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boost::redis::connection Class Reference

A basic_connection that type erases the executor. More...

#include <boost/redis/connection.hpp>

Public Types

using executor_type = asio::any_io_executor
 Executor type.

Public Member Functions

 connection (asio::io_context &ioc, asio::ssl::context ctx=asio::ssl::context{asio::ssl::context::tlsv12_client}, std::size_t max_read_size=(std::numeric_limits< std::size_t >::max)())
 Contructs from a context.
 connection (executor_type ex, asio::ssl::context ctx=asio::ssl::context{asio::ssl::context::tlsv12_client}, std::size_t max_read_size=(std::numeric_limits< std::size_t >::max)())
 Contructs from an executor.
template<class Response , class CompletionToken >
auto async_exec (request const &req, Response &resp, CompletionToken token)
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::async_exec.
template<class CompletionToken >
auto async_receive (CompletionToken token)
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::async_receive.
template<class Response , class CompletionToken >
auto async_receive (Response &response, CompletionToken token)
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::async_receive.
template<class CompletionToken >
auto async_run (config const &cfg, logger l, CompletionToken token)
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::async_run.
void cancel (operation op=operation::all)
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::cancel.
executor_type get_executor () noexcept
 Returns the underlying executor.
auto const & get_ssl_context () const noexcept
 Returns the ssl context.
usage get_usage () const noexcept
 Returns connection usage information.
auto const & next_layer () const noexcept
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::next_layer.
auto & next_layer () noexcept
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::next_layer.
std::size_t receive (system::error_code &ec)
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::receive.
void reset_stream ()
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::reset_stream.
template<class Response >
void set_receive_response (Response &response)
 Sets the response object of async_receive operations.
bool will_reconnect () const noexcept
 Calls boost::redis::basic_connection::will_reconnect.

Detailed Description

A basic_connection that type erases the executor.

This connection type uses the asio::any_io_executor and asio::any_completion_token to reduce compilation times.

For documentaiton of each member function see boost::redis::basic_connection.

Definition at line 339 of file connection.hpp.

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