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Struct template default_rosenbrock_coefficients



// In header: <boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/rosenbrock4.hpp>

template<typename Value> 
struct default_rosenbrock_coefficients {
  // types
  typedef Value          value_type;
  typedef unsigned short order_type;

  // public member functions

  // public data members
  const value_type gamma;
  const value_type d1;
  const value_type d2;
  const value_type d3;
  const value_type d4;
  const value_type c2;
  const value_type c3;
  const value_type c4;
  const value_type c21;
  const value_type a21;
  const value_type c31;
  const value_type c32;
  const value_type a31;
  const value_type a32;
  const value_type c41;
  const value_type c42;
  const value_type c43;
  const value_type a41;
  const value_type a42;
  const value_type a43;
  const value_type c51;
  const value_type c52;
  const value_type c53;
  const value_type c54;
  const value_type a51;
  const value_type a52;
  const value_type a53;
  const value_type a54;
  const value_type c61;
  const value_type c62;
  const value_type c63;
  const value_type c64;
  const value_type c65;
  const value_type d21;
  const value_type d22;
  const value_type d23;
  const value_type d24;
  const value_type d25;
  const value_type d31;
  const value_type d32;
  const value_type d33;
  const value_type d34;
  const value_type d35;
  static const order_type stepper_order;
  static const order_type error_order;


default_rosenbrock_coefficients public member functions

  1. default_rosenbrock_coefficients(void);
