...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
This example defines a router for URL paths. If the specified route matches one of the existing routes, the example executes the underlying callback function.
/* This example defines a router for URL paths. Each path is associated with a callback function. */ #ifndef BOOST_URL_SOURCE #define BOOST_URL_SOURCE #endif #include "router.hpp" #include <boost/beast/core.hpp> #include <boost/beast/http.hpp> #include <boost/beast/version.hpp> #include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp> #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <functional> namespace urls = boost::urls; namespace core = boost::core; namespace asio = boost::asio; namespace beast = boost::beast; namespace http = beast::http; using string_view = core::string_view; using request_t = http::request<http::string_body>; struct connection; using handler = std::function<void(connection&, urls::matches)>; int serve( urls::router<handler> const& r, asio::ip::address const& a, unsigned short port, std::string const& doc_root); struct connection { connection(asio::io_context& ioc) : socket(ioc) {} void string_reply(core::string_view msg); void file_reply(core::string_view path); void error_reply(http::status, core::string_view msg); beast::error_code ec; asio::ip::tcp::socket socket; std::string doc_root; request_t req; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Parse cmd-line params */ if (argc != 4) { core::string_view exec = argv[0]; auto file_pos = exec.find_last_of("/\\"); if (file_pos != core::string_view::npos) exec = exec.substr(file_pos + 1); std::cerr << "Usage: " << exec << " <address> <port> <doc_root>\n" "Example: " << exec << " 8080 .\n" "Default values:\n" "- address:\n" "- port: 8080\n" "- doc_root: ./\n"; } auto const address = asio::ip::make_address(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : ""); auto const port = static_cast<unsigned short>(argc > 2 ? std::atoi(argv[2]) : 8080); auto const doc_root = std::string(argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "."); /* * Create router */ urls::router<handler> r; r.insert("/", [&](connection& c, urls::matches const&) { c.string_reply("Hello!"); }); r.insert("/user/{name}", [&](connection& c, urls::matches const& m) { std::string msg = "Hello, "; urls::pct_string_view(m[0]).decode({}, urls::string_token::append_to(msg)); msg += "!"; c.string_reply(msg); }); r.insert("/user", [&](connection& c, urls::matches const&) { std::string msg = "Users: "; auto names = {"johndoe", "maria", "alice"}; for (auto name: names) { msg += "<a href=\"/user/"; msg += name; msg += "\">"; msg += name; msg += "</a> "; } c.string_reply(msg); }); r.insert("/public/{path+}", [&](connection& c, urls::matches m) { c.file_reply(m["path"]); }); return serve(r, address, port, doc_root); } #define ROUTER_CHECK(cond) if(!(cond)) { break; } #define ROUTER_CHECK_EC(ec, cat) if(ec.failed()) { std::cerr << #cat << ": " << ec.message() << "\n"; break; } int serve( urls::router<handler> const& r, asio::ip::address const& address, unsigned short port, std::string const& doc_root) { /* * Serve the routes with a simple synchronous * server. This is an implementation detail * in the context of this example. */ std::cout << "Listening on http://" << address << ":" << port << "\n"; asio::io_context ioc(1); asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(ioc, {address, port}); urls::matches m; for(;;) { connection c(ioc); c.doc_root = doc_root; acceptor.accept(c.socket); beast::flat_buffer buffer; for(;;) { // Read a request http::read(c.socket, buffer, c.req, c.ec); ROUTER_CHECK(c.ec != http::error::end_of_stream) ROUTER_CHECK_EC(c.ec, read) // Handle request auto rpath = urls::parse_path(c.req.target()); if (c.req.method() != http::verb::get && c.req.method() != http::verb::head) c.error_reply( http::status::bad_request, std::string("Unknown HTTP-method: ") + std::string(c.req.method_string())); else if (!rpath) c.error_reply(http::status::bad_request, "Illegal request-target"); else if (auto h = r.find(*rpath, m)) (*h)(c, m); else c.error_reply( http::status::not_found, "The resource '" + std::string(rpath->buffer()) + "' was not found."); ROUTER_CHECK_EC(c.ec, write) ROUTER_CHECK(c.req.keep_alive()) } c.socket.shutdown(asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send, c.ec); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #undef ROUTER_CHECK_EC #undef ROUTER_CHECK void connection:: error_reply(http::status s, core::string_view msg) { // invalid route http::response<http::string_body> res{s, req.version()}; res.set(http::field::server, BOOST_BEAST_VERSION_STRING); res.set(http::field::content_type, "text/html"); res.keep_alive(req.keep_alive()); res.body() = msg; res.prepare_payload(); http::write(socket, res, ec); } void connection:: string_reply(core::string_view msg) { http::response<http::string_body> res{http::status::ok, req.version()}; res.set(http::field::server, BOOST_BEAST_VERSION_STRING); res.set(http::field::content_type, "text/html"); res.keep_alive(req.keep_alive()); res.body() = msg; res.prepare_payload(); http::write(socket, res, ec); } core::string_view mime_type(core::string_view path); std::string path_cat( beast::string_view base, beast::string_view path); void connection:: file_reply(core::string_view path) { http::file_body::value_type body; std::string jpath = path_cat(doc_root, path); body.open(jpath.c_str(), beast::file_mode::scan, ec); if(ec == beast::errc::no_such_file_or_directory) { error_reply( http::status::not_found, "The resource '" + std::string(path) + "' was not found in " + jpath); return; } auto const size = body.size(); http::response<http::file_body> res{ std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(std::move(body)), std::make_tuple(http::status::ok, req.version())}; res.set(http::field::server, BOOST_BEAST_VERSION_STRING); res.set(http::field::content_type, mime_type(path)); res.content_length(size); res.keep_alive(req.keep_alive()); http::write(socket, res, ec); } // Append an HTTP rel-path to a local filesystem path. // The returned path is normalized for the platform. std::string path_cat( core::string_view base, core::string_view path) { if (base.empty()) return std::string(path); std::string result(base); #ifdef BOOST_MSVC char constexpr path_separator = '\\'; #else char constexpr path_separator = '/'; #endif if( result.back() == path_separator && path.starts_with(path_separator)) result.resize(result.size() - 1); else if (result.back() != path_separator && !path.starts_with(path_separator)) { result.push_back(path_separator); } result.append(path.data(), path.size()); #ifdef BOOST_MSVC for(auto& c : result) if(c == '/') c = path_separator; #endif return result; } core::string_view mime_type(core::string_view path) { using beast::iequals; auto const ext = [&path] { auto const pos = path.rfind("."); if(pos == beast::string_view::npos) return beast::string_view{}; return path.substr(pos); }(); if(iequals(ext, ".htm")) return "text/html"; if(iequals(ext, ".html")) return "text/html"; if(iequals(ext, ".php")) return "text/html"; if(iequals(ext, ".css")) return "text/css"; if(iequals(ext, ".txt")) return "text/plain"; if(iequals(ext, ".js")) return "application/javascript"; if(iequals(ext, ".json")) return "application/json"; if(iequals(ext, ".xml")) return "application/xml"; if(iequals(ext, ".swf")) return "application/x-shockwave-flash"; if(iequals(ext, ".flv")) return "video/x-flv"; if(iequals(ext, ".png")) return "image/png"; if(iequals(ext, ".jpe")) return "image/jpeg"; if(iequals(ext, ".jpeg")) return "image/jpeg"; if(iequals(ext, ".jpg")) return "image/jpeg"; if(iequals(ext, ".gif")) return "image/gif"; if(iequals(ext, ".bmp")) return "image/bmp"; if(iequals(ext, ".ico")) return "image/vnd.microsoft.icon"; if(iequals(ext, ".tiff")) return "image/tiff"; if(iequals(ext, ".tif")) return "image/tiff"; if(iequals(ext, ".svg")) return "image/svg+xml"; if(iequals(ext, ".svgz")) return "image/svg+xml"; return "application/text"; }