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A DOM parser for JSON contained in a single buffer.


Defined in header <boost/json/parser.hpp>

class parser
Member Functions




Copy assignment (deleted)

parser [constructor]

Copy constructor (deleted)



Return the parsed JSON text as a value.


Reset the parser for a new JSON text.


Parse a buffer containing a complete JSON text.


Parse a buffer containing a complete JSON text.

~parser [destructor]



This class is used to parse a JSON text contained in a single character buffer, into a value container.


To use the parser first construct it, then optionally call reset to specify a storage_ptr to use for the resulting value. Then call write to parse a character buffer containing a complete JSON text. If the parse is successful, call release to take ownership of the value:

parser p;                                       // construct a parser
size_t n = p.write( "[1,2,3]" );                // parse a complete JSON text
assert( n == 7 );                               // all characters consumed
value jv = p.release();                         // take ownership of the value
Extra Data

When the character buffer provided as input contains additional data that is not part of the complete JSON text, an error is returned. The write_some function is an alternative which allows the parse to finish early, without consuming all the characters in the buffer. This allows parsing of a buffer containing multiple individual JSON texts or containing different protocol data:

parser p;                                       // construct a parser
size_t n = p.write_some( "[1,2,3] null" );      // parse a complete JSON text
assert( n == 8 );                               // only some characters consumed
value jv = p.release();                         // take ownership of the value
Temporary Storage

The parser may dynamically allocate temporary storage as needed to accommodate the nesting level of the JSON text being parsed. Temporary storage is first obtained from an optional, caller-owned buffer specified upon construction. When that is exhausted, the next allocation uses the memory_resource passed to the constructor; if no such argument is specified, the default memory resource is used. Temporary storage is freed only when the parser is destroyed; The performance of parsing multiple JSON texts may be improved by reusing the same parser instance.

It is important to note that the memory_resource supplied upon construction is used for temporary storage only, and not for allocating the elements which make up the parsed value. That other memory resource is optionally supplied in each call to reset.

Duplicate Keys

If there are object elements with duplicate keys; that is, if multiple elements in an object have keys that compare equal, only the last equivalent element will be inserted.

Non-Standard JSON

The parse_options structure optionally provided upon construction is used to customize some parameters of the parser, including which non-standard JSON extensions should be allowed. A default-constructed parse options allows only standard JSON.

Thread Safety

Distinct instances may be accessed concurrently. Non-const member functions of a shared instance may not be called concurrently with any other member functions of that instance.

See Also

parse, parse_options, stream_parser.

Convenience header <boost/json.hpp>
