...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
If you write your own logging sinks or use your own types in attributes, you may want to add support for these components to the settings parser provided by the library. Without doing this, the library will not be aware of your types and thus will not be able to use them when parsing settings.
#include <boost/log/utility/setup/formatter_parser.hpp
In order to add support for user-defined types to the formatter parser,
one has to register a formatter factory. The factory is basically an object
that derives from formatter_factory
interface. The factory mainly implements the single create_formatter
method which, when called, will construct a formatter for the particular
attribute value.
When the user-defined type supports putting to a stream with operator<<
and this operator behavior is suitable for logging, one can use a simple
generic formatter factory provided by the library out of the box. For example,
let's assume we have the following user-defined type that we want to use
as an attribute value:
struct point { float m_x, m_y; point() : m_x(0.0f), m_y(0.0f) {} point(float x, float y) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {} }; template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT > std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, point const& p) { strm << "(" << p.m_x << ", " << p.m_y << ")"; return strm; }
Then, in order to register this type with the simple formatter factory,
a single call to register_simple_formatter_factory
will suffice:
void init_factories() { logging::register_simple_formatter_factory< point, char >("Coordinates"); }
![]() |
Note |
The |
The function takes the stored attribute value type (point
in our case) and the target character type used by formatters as template
parameters. From the point of this call, whenever the formatter parser
encounters a reference to the "Coordinates" attribute in the
format string, it will invoke the formatter factory, which will construct
the formatter that calls our operator<<
for class point
![]() |
Tip |
It is typically a good idea to register all formatter factories at an early stage of the application initialization, before any other library initialization, such as reading config files. |
From the formatter parser description it is known that the parser supports passing additional parameters from the format string to the formatter factory. We can use these parameters to customize the output generated by the formatter.
For example, let's implement customizable formatting of our point
objects, so that the following
format string works as expected:
%TimeStamp% %Coordinates(format="{%0.3f; %0.3f}")% %Message%
The simple formatter factory ignores all additional parameters from the
format string, so we have to implement our own factory instead. Custom
factories are registered with the register_formatter_factory
function, which is similar to register_simple_formatter_factory
but accepts a pointer to the factory instead of the explicit template parameters.
// Custom point formatter class point_formatter { public: typedef void result_type; public: explicit point_formatter(std::string const& fmt) : m_format(fmt) { } void operator() (logging::formatting_ostream& strm, logging::value_ref< point > const& value) const { if (value) { point const& p = value.get(); m_format % p.m_x % p.m_y; strm << m_format; m_format.clear(); } } private: mutable boost::format m_format; }; // Custom point formatter factory class point_formatter_factory : public logging::basic_formatter_factory< char, point > { public: formatter_type create_formatter(logging::attribute_name const& name, args_map const& args) { args_map::const_iterator it = args.find("format"); if (it != args.end()) return boost::phoenix::bind(point_formatter(it->second), expr::stream, expr::attr< point >(name)); else return expr::stream << expr::attr< point >(name); } }; void init_factories() { logging::register_formatter_factory("Coordinates", boost::make_shared< point_formatter_factory >()); }
Let's walk through this code sample. Our point_formatter_factory
class derives from the basic_formatter_factory
base class provided by the library. This class derives from the base formatter_factory
and defines a few useful types, such as formatter_type
and args_map
that we use.
The only thing left to do in our factory is to define the create_formatter
method. The method analyzes
the parameters from the format string which are passed as the args
argument, which is basically std::map
of string keys (parameter names)
to string values (the parameter values). We seek for the format
parameter and expect it to contain
a Boost.Format-compatible
format string for our point
objects. If the parameter is found we create a formatter that invokes
for the
attribute values. Otherwise we create a default formatter that simply uses
the operator<<
like the simple formatter factory does. Note that we use the name
argument of create_formatter
to identify the attribute so that the same factory can be used for different
The point_formatter
our custom formatter based on Boost.Format.
With help of Boost.Phoenix
and expression placeholders
we can construct a formatter that will extract the attribute value and
pass it along with the target stream to the point_formatter
function object. Note that the formatter accepts the attribute value wrapped
into the value_ref
wrapper which can be
empty if the value is not present.
Lastly, the call to register_formatter_factory
creates the factory and adds it to the library.
You can find the complete code of this example here.
#include <boost/log/utility/setup/filter_parser.hpp
You can extend filter parser in the similar way you can extend the formatter parser - by registering filter factories for your attribute values into the library. However, since it takes a considerably more complex syntax to describe filters, a filter factory typically implements several generator functions.
Like with formatter parser extension, you can avoid spelling out the filter factory and register a simple factory provided by the library:
void init_factories() { logging::register_simple_filter_factory< point, char >("Coordinates"); }
In order this to work the user's type should fulfill these requirements:
Naturally, all these operators must be visible from the point of the register_simple_filter_factory
call. Note that unlike the simple formatter factory, the filter factory
requires the user's type to support reading from a stream. This is so because
the filter factory would have to parse the argument of the filter relation
from a string.
But we won't get away with a simple filter factory, because our point
class doesn't have a sensible ordering
semantics and thus we cannot define the complete set of operators. We'll
have to implement our own filter factory instead. Filter factories derive
from the filter_factory
interface. This base class declares a number of virtual functions that
will be called in order to create filters, according to the filter expression.
If some functions are not overridden by the factory, the corresponding
operations are considered to be not supported by the attribute value. But
before we define the filter factory we have to improve our point
class slightly:
struct point { float m_x, m_y; point() : m_x(0.0f), m_y(0.0f) {} point(float x, float y) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {} }; bool operator== (point const& left, point const& right); bool operator!= (point const& left, point const& right); template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT > std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, point const& p); template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT > std::basic_istream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, point& p);
We have added comparison and input operators for the point
class. The output operator is still used by formatters and not required
by the filter factory. Now we can define and register the filter factory:
// Custom point filter factory class point_filter_factory : public logging::filter_factory< char > { public: logging::filter on_exists_test(logging::attribute_name const& name) { return expr::has_attr< point >(name); } logging::filter on_equality_relation(logging::attribute_name const& name, string_type const& arg) { return expr::attr< point >(name) == parse_argument(arg); } logging::filter on_inequality_relation(logging::attribute_name const& name, string_type const& arg) { return expr::attr< point >(name) != parse_argument(arg); } private: static point parse_argument(string_type const& arg) { std::istringstream strm(arg); point val; strm >> val; if (strm.fail() || strm.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse point from \"" + arg + "\""); return val; } }; void init_factories() { logging::register_filter_factory("Coordinates", boost::make_shared< point_filter_factory >()); }
Having called the register_filter_factory
function, whenever the filter
parser encounters the "Coordinates" attribute mentioned
in the filter, it will use the point_filter_factory
object to construct the appropriate filter. For example, in the case of
the following filter
%Coordinates% = "(10, 10)"
the on_equality_relation
method will be called with name
argument being "Coordinates" and arg
being "(10, 10)".
![]() |
Note |
The quotes around the parenthesis are necessary because the filter parser
should interpret the point coordinates as a single string. Also, round
brackets are already used to group subexpressions of the filter expression.
Whenever there is need to pass several parameters to the relation (like
in this case - a number of components of the |
The constructed filter will use the corresponding comparison operators
for the point
class. Ordering
operations, like ">" or "<=", will not be supported
for attributes named "Coordinates", and this is exactly the way
we want it, because the point
class does not support them either. The complete example is available
The library allows not only adding support for new types, but also associating new relations with them. For instance, we can create a new relation "is_in_rectangle" that will yield positive if the coordinates fit into a rectangle denoted with two points. The filter might look like this:
%Coordinates% is_in_rectangle "{(10, 10) - (20, 20)}"
First, let's define our rectangle class:
struct rectangle { point m_top_left, m_bottom_right; }; template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT > std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, rectangle const& r); template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT > std::basic_istream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator>> (std::basic_istream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, rectangle& r);
As it was said, the rectangle is described by two points - the top left
and the bottom right corners of the rectangle area. Now let's extend our
filter factory with the on_custom_relation
// The function checks if the point is inside the rectangle bool is_in_rectangle(logging::value_ref< point > const& p, rectangle const& r) { if (p) { return p->m_x >= r.m_top_left.m_x && p->m_x <= r.m_bottom_right.m_x && p->m_y >= r.m_top_left.m_y && p->m_y <= r.m_bottom_right.m_y; } return false; } // Custom point filter factory class point_filter_factory : public logging::filter_factory< char > { public: logging::filter on_exists_test(logging::attribute_name const& name) { return expr::has_attr< point >(name); } logging::filter on_equality_relation(logging::attribute_name const& name, string_type const& arg) { return expr::attr< point >(name) == parse_argument< point >(arg); } logging::filter on_inequality_relation(logging::attribute_name const& name, string_type const& arg) { return expr::attr< point >(name) != parse_argument< point >(arg); } logging::filter on_custom_relation(logging::attribute_name const& name, string_type const& rel, string_type const& arg) { if (rel == "is_in_rectangle") { return boost::phoenix::bind(&is_in_rectangle, expr::attr< point >(name), parse_argument< rectangle >(arg)); } throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported filter relation: " + rel); } private: template< typename ArgumentT > static ArgumentT parse_argument(string_type const& arg) { std::istringstream strm(arg); ArgumentT val; strm >> val; if (strm.fail() || strm.bad()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to parse argument from \"" + arg + "\""); return val; } }; void init_factories() { logging::register_filter_factory("Coordinates", boost::make_shared< point_filter_factory >()); }
The on_custom_relation
method is called with the relation name (the "is_in_rectangle"
string in our case) and the right-hand argument for the relation (the rectangle
description). All we have to do is to construct the filter, which is implemented
by our is_in_rectangle
function. We use bind
to compose the filter from the function and the attribute
placeholder. You can find the complete code of this example here.
#include <boost/log/utility/setup/from_settings.hpp
> #include <boost/log/utility/setup/from_stream.hpp
The library provides mechanism of extending support for sinks similar to
the formatter and filter parsers. In order to be able to mention user-defined
sinks in a settings file, the user has to register a sink factory, which
essentially contains the create_sink
method that receives a settings
subsection and returns a pointer to the initialized sink. The factory
is registered for a specific destination (see the settings
file description), so whenever a sink with the specified destination
is mentioned in the settings file, the factory gets called.
For example, let's register the stat_collector
sink we described before in
the library. First, let's remember the sink definition:
// The backend collects statistical information about network activity of the application class stat_collector : public sinks::basic_sink_backend< sinks::combine_requirements< sinks::synchronized_feeding, sinks::flushing >::type > { private: // The file to write the collected information to std::ofstream m_csv_file; // Here goes the data collected so far: // Active connections unsigned int m_active_connections; // Sent bytes unsigned int m_sent_bytes; // Received bytes unsigned int m_received_bytes; // The number of collected records since the last write to the file unsigned int m_collected_count; // The time when the collected data has been written to the file last time boost::posix_time::ptime m_last_store_time; // The collected data writing interval boost::posix_time::time_duration m_write_interval; public: // The constructor initializes the internal data stat_collector(const char* file_name, boost::posix_time::time_duration write_interval); // The function consumes the log records that come from the frontend void consume(logging::record_view const& rec); // The function flushes the file void flush(); private: // The function resets statistical accumulators to initial values void reset_accumulators(); // The function writes the collected data to the file void write_data(); };
Compared to the earlier definition we added the write_interval
constructor parameter so we can set the statistical information flush interval
in the settings file. The implementation of the sink stays pretty much
the same as before. Now we have to define the factory:
// Factory for the stat_collector sink class stat_collector_factory : public logging::sink_factory< char > { public: // Creates the sink with the provided parameters boost::shared_ptr< sinks::sink > create_sink(settings_section const& settings) { // Read sink parameters std::string file_name; if (boost::optional< std::string > param = settings["FileName"]) file_name = param.get(); else throw std::runtime_error("No target file name specified in settings"); boost::posix_time::time_duration write_interval = boost::posix_time::minutes(1); if (boost::optional< std::string > param = settings["WriteInterval"]) { unsigned long sec = std::stoul(param.get()); write_interval = boost::posix_time::seconds(sec); } // Create the sink boost::shared_ptr< stat_collector > backend = boost::make_shared< stat_collector >(file_name.c_str(), write_interval); boost::shared_ptr< sinks::synchronous_sink< stat_collector > > sink = boost::make_shared< sinks::synchronous_sink< stat_collector > >(backend); if (boost::optional< std::string > param = settings["Filter"]) { sink->set_filter(logging::parse_filter(param.get())); } return sink; } }; void init_factories() { logging::register_sink_factory("StatCollector", boost::make_shared< stat_collector_factory >()); }
As you can see, we read parameters from settings and simply create our
sink with them as a result of create_sink
method. Generally, users are free to name parameters of their sinks the
way they like, as long as settings
file format is adhered. However, it is a good idea to follow the
pattern established by the library and reuse parameter names with the same
meaning. That is, it should be obvious that the parameter "Filter"
means the same for both the library-provided "TextFile" sink
and out custom "StatCollector" sink.
After defining the factory we only have to register it with the register_sink_factory
call. The first argument is the new value of the "Destination"
parameter in the settings. Whenever the library finds sink description
with destination "StatCollector", our factory will be invoked
to create the sink. It is also possible to override library-provided destination
types with user-defined factories, however it is not possible to restore
the default factories afterwards.
![]() |
Note |
As the "Destination" parameter is used to determine the sink factory, this parameter is reserved and cannot be used by sink factories for their own purposes. |
Now that the factory is registered, we can use it when initializing from files or settings. For example, this is what the settings file could look like:
[Sinks.MyStat] Destination=StatCollector FileName=stat.csv WriteInterval=30
The complete code of the example in this section can be found here.