Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


The legacy connection class

You may encounter code using connection or its aliases, tcp_connection, tcp_ssl_connection, unix_connection. This was the main way to create client connections until Boost 1.87, when any_connection became stable.

connection is not deprecated, but we don't recommend using it in new code. any_connection is simpler to use and provides the same level of efficiency.

Streams and type aliases

connection is templated on the Stream class, which implements the transport layer to read and write wire bytes.

The library provides helper type aliases for the most common cases:


Stream type

Type alias

SSL over TCP



Plaintext TCP



UNIX sockets



Only available if BOOST_ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS is defined.

In contrast, any_connection is not templated. The same three transports above can be used with any_connection.

Constructing a connection

connection's constructor takes the same arguments as the underlying Stream constructor. For a tcp_ssl_connection, we need to pass an execution context and a asio::ssl::context:

// The execution context, required for all I/O operations
asio::io_context ctx;

// The SSL context, required for connections that use TLS.
asio::ssl::context ssl_ctx(asio::ssl::context::tlsv12_client);

// Construct the connection. The arguments are forwarded
// to the stream type (asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket>).
mysql::tcp_ssl_connection conn(ctx, ssl_ctx);

Connection establishment

Use connection::connect or connection::async_connect to perform connection establishment. This function takes two parameters:

If you're using TCP, you must perform hostname resolution yourself. For example:

// Resolve the hostname to get a collection of endpoints.
// default_port_string is MySQL's default port, 3306
// Hostname resolution may yield more than one host
asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(ctx);
auto endpoints = resolver.resolve(server_hostname, mysql::default_port_string);

// Parameters specifying how to perform the MySQL handshake operation.
// Similar to connect_params, but doesn't contain the server address and is non-owning
mysql::handshake_params params(
    "boost_mysql_examples"  // database to use

// Connect to the server using the first endpoint returned by the resolver
conn.connect(*endpoints.begin(), params);

As opposed to connect_params, handshake_params does not own the strings it contains (like the username and the password). It's your responsibility to keep them alive until the connect operation completes.

All functionality in handshake_params has an equivalent in connect_params. See the reference table for more info.

Using a connection

Once connected, connection and any_connection can be used almost equivalently:

// Issue a query, as you would with any_connection
mysql::results result;
conn.execute("SELECT 1", result);

Some differences:

Terminating a connection

As with any_connection, use connection::close or async_close:

TLS support

To use TLS, you must use a connection with a Stream that supports TLS. A TLS-enabled stream must inherit from asio::ssl::stream_base. The most common is asio::ssl::stream (used by tcp_ssl_connection).

When using a stream type that does not support TLS, like tcp_connection or unix_connection, handshake_params::ssl is ignored.

UNIX sockets

To use UNIX sockets, use unix_connection:

// The execution context, required for all I/O operations
asio::io_context ctx;

// A UNIX connection requires only an execution context
mysql::unix_connection conn(ctx);

// The socket path where the server is listening
asio::local::stream_protocol::endpoint ep("/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock");

// MySQL handshake parameters, as in the TCP case.
mysql::handshake_params params(
    "boost_mysql_examples"  // database to use

// Connect to the server
conn.connect(ep, params);

// Use the connection normally

Handshake and quit

In addition to connect and close, connection exposes two additional I/O operations:

You can use them like this:

// The execution context, required for all I/O operations
asio::io_context ctx;

// The SSL context, required for connections that use TLS.
asio::ssl::context ssl_ctx(asio::ssl::context::tlsv12_client);

// We're using TLS over TCP
mysql::tcp_ssl_connection conn(ctx, ssl_ctx);

// Resolve the server hostname into endpoints
asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(ctx);
auto endpoints = resolver.resolve(server_hostname, mysql::default_port_string);

// Connect the underlying stream manually.
// asio::connect tries every endpoint in the passed sequence
// until one succeeds. any_connection uses this internally.
// lowest_layer obtains the underlying socket from the ssl::stream
asio::connect(, endpoints);

// Perform MySQL session establishment.
// This will also perform the TLS handshake, if required.
mysql::handshake_params params(
    "boost_mysql_examples"  // database to use

// Use the connection normally
mysql::results result;
conn.execute("SELECT 1", result);

// Terminate the connection. This also performs the TLS shutdown.

// Close the underlying stream.
// The connection's destructor also closes the socket,
// but doing it explicitly will throw in case of error.;

These functions can be useful in the following cases:


The reconnection capabilities of connection are more limited than those of any_connection. Concretely, when using TLS-capable streams, a connection can't be re-used after it's closed or encounters a fatal error. This is because asio::ssl::stream can't be re-used. This limitation is not present in any_connection.

If you are using tcp_connection or unix_connection, or any other stream supporting reconnection, and you want to re-use a connection:

If your Stream type doesn't fulfill the SocketStream concept, you need to use handshake and quit instead of connect and close, and perform transport connection establishment yourself.

As with any_connection, connection doesn't perform any built-in retry strategy.

Migrating to any_connection

We recommend migrating code using templated connections to any_connection. In most cases, you only need to change connection establishment code to use connect_params instead of handshake_params.

The following table summarizes all the differences between the two connection types, and provides migration paths for each feature you may use:




Hostname resolution

Performed by any_connection::async_connect

Needs to be performed manually


connect_params::username, connect_params::password

handshake_params::username, handshake_params::password

Database to use



Setting TLS options


Pass a asio::ssl::context to tcp_ssl_connection's constructor.

TLS negotiation

connect_params::ssl. Ignored for if using UNIX sockets. Defaults to mysql::ssl_mode::enable.

handshake_params::ssl. Ignored if Stream is not TLS-enabled. Defaults to mysql::ssl_mode::require.

Connection collation



Enabling multi-queries



UNIX sockets

Use a UNIX socket path in connect_params::server_address

Use unix_connection and pass a UNIX endpoint to connection::connect

Windows named pipes

Not available yet

Use asio::windows::stream_handle as stream type

Changing the initial size of the internal network buffer


Pass a buffer_params instance to connection's constructor

Changing the network buffer size limit


Not available: no limit on the network buffer size

Access the underlying stream



Raw handshake and quit


connection::handshake, connection::quit


any_connection::async_connect can always be used

Requires closing the current connection first. Unavailable for tcp_ssl_connection.

Changing the connection's character set



Running pipelines



Including diagnostics in coroutine exceptions

Enabled by default

co_await conn.async_execute("SELECT 1", result, mysql::with_diagnostics(asio::deferred));

Connection pooling


