_vertex_attribute_t, GraphvizAttrList,
                   property<graph_edge_attribute_t, GraphvizAttrList,
                   property<graph_name_t, std::string> > > >

  typedef subgraph<adjacency_list<vecS,
                   vecS, directedS,
                   GraphvizGraphProperty> >

  typedef subgraph<adjacency_list<vecS,
                   vecS, undirectedS,
                   GraphvizGraphProperty> >

  // These four require linking the BGL-Graphviz library: libbgl-viz.a
  // from the /src directory.
  // Library has not existed for a while
  extern void read_graphviz(const std::string& file, GraphvizDigraph& g);
  extern void read_graphviz(FILE* file, GraphvizDigraph& g);

  extern void read_graphviz(const std::string& file, GraphvizGraph& g);
  extern void read_graphviz(FILE* file, GraphvizGraph& g);

class dynamic_properties_writer
    dynamic_properties_writer(const dynamic_properties& dp) : dp(&dp) {}

    template < typename Descriptor >
    void operator()(std::ostream& out, Descriptor key) const
        bool first = true;
        for (dynamic_properties::const_iterator i = dp->begin(); i != dp->end();
            if (typeid(key) == i->second->key())
                if (first)
                    out << " [";
                    out << ", ";
                first = false;

                out << i->first << "="
                    << escape_dot_string(i->second->get_string(key));

        if (!first)
            out << "]";

    const dynamic_properties* dp;

class dynamic_vertex_properties_writer
        const dynamic_properties& dp, const std::string& node_id)
    : dp(&dp), node_id(&node_id)

    template < typename Descriptor >
    void operator()(std::ostream& out, Descriptor key) const
        bool first = true;
        for (dynamic_properties::const_iterator i = dp->begin(); i != dp->end();
            if (typeid(key) == i->second->key() && i->first != *node_id)
                if (first)
                    out << " [";
                    out << ", ";
                first = false;

                out << i->first << "="
                    << escape_dot_string(i->second->get_string(key));

        if (!first)
            out << "]";

    const dynamic_properties* dp;
    const std::string* node_id;

template < typename Graph > class dynamic_graph_properties_writer
        const dynamic_properties& dp, const Graph& g)
    : g(&g), dp(&dp)

    void operator()(std::ostream& out) const
        for (dynamic_properties::const_iterator i = dp->begin(); i != dp->end();
            if (typeid(Graph*) == i->second->key())
                // const_cast here is to match interface used in read_graphviz
                out << i->first << "="
                    << escape_dot_string(
                           i->second->get_string(const_cast< Graph* >(g)))
                    << ";\n";

    const Graph* g;
    const dynamic_properties* dp;

namespace graph
    namespace detail

        template < typename Vertex > struct node_id_property_map
            typedef std::string value_type;
            typedef value_type reference;
            typedef Vertex key_type;
            typedef readable_property_map_tag category;

            node_id_property_map() {}

                const dynamic_properties& dp, const std::string& node_id)
            : dp(&dp), node_id(&node_id)

            const dynamic_properties* dp;
            const std::string* node_id;

        template < typename Vertex >
        inline std::string get(node_id_property_map< Vertex > pm,
            typename node_id_property_map< Vertex >::key_type v)
            return get(*pm.node_id, *pm.dp, v);

} // end namespace graph::detail

template < typename Graph >
inline void write_graphviz_dp(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g,
    const dynamic_properties& dp,
    const std::string& node_id
    = "node_id" BOOST_GRAPH_ENABLE_IF_MODELS_PARM(Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
    write_graphviz_dp(out, g, dp, node_id,
        graph::detail::node_id_property_map< Vertex >(dp, node_id));

template < typename Graph, typename VertexID >
void write_graphviz_dp(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g,
    const dynamic_properties& dp, const std::string& node_id,
    VertexID id BOOST_GRAPH_ENABLE_IF_MODELS_PARM(Graph, vertex_list_graph_tag))
    write_graphviz(out, g,
        /*vertex_writer=*/dynamic_vertex_properties_writer(dp, node_id),
        /*graph_writer=*/dynamic_graph_properties_writer< Graph >(dp, g), id);

// Graph reader exceptions
struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE graph_exception : public std::exception
    ~graph_exception() throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}
    const char* what() const throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE = 0;

struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE bad_parallel_edge : public graph_exception
    std::string from;
    std::string to;
    mutable std::string statement;
    bad_parallel_edge(const std::string& i, const std::string& j)
    : from(i), to(j)

    ~bad_parallel_edge() throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}
    const char* what() const throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE
        if (statement.empty())
            statement = std::string("Failed to add parallel edge: (") + from
                + "," + to + ")\n";

        return statement.c_str();

struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE directed_graph_error : public graph_exception
    ~directed_graph_error() throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}
    const char* what() const throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE
        return "read_graphviz: "
               "Tried to read a directed graph into an undirected graph.";

struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE undirected_graph_error : public graph_exception
    ~undirected_graph_error() throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}
    const char* what() const throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE
        return "read_graphviz: "
               "Tried to read an undirected graph into a directed graph.";

struct BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE bad_graphviz_syntax : public graph_exception
    std::string errmsg;
    bad_graphviz_syntax(const std::string& errmsg) : errmsg(errmsg) {}
    const char* what() const throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE { return errmsg.c_str(); }
    ~bad_graphviz_syntax() throw() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}

namespace detail
    namespace graph

        typedef std::string id_t;
        typedef id_t node_t;

        // edges are not uniquely determined by adjacent nodes
        class edge_t
            int idx_;
            explicit edge_t(int i) : idx_(i) {}

            static edge_t new_edge()
                static int idx = 0;
                return edge_t(idx++);

            bool operator==(const edge_t& rhs) const
                return idx_ == rhs.idx_;
            bool operator<(const edge_t& rhs) const { return idx_ < rhs.idx_; }

        class mutate_graph
            virtual ~mutate_graph() {}
            virtual bool is_directed() const = 0;
            virtual void do_add_vertex(const node_t& node) = 0;

            virtual void do_add_edge(
                const edge_t& edge, const node_t& source, const node_t& target)
                = 0;

            virtual void set_node_property(
                const id_t& key, const node_t& node, const id_t& value)
                = 0;

            virtual void set_edge_property(
                const id_t& key, const edge_t& edge, const id_t& value)
                = 0;

            virtual void // RG: need new second parameter to support BGL
                         // subgraphs
            set_graph_property(const id_t& key, const id_t& value)
                = 0;

            virtual void finish_building_graph() = 0;

        template < typename MutableGraph >
        class mutate_graph_impl : public mutate_graph
            typedef typename graph_traits< MutableGraph >::vertex_descriptor
            typedef typename graph_traits< MutableGraph >::edge_descriptor

            mutate_graph_impl(MutableGraph& graph, dynamic_properties& dp,
                std::string node_id_prop)
            : graph_(graph), dp_(dp), node_id_prop_(node_id_prop)

            ~mutate_graph_impl() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}

            bool is_directed() const BOOST_OVERRIDE
                return boost::is_convertible<
                    typename boost::graph_traits<
                        MutableGraph >::directed_category,
                    boost::directed_tag >::value;

            void do_add_vertex(const node_t& node) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                // Add the node to the graph.
                bgl_vertex_t v = add_vertex(graph_);

                // Set up a mapping from name to BGL vertex.
                bgl_nodes.insert(std::make_pair(node, v));

                // node_id_prop_ allows the caller to see the real id names for
                // nodes.
                put(node_id_prop_, dp_, v, node);

            void do_add_edge(const edge_t& edge, const node_t& source,
                const node_t& target) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                std::pair< bgl_edge_t, bool > result
                    = add_edge(bgl_nodes[source], bgl_nodes[target], graph_);

                if (!result.second)
                    // In the case of no parallel edges allowed
                    boost::throw_exception(bad_parallel_edge(source, target));
                    bgl_edges.insert(std::make_pair(edge, result.first));

            void set_node_property(const id_t& key, const node_t& node,
                const id_t& value) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                put(key, dp_, bgl_nodes[node], value);

            void set_edge_property(const id_t& key, const edge_t& edge,
                const id_t& value) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                put(key, dp_, bgl_edges[edge], value);

            void set_graph_property(const id_t& key,
                const id_t& value) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                /* RG: pointer to graph prevents copying */
                put(key, dp_, &graph_, value);

            void finish_building_graph() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}

            MutableGraph& graph_;
            dynamic_properties& dp_;
            std::string node_id_prop_;
            std::map< node_t, bgl_vertex_t > bgl_nodes;
            std::map< edge_t, bgl_edge_t > bgl_edges;

        template < typename Directed, typename VertexProperty,
            typename EdgeProperty, typename GraphProperty, typename Vertex,
            typename EdgeIndex >
        class mutate_graph_impl< compressed_sparse_row_graph< Directed,
            VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, Vertex, EdgeIndex > >
        : public mutate_graph
            typedef compressed_sparse_row_graph< Directed, VertexProperty,
                EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, Vertex, EdgeIndex >
            typedef typename graph_traits< CSRGraph >::vertices_size_type
                typename graph_traits< CSRGraph >::edges_size_type bgl_edge_t;
            typedef typename graph_traits< CSRGraph >::edge_descriptor

            mutate_graph_impl(CSRGraph& graph, dynamic_properties& dp,
                std::string node_id_prop)
            : graph_(graph)
            , dp_(dp)
            , vertex_count(0)
            , node_id_prop_(node_id_prop)

            ~mutate_graph_impl() BOOST_OVERRIDE {}

            void finish_building_graph() BOOST_OVERRIDE
                typedef compressed_sparse_row_graph< directedS, no_property,
                    bgl_edge_t, GraphProperty, Vertex, EdgeIndex >
                TempCSRGraph temp(edges_are_unsorted_multi_pass,
                    edges_to_add.begin(), edges_to_add.end(),
                    counting_iterator< bgl_edge_t >(0), vertex_count);
                set_property(temp, graph_all, get_property(graph_, graph_all));
                graph_.assign(temp); // Copies structure, not properties
                std::vector< edge_descriptor > edge_permutation_from_sorting(
                BGL_FORALL_EDGES_T(e, temp, TempCSRGraph)
                    edge_permutation_from_sorting[temp[e]] = e;
                typedef boost::tuple< id_t, bgl_vertex_t, id_t > v_prop;
                BOOST_FOREACH (const v_prop& t, vertex_props)
                    put(boost::get< 0 >(t), dp_, boost::get< 1 >(t),
                        boost::get< 2 >(t));
                typedef boost::tuple< id_t, bgl_edge_t, id_t > e_prop;
                BOOST_FOREACH (const e_prop& t, edge_props)
                    put(boost::get< 0 >(t), dp_,
                        edge_permutation_from_sorting[boost::get< 1 >(t)],
                        boost::get< 2 >(t));

            bool is_directed() const BOOST_OVERRIDE
                return boost::is_convertible<
                    typename boost::graph_traits< CSRGraph >::directed_category,
                    boost::directed_tag >::value;

            void do_add_vertex(const node_t& node) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                // Add the node to the graph.
                bgl_vertex_t v = vertex_count++;

                // Set up a mapping from name to BGL vertex.
                bgl_nodes.insert(std::make_pair(node, v));

                // node_id_prop_ allows the caller to see the real id names for
                // nodes.
                    boost::make_tuple(node_id_prop_, v, node));

            void do_add_edge(const edge_t& edge, const node_t& source,
                const node_t& target) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                bgl_edge_t result = edges_to_add.size();
                    std::make_pair(bgl_nodes[source], bgl_nodes[target]));
                bgl_edges.insert(std::make_pair(edge, result));

            void set_node_property(const id_t& key, const node_t& node,
                const id_t& value) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                    boost::make_tuple(key, bgl_nodes[node], value));

            void set_edge_property(const id_t& key, const edge_t& edge,
                const id_t& value) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                    boost::make_tuple(key, bgl_edges[edge], value));

            void set_graph_property(const id_t& key,
                const id_t& value) BOOST_OVERRIDE
                /* RG: pointer to graph prevents copying */
                put(key, dp_, &graph_, value);

            CSRGraph& graph_;
            dynamic_properties& dp_;
            bgl_vertex_t vertex_count;
            std::string node_id_prop_;
            std::vector< boost::tuple< id_t, bgl_vertex_t, id_t > >
            std::vector< boost::tuple< id_t, bgl_edge_t, id_t > > edge_props;
            std::vector< std::pair< bgl_vertex_t, bgl_vertex_t > > edges_to_add;
            std::map< node_t, bgl_vertex_t > bgl_nodes;
            std::map< edge_t, bgl_edge_t > bgl_edges;

} // end namespace boost::detail::graph

#include <boost/graph/detail/read_graphviz_spirit.hpp>
#else // New default parser
#include <boost/graph/detail/read_graphviz_new.hpp>

namespace boost

// Parse the passed string as a GraphViz dot file.
template < typename MutableGraph >
bool read_graphviz(const std::string& data, MutableGraph& graph,
    dynamic_properties& dp, std::string const& node_id = "node_id")
    return read_graphviz_spirit(data.begin(), data.end(), graph, dp, node_id);
#else // Non-Spirit parser
    return read_graphviz_new(data, graph, dp, node_id);

// Parse the passed iterator range as a GraphViz dot file.
template < typename InputIterator, typename MutableGraph >
bool read_graphviz(InputIterator user_first, InputIterator user_last,
    MutableGraph& graph, dynamic_properties& dp,
    std::string const& node_id = "node_id")
    typedef InputIterator is_t;
    typedef boost::spirit::classic::multi_pass< is_t > iterator_t;

    iterator_t first(boost::spirit::classic::make_multi_pass(user_first));
    iterator_t last(boost::spirit::classic::make_multi_pass(user_last));

    return read_graphviz_spirit(first, last, graph, dp, node_id);
#else // Non-Spirit parser
    return read_graphviz_new(
        std::string(user_first, user_last), graph, dp, node_id);

// Parse the passed stream as a GraphViz dot file.
template < typename MutableGraph >
bool read_graphviz(std::istream& in, MutableGraph& graph,
    dynamic_properties& dp, std::string const& node_id = "node_id")
    typedef std::istream_iterator< char > is_t;
    in >> std::noskipws;
    return read_graphviz(is_t(in), is_t(), graph, dp, node_id);

} // namespace boost

#include BOOST_GRAPH_MPI_INCLUDE(<boost/graph/distributed/graphviz.hpp>)