...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
This example assumes you have gone through the setup.
/** * This example shows how to obtain metadata from SQL queries, * including field and table names. * * This example uses C++20 coroutines. If you need, you can backport * it to C++11 by using callbacks, asio::yield_context * or sync functions instead of coroutines. * * This example uses the 'boost_mysql_examples' database, which you * can get by running db_setup.sql. */ #include <boost/mysql/any_connection.hpp> #include <boost/mysql/error_with_diagnostics.hpp> #include <boost/mysql/metadata_mode.hpp> #include <boost/mysql/results.hpp> #include <boost/asio/awaitable.hpp> #include <boost/asio/co_spawn.hpp> #include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp> #include <iostream> namespace asio = boost::asio; namespace mysql = boost::mysql; // The main coroutine asio::awaitable<void> coro_main( std::string_view server_hostname, std::string_view username, std::string_view password ) { // Create a connection. // Will use the same executor as the coroutine. mysql::any_connection conn(co_await asio::this_coro::executor); // By default, string metadata (like column names) won't be retained. // This is for efficiency reasons. You can change this setting by calling // connection::set_meta_mode. It will affect any subsequent queries and statement executions. conn.set_meta_mode(mysql::metadata_mode::full); // The socket path, username, password and database to use. mysql::connect_params params; params.server_address.emplace_host_and_port(std::string(server_hostname)); params.username = username; params.password = password; params.database = "boost_mysql_examples"; // Connect to the server co_await conn.async_connect(params); // Issue the query constexpr const char* sql = R"( SELECT comp.name AS company_name, emp.id AS employee_id FROM employee emp JOIN company comp ON (comp.id = emp.company_id) )"; mysql::results result; co_await conn.async_execute(sql, result); /** * results objects allow you to access metadata about the columns in the query * using the meta() function, which returns span-like object containing metadata objects * (one per column in the query, and in the same order as in the query). * You can retrieve the column name, type, number of decimals, * suggested display width, whether the column is part of a key... * These metadata objects are owned by the results object. */ assert(result.meta().size() == 2); // <- // clang-format off // -> const mysql::metadata& company_name = result.meta()[0]; assert(company_name.database() == "boost_mysql_examples"); // database name assert(company_name.table() == "comp"); // the alias we assigned to the table in the query assert(company_name.original_table() == "company"); // the original table name assert(company_name.column_name() == "company_name"); // the name of the column in the query assert(company_name.original_column_name() == "name"); // the name of the physical column in the table assert(company_name.type() == boost::mysql::column_type::varchar); // we created the column as a VARCHAR assert(!company_name.is_primary_key()); // column is not a primary key assert(!company_name.is_auto_increment()); // column is not AUTO_INCREMENT assert(company_name.is_not_null()); // column may not be NULL const mysql::metadata& employee_id = result.meta()[1]; assert(employee_id.database() == "boost_mysql_examples"); // database name assert(employee_id.table() == "emp"); // the alias we assigned to the table in the query assert(employee_id.original_table() == "employee"); // the original table name assert(employee_id.column_name() == "employee_id"); // the name of the column in the query assert(employee_id.original_column_name() == "id"); // the name of the physical column in the table assert(employee_id.type() == boost::mysql::column_type::int_); // we created the column as INT assert(employee_id.is_primary_key()); // column is a primary key assert(employee_id.is_auto_increment()); // we declared the column as AUTO_INCREMENT assert(employee_id.is_not_null()); // column cannot be NULL // <- // clang-format on // avoid warnings in release mode static_cast<void>(company_name); static_cast<void>(employee_id); // -> // Notify the MySQL server we want to quit, then close the underlying connection. co_await conn.async_close(); } void main_impl(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 4) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <username> <password> <server-hostname>\n"; exit(1); } // Create an I/O context, required by all I/O objects asio::io_context ctx; // Launch our coroutine asio::co_spawn( ctx, [=] { return coro_main(argv[3], argv[1], argv[2]); }, // If any exception is thrown in the coroutine body, rethrow it. [](std::exception_ptr ptr) { if (ptr) { std::rethrow_exception(ptr); } } ); // Calling run will actually execute the coroutine until completion ctx.run(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { main_impl(argc, argv); } catch (const boost::mysql::error_with_diagnostics& err) { // Some errors include additional diagnostics, like server-provided error messages. // Security note: diagnostics::server_message may contain user-supplied values (e.g. the // field value that caused the error) and is encoded using to the connection's character set // (UTF-8 by default). Treat is as untrusted input. std::cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << ", error code: " << err.code() << '\n' << "Server diagnostics: " << err.get_diagnostics().server_message() << std::endl; return 1; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "Error: " << err.what() << std::endl; return 1; } }