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Class template dense_output_runge_kutta<Stepper, stepper_tag>

boost::numeric::odeint::dense_output_runge_kutta<Stepper, stepper_tag> — The class representing dense-output Runge-Kutta steppers.


// In header: <boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/dense_output_runge_kutta.hpp>

template<typename Stepper> 
class dense_output_runge_kutta<Stepper, stepper_tag> {
  // types
  typedef Stepper                             stepper_type;             
  typedef stepper_type::state_type            state_type;               
  typedef stepper_type::wrapped_state_type    wrapped_state_type;       
  typedef stepper_type::value_type            value_type;               
  typedef stepper_type::deriv_type            deriv_type;               
  typedef stepper_type::wrapped_deriv_type    wrapped_deriv_type;       
  typedef stepper_type::time_type             time_type;                
  typedef stepper_type::algebra_type          algebra_type;             
  typedef stepper_type::operations_type       operations_type;          
  typedef stepper_type::resizer_type          resizer_type;             
  typedef dense_output_stepper_tag            stepper_category;         
  typedef dense_output_runge_kutta< Stepper > dense_output_stepper_type;

  // public member functions
  dense_output_runge_kutta(const stepper_type & = stepper_type());
  template<typename StateType> 
    void initialize(const StateType &, time_type, time_type);
  template<typename System> std::pair< time_type, time_type > do_step(System);
  template<typename StateOut> void calc_state(time_type, StateOut &) const;
  template<typename StateOut> 
    void calc_state(time_type, const StateOut &) const;
  template<typename StateType> void adjust_size(const StateType &);
  const state_type & current_state(void) const;
  time_type current_time(void) const;
  const state_type & previous_state(void) const;
  time_type previous_time(void) const;
  time_type current_time_step(void) const;

  // private member functions
  state_type & get_current_state(void);
  const state_type & get_current_state(void) const;
  state_type & get_old_state(void);
  const state_type & get_old_state(void) const;
  void toggle_current_state(void);
  template<typename StateIn> bool resize_impl(const StateIn &);


[Note] Note

In this stepper, the initialize method has to be called before using the do_step method.

The dense-output functionality allows to interpolate the solution between subsequent integration points using intermediate results obtained during the computation. This version works based on a normal stepper without step-size control.

Template Parameters

  1. typename Stepper

    The stepper type of the underlying algorithm.

dense_output_runge_kutta public member functions

  1. dense_output_runge_kutta(const stepper_type & stepper = stepper_type());
    Constructs the dense_output_runge_kutta class. An instance of the underlying stepper can be provided.



    An instance of the underlying stepper.

  2. template<typename StateType> 
      void initialize(const StateType & x0, time_type t0, time_type dt0);
    Initializes the stepper. Has to be called before do_step can be used to set the initial conditions and the step size.



    The initial state of the ODE which should be solved.


    The initial time, at which the step should be performed.


    The step size.

  3. template<typename System> 
      std::pair< time_type, time_type > do_step(System system);
    Does one time step.
    [Note] Note

    initialize has to be called before using this method to set the initial conditions x,t and the stepsize.



    The system function to solve, hence the r.h.s. of the ordinary differential equation. It must fulfill the Simple System concept.


    Pair with start and end time of the integration step.

  4. template<typename StateOut> void calc_state(time_type t, StateOut & x) const;
    Calculates the solution at an intermediate point.



    The time at which the solution should be calculated, has to be in the current time interval.


    The output variable where the result is written into.

  5. template<typename StateOut> 
      void calc_state(time_type t, const StateOut & x) const;
    Calculates the solution at an intermediate point. Solves the forwarding problem.



    The time at which the solution should be calculated, has to be in the current time interval.


    The output variable where the result is written into, can be a boost range.

  6. template<typename StateType> void adjust_size(const StateType & x);
    Adjust the size of all temporaries in the stepper manually.



    A state from which the size of the temporaries to be resized is deduced.

  7. const state_type & current_state(void) const;
    Returns the current state of the solution.


    The current state of the solution x(t).

  8. time_type current_time(void) const;
    Returns the current time of the solution.


    The current time of the solution t.

  9. const state_type & previous_state(void) const;
    Returns the last state of the solution.


    The last state of the solution x(t-dt).

  10. time_type previous_time(void) const;
    Returns the last time of the solution.


    The last time of the solution t-dt.

  11. time_type current_time_step(void) const;
    Returns the current time step.



dense_output_runge_kutta private member functions

  1. state_type & get_current_state(void);
  2. const state_type & get_current_state(void) const;
  3. state_type & get_old_state(void);
  4. const state_type & get_old_state(void) const;
  5. void toggle_current_state(void);
  6. template<typename StateIn> bool resize_impl(const StateIn & x);
