Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


Class template stack



// In header: <boost/lockfree/stack.hpp>

template<typename T, typename... Options> 
class stack {
  // types
  typedef T                                 value_type;
  typedef implementation_defined::allocator allocator; 
  typedef implementation_defined::size_type size_type; 

  // public member functions
  bool is_lock_free(void) const;
  explicit stack(void);
  template<typename U, typename Enabler = std::enable_if< has_capacity > > 
    explicit stack(typename boost::allocator_rebind< node_allocator, U >::type const &);
  template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< has_capacity > > 
    explicit stack(allocator const &);
  template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
    explicit stack(size_type);
  stack(const stack &) = delete;
  stack & operator=(const stack &) = delete;
  stack(stack &&) = delete;
  stack & operator=(stack &&) = delete;
  template<typename U, typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
          typename boost::allocator_rebind< node_allocator, U >::type const &);
  template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
    stack(size_type, node_allocator const &);
  template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
    void reserve(size_type);
  template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
    void reserve_unsafe(size_type);
  bool push(const T &);
  bool push(T &&);
  bool bounded_push(const T &);
  bool bounded_push(T &&);
  template<typename ConstIterator> 
    ConstIterator push(ConstIterator, ConstIterator);
  template<std::size_t Extent> size_type push(boost::span< const T, Extent >);
  template<typename ConstIterator> 
    ConstIterator bounded_push(ConstIterator, ConstIterator);
  template<std::size_t Extent> 
    size_type bounded_push(boost::span< const T, Extent >);
  bool unsynchronized_push(const T &);
  bool unsynchronized_push(T &&);
  template<typename ConstIterator> 
    ConstIterator unsynchronized_push(ConstIterator, ConstIterator);
  template<std::size_t Extent> 
    size_type unsynchronized_push(boost::span< const T, Extent >);
  bool pop(T &);
  template<typename U, 
           typename Enabler = std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< T, U >::value > > 
    bool pop(U &);
  std::optional< T > pop(uses_optional_t);
  template<typename U> std::optional< U > pop(uses_optional_t);
  bool unsynchronized_pop(T &);
  template<typename U, 
           typename Enabler = std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< T, U >::value > > 
    bool unsynchronized_pop(U &);
  template<typename Functor> bool consume_one(Functor &&);
  template<typename Functor> size_t consume_all(Functor &&);
  template<typename Functor> size_t consume_all_atomic(Functor &&);
  template<typename Functor> size_t consume_all_atomic_reversed(Functor &&);
  bool empty(void) const;


The stack class provides a multi-writer/multi-reader stack, pushing and popping is lock-free, construction/destruction has to be synchronized. It uses a freelist for memory management, freed nodes are pushed to the freelist and not returned to the OS before the stack is destroyed.


  • boost::lockfree::fixed_sized<>, defaults to boost::lockfree::fixed_sized<false>
    Can be used to completely disable dynamic memory allocations during push in order to ensure lockfree behavior.
    If the data structure is configured as fixed-sized, the internal nodes are stored inside an array and they are addressed by array indexing. This limits the possible size of the stack to the number of elements that can be addressed by the index type (usually 2**16-2), but on platforms that lack double-width compare-and-exchange instructions, this is the best way to achieve lock-freedom.

  • boost::lockfree::capacity<>, optional
    If this template argument is passed to the options, the size of the stack is set at compile-time.
    It this option implies fixed_sized<true>

  • boost::lockfree::allocator<>, defaults to boost::lockfree::allocator<std::allocator<void>>
    Specifies the allocator that is used for the internal freelist


  • T must have a copy constructor or a move constructor

stack public member functions

  1. bool is_lock_free(void) const;

    [Warning] Warning

    It only checks, if the top stack node and the freelist can be modified in a lock-free manner. On most platforms, the whole implementation is lock-free, if this is true. Using c++0x-style atomics, there is no possibility to provide a completely accurate implementation, because one would need to test every internal node, which is impossible if further nodes will be allocated from the operating system.


    true, if implementation is lock-free.

  2. explicit stack(void);

    Construct a fixed-sized stack


    Must specify a capacity<> argument

  3. template<typename U, typename Enabler = std::enable_if< has_capacity > > 
      explicit stack(typename boost::allocator_rebind< node_allocator, U >::type const & alloc);

    Construct a fixed-sized stack with a custom allocator


    Must specify a capacity<> argument

  4. template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< has_capacity > > 
      explicit stack(allocator const & alloc);

    Construct a fixed-sized stack with a custom allocator


    Must specify a capacity<> argument

  5. template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
      explicit stack(size_type n);

    Construct a variable-sized stack

    Allocate n nodes initially for the freelist


    Must not specify a capacity<> argument

  6. stack(const stack &) = delete;
  7. stack & operator=(const stack &) = delete;
  8. stack(stack &&) = delete;
  9. stack & operator=(stack &&) = delete;
  10. template<typename U, typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
      stack(size_type n, 
            typename boost::allocator_rebind< node_allocator, U >::type const & alloc);

    Construct a variable-sized stack with a custom allocator

    Allocate n nodes initially for the freelist


    Must not specify a capacity<> argument

  11. template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
      stack(size_type n, node_allocator const & alloc);

    Construct a variable-sized stack with a custom allocator

    Allocate n nodes initially for the freelist


    Must not specify a capacity<> argument

  12. template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
      void reserve(size_type n);

    Allocate n nodes for freelist

    [Note] Note

    thread-safe, may block if memory allocator blocks


    only valid if no capacity<> argument given

  13. template<typename Enabler = std::enable_if< !has_capacity > > 
      void reserve_unsafe(size_type n);

    Allocate n nodes for freelist

    [Note] Note

    not thread-safe, may block if memory allocator blocks


    only valid if no capacity<> argument given

  14. ~stack(void);

    Destroys stack, free all nodes from freelist.

    [Note] Note

    not thread-safe

  15. bool push(const T & v);

    Pushes object t to the stack.

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    object will be pushed to the stack, if internal node can be allocated


    true, if the push operation is successful.


    if memory allocator throws
  16. bool push(T && v);

    Pushes object t to the stack.

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    object will be pushed to the stack, if internal node can be allocated


    true, if the push operation is successful.


    if memory allocator throws
  17. bool bounded_push(const T & v);

    Pushes object t to the stack.

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking. If internal memory pool is exhausted, the push operation will fail


    object will be pushed to the stack, if internal node can be allocated


    true, if the push operation is successful.

  18. bool bounded_push(T && v);

    Pushes object t to the stack.

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking. If internal memory pool is exhausted, the push operation will fail


    object will be pushed to the stack, if internal node can be allocated


    true, if the push operation is successful.

  19. template<typename ConstIterator> 
      ConstIterator push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end);

    Pushes as many objects from the range [begin, end) as freelist node can be allocated.

    [Note] Note

    Operation is applied atomically

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    iterator to the first element, which has not been pushed


    if memory allocator throws
  20. template<std::size_t Extent> size_type push(boost::span< const T, Extent > t);

    Pushes as many objects from the span as freelist node can be allocated.

    [Note] Note

    Operation is applied atomically

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    Number of elements pushed


    if memory allocator throws
  21. template<typename ConstIterator> 
      ConstIterator bounded_push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end);

    Pushes as many objects from the range [begin, end) as freelist node can be allocated.

    [Note] Note

    Operation is applied atomically

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking. If internal memory pool is exhausted, the push operation will fail


    iterator to the first element, which has not been pushed


    if memory allocator throws
  22. template<std::size_t Extent> 
      size_type bounded_push(boost::span< const T, Extent > t);

    Pushes as many objects from the span as freelist node can be allocated.

    [Note] Note

    Operation is applied atomically

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking. If internal memory pool is exhausted, the push operation will fail


    Number of elements pushed


    if memory allocator throws
  23. bool unsynchronized_push(const T & v);

    Pushes object t to the stack.

    [Note] Note

    Not thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    object will be pushed to the stack, if internal node can be allocated


    true, if the push operation is successful.


    if memory allocator throws
  24. bool unsynchronized_push(T && v);

    Pushes object t to the stack.

    [Note] Note

    Not thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    object will be pushed to the stack, if internal node can be allocated


    true, if the push operation is successful.


    if memory allocator throws
  25. template<typename ConstIterator> 
      ConstIterator unsynchronized_push(ConstIterator begin, ConstIterator end);

    Pushes as many objects from the range [begin, end) as freelist node can be allocated.

    [Note] Note

    Not thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    iterator to the first element, which has not been pushed


    if memory allocator throws
  26. template<std::size_t Extent> 
      size_type unsynchronized_push(boost::span< const T, Extent > t);

    Pushes as many objects from the span as freelist node can be allocated.

    [Note] Note

    Not thread-safe. If internal memory pool is exhausted and the memory pool is not fixed-sized, a new node will be allocated from the OS. This may not be lock-free.


    iterator to the first element, which has not been pushed


    if memory allocator throws
  27. bool pop(T & ret);

    Pops object from stack.

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking


    if pop operation is successful, object will be copied to ret.


    true, if the pop operation is successful, false if stack was empty.

  28. template<typename U, 
             typename Enabler = std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< T, U >::value > > 
      bool pop(U & ret);

    Pops object from stack.

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking


    type T must be convertible to U


    if pop operation is successful, object will be copied to ret.


    true, if the pop operation is successful, false if stack was empty.

  29. std::optional< T > pop(uses_optional_t);

    Pops object from stack, returning a std::optional<>

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking


    std::optional with value if successful, std::nullopt if stack is empty.

  30. template<typename U> std::optional< U > pop(uses_optional_t);

    Pops object from stack, returning a std::optional<>

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking


    type T must be convertible to U


    std::optional with value if successful, std::nullopt if stack is empty.

  31. bool unsynchronized_pop(T & ret);

    Pops object from stack.

    [Note] Note

    Not thread-safe, but non-blocking


    if pop operation is successful, object will be copied to ret.


    true, if the pop operation is successful, false if stack was empty.

  32. template<typename U, 
             typename Enabler = std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< T, U >::value > > 
      bool unsynchronized_pop(U & ret);

    Pops object from stack.

    [Note] Note

    Not thread-safe, but non-blocking


    type T must be convertible to U


    if pop operation is successful, object will be copied to ret.


    true, if the pop operation is successful, false if stack was empty.

  33. template<typename Functor> bool consume_one(Functor && f);

    consumes one element via a functor

    pops one element from the stack and applies the functor on this object

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking, if functor is thread-safe and non-blocking


    true, if one element was consumed

  34. template<typename Functor> size_t consume_all(Functor && f);

    consumes all elements via a functor

    sequentially pops all elements from the stack and applies the functor on each object

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking, if functor is thread-safe and non-blocking


    number of elements that are consumed

  35. template<typename Functor> size_t consume_all_atomic(Functor && f);

    consumes all elements via a functor

    atomically pops all elements from the stack and applies the functor on each object

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking, if functor is thread-safe and non-blocking


    number of elements that are consumed

  36. template<typename Functor> size_t consume_all_atomic_reversed(Functor && f);

    consumes all elements via a functor

    atomically pops all elements from the stack and applies the functor on each object in reversed order

    [Note] Note

    Thread-safe and non-blocking, if functor is thread-safe and non-blocking


    number of elements that are consumed

  37. bool empty(void) const;

    [Note] Note

    It only guarantees that at some point during the execution of the function the stack has been empty. It is rarely practical to use this value in program logic, because the stack can be modified by other threads.


    true, if stack is empty.
