Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


Inverse Gamma Distribution

#include <boost/math/distributions/inverse_gamma.hpp>
namespace boost{ namespace math{

template <class RealType = double,
          class Policy   = policies::policy<> >
class inverse_gamma_distribution
   typedef RealType value_type;
   typedef Policy   policy_type;

   BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inverse_gamma_distribution(RealType shape, RealType scale = 1)

   BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED RealType shape()const;
   BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED RealType scale()const;

}} // namespaces

The inverse_gamma distribution is a continuous probability distribution of the reciprocal of a variable distributed according to the gamma distribution.

The inverse_gamma distribution is used in Bayesian statistics.

See inverse gamma distribution.

R inverse gamma distribution functions.

Wolfram inverse gamma distribution.

See also Gamma Distribution.

[Note] Note

In spite of potential confusion with the inverse gamma function, this distribution does provide the typedef:

typedef inverse_gamma_distribution<double> gamma;

If you want a double precision gamma distribution you can use


or you can write inverse_gamma my_ig(2, 3);

For shape parameter α and scale parameter β, it is defined by the probability density function (PDF):

f(x;α, β) = βα * (1/x) α+1 exp(-β/x) / Γ(α)

and cumulative density function (CDF)

F(x;α, β) = Γ(α, β/x) / Γ(α)

The following graphs illustrate how the PDF and CDF of the inverse gamma distribution varies as the parameters vary:

Member Functions
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inverse_gamma_distribution(RealType shape = 1, RealType scale = 1);

Constructs an inverse gamma distribution with shape α and scale β.

Requires that the shape and scale parameters are greater than zero, otherwise calls domain_error.

BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED RealType shape()const;

Returns the α shape parameter of this inverse gamma distribution.

BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED RealType scale()const;

Returns the β scale parameter of this inverse gamma distribution.

Non-member Accessors

All the usual non-member accessor functions that are generic to all distributions are supported: Cumulative Distribution Function, Probability Density Function, Quantile, Hazard Function, Cumulative Hazard Function, __logcdf, __logpdf, mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, kurtosis_excess, range and support. For this distribution all non-member accessor functions are marked with BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED and can be run on both host and device.

The domain of the random variate is [0,+∞].

[Note] Note

Unlike some definitions, this implementation supports a random variate equal to zero as a special case, returning zero for pdf and cdf.

In this distribution the implementation of logpdf is specialized to improve numerical accuracy.


The inverse gamma distribution is implemented in terms of the incomplete gamma functions gamma_p and gamma_q and their inverses gamma_p_inv and gamma_q_inv: refer to the accuracy data for those functions for more information. But in general, inverse_gamma results are accurate to a few epsilon, >14 decimal digits accuracy for 64-bit double.


In the following table α is the shape parameter of the distribution, β is its scale parameter, x is the random variate, p is the probability and q = 1-p.


Implementation Notes


Using the relation: pdf = gamma_p_derivative(α, β/ x, β) / x * x


log(pdf) = α * log(β) + (-α-1)*log(x) - lgamma(α) - (β/x)


Using the relation: p = gamma_q(α, β / x)

cdf complement

Using the relation: q = gamma_p(α, β / x)


Using the relation: x = β/ gamma_q_inv(α, p)

quantile from the complement

Using the relation: x = α/ gamma_p_inv(α, q)


β / (α + 1)


no analytic equation is known, but is evaluated as quantile(0.5)


β / (α - 1) for α > 1, else a domain_error


(β * β) / ((α - 1) * (α - 1) * (α - 2)) for α >2, else a domain_error


4 * sqrt (α -2) / (α -3) for α >3, else a domain_error


(30 * α - 66) / ((α-3)*(α - 4)) for α >4, else a domain_error
