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Class template rosenbrock4



// In header: <boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/rosenbrock4.hpp>

template<typename Value, 
         typename Coefficients = default_rosenbrock_coefficients< Value >, 
         typename Resizer = initially_resizer> 
class rosenbrock4 {
  // types
  typedef Value                                               value_type;             
  typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector< value_type >         state_type;             
  typedef state_type                                          deriv_type;             
  typedef value_type                                          time_type;              
  typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< value_type >         matrix_type;            
  typedef boost::numeric::ublas::permutation_matrix< size_t > pmatrix_type;           
  typedef Resizer                                             resizer_type;           
  typedef Coefficients                                        rosenbrock_coefficients;
  typedef stepper_tag                                         stepper_category;       
  typedef unsigned short                                      order_type;             
  typedef state_wrapper< state_type >                         wrapped_state_type;     
  typedef state_wrapper< deriv_type >                         wrapped_deriv_type;     
  typedef state_wrapper< matrix_type >                        wrapped_matrix_type;    
  typedef state_wrapper< pmatrix_type >                       wrapped_pmatrix_type;   
  typedef rosenbrock4< Value, Coefficients, Resizer >         stepper_type;           

  // public member functions
  order_type order() const;
  template<typename System> 
    void do_step(System, const state_type &, time_type, state_type &, 
                 time_type, state_type &);
  template<typename System> 
    void do_step(System, state_type &, time_type, time_type, state_type &);
  template<typename System> 
    void do_step(System, const state_type &, time_type, state_type &, 
  template<typename System> 
    void do_step(System, state_type &, time_type, time_type);
  void prepare_dense_output();
  void calc_state(time_type, state_type &, const state_type &, time_type, 
                  const state_type &, time_type);
  template<typename StateType> void adjust_size(const StateType &);

  // protected member functions
  template<typename StateIn> bool resize_impl(const StateIn &);
  template<typename StateIn> bool resize_x_err(const StateIn &);

  // public data members
  static const order_type stepper_order;
  static const order_type error_order;


rosenbrock4 public member functions

  1. rosenbrock4(void);
  2. order_type order() const;
  3. template<typename System> 
      void do_step(System system, const state_type & x, time_type t, 
                   state_type & xout, time_type dt, state_type & xerr);
  4. template<typename System> 
      void do_step(System system, state_type & x, time_type t, time_type dt, 
                   state_type & xerr);
  5. template<typename System> 
      void do_step(System system, const state_type & x, time_type t, 
                   state_type & xout, time_type dt);
  6. template<typename System> 
      void do_step(System system, state_type & x, time_type t, time_type dt);
  7. void prepare_dense_output();
  8. void calc_state(time_type t, state_type & x, const state_type & x_old, 
                    time_type t_old, const state_type & x_new, time_type t_new);
  9. template<typename StateType> void adjust_size(const StateType & x);

rosenbrock4 protected member functions

  1. template<typename StateIn> bool resize_impl(const StateIn & x);
  2. template<typename StateIn> bool resize_x_err(const StateIn & x);
