...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
defines testing result reporter interfaces
This file defines interfaces that are responsible for results reporting. Interface is presented in a form of free standing function implemented in namespace result_reporter
namespace boost { namespace unit_test { namespace results_reporter { class format; // report configuration void set_level(report_level); void set_stream(std::ostream &); void set_format(output_format); void set_format(results_reporter::format *); std::ostream & get_stream(); void make_report(report_level l = INV_REPORT_LEVEL, test_unit_id = INV_TEST_UNIT_ID); void confirmation_report(test_unit_id id = INV_TEST_UNIT_ID); void short_report(test_unit_id id = INV_TEST_UNIT_ID); void detailed_report(test_unit_id id = INV_TEST_UNIT_ID); } } }
report configurationvoid set_level(report_level l);Sets reporting level.
There are only four possible levels for results report:
confirmation report (boost::unit_test::CONFIRMATION_REPORT). This report level only produces short confirmation message about test module pass/fail status
short report (boost::unit_test::SHORT_REPORT). This report level produces short summary report for failed/passed assertions and test units.
detailed report (boost::unit_test::DETAILED_REPORT). This report level produces detailed report per test unit for passed/failed assertions and uncaught exceptions
no report (boost::unit_test::NO_REPORT). This report level produces no results report. This is used for test modules running as part of some kind of continues integration framework
Parameters: |
void set_stream(std::ostream &);Sets output stream for results reporting.
By default std::cerr is used. Use this function to set a different stream. The framework refers to the stream by reference, so you need to make sure the stream object lifetime exceeds the testing main scope.
void set_format(output_format of);Sets one of the predefined formats.
The framework implements two results report formats:
plain human readable format (boost::unit_test::OF_CLF)
XML format (boost::unit_test::OF_XML)
Parameters: |
void set_format(results_reporter::format * f);Sets custom report formatter.
The framework takes ownership of the pointer passed as an argument. So this should be a pointer to a heap allocated object
Parameters: |
std::ostream & get_stream();Access to configured results reporter stream.
Use this stream to report additional information abut test module execution