10#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
12namespace boost::redis {
91auto make_error_code(
error e) -> system::error_code;
@ expects_resp3_set
Expects a set aggregate but got something else.
@ incompatible_size
Aggregate container has incompatible size.
@ resolve_timeout
Resolve timeout.
@ sync_receive_push_failed
Can't receive push synchronously without blocking.
@ not_a_number
Can't parse the string as a number.
@ pong_timeout
Connect timeout.
@ resp3_blob_error
Got RESP3 blob_error.
@ nested_aggregate_not_supported
Nested response not supported.
@ incompatible_node_depth
Incompatible node depth.
@ unexpected_bool_value
Got non boolean value.
@ connect_timeout
Connect timeout.
@ not_connected
There is no stablished connection.
@ expects_resp3_map
Expects a map but got other aggregate.
@ ssl_handshake_timeout
SSL handshake timeout.
@ resp3_null
Got RESP3 null.
@ not_a_double
Not a double.
@ empty_field
Expected field value is empty.
@ resp3_simple_error
Got RESP3 simple error.
@ invalid_data_type
Invalid RESP3 type.
@ exceeeds_max_nested_depth
The maximum depth of a nested response was exceeded.
@ expects_resp3_aggregate
Expects aggregate.
@ expects_resp3_simple_type
Expects a simple RESP3 type but got an aggregate.