Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the develop branch, built from commit 3a60e8a665.


// boost heap: heap merge algorithms
// Copyright (C) 2011 Tim Blechmann
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <algorithm>

#include <boost/concept/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/heap/heap_concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>

#    pragma once

namespace boost { namespace heap {
namespace detail {

template < typename Heap1, typename Heap2 >
struct heap_merge_emulate
    struct dummy_reserver
        static void reserve( Heap1& lhs, std::size_t required_size )

    struct reserver
        static void reserve( Heap1& lhs, std::size_t required_size )
            lhs.reserve( required_size );

    typedef typename boost::conditional< Heap1::has_reserve, reserver, dummy_reserver >::type space_reserver;

    static void merge( Heap1& lhs, Heap2& rhs )
        if ( Heap1::constant_time_size && Heap2::constant_time_size ) {
            if ( Heap1::has_reserve ) {
                std::size_t required_size = lhs.size() + rhs.size();
                space_reserver::reserve( lhs, required_size );

        // FIXME: container adaptors could benefit from first appending all elements and then restoring the heap order
        // FIXME: optimize: if we have ordered iterators and we can efficiently insert keys with a below the lowest key
        // in the heap
        //                  d-ary, b and fibonacci heaps fall into this category

        while ( !rhs.empty() ) {
            lhs.push( );

        lhs.set_stability_count( ( std::max )( lhs.get_stability_count(), rhs.get_stability_count() ) );
        rhs.set_stability_count( 0 );

template < typename Heap >
struct heap_merge_same_mergable
    static void merge( Heap& lhs, Heap& rhs )
        lhs.merge( rhs );

template < typename Heap >
struct heap_merge_same
    static const bool is_mergable = Heap::is_mergable;
        typename boost::conditional< is_mergable, heap_merge_same_mergable< Heap >, heap_merge_emulate< Heap, Heap > >::type

    static void merge( Heap& lhs, Heap& rhs )
        heap_merger::merge( lhs, rhs );

} /* namespace detail */

/** merge rhs into lhs
 *  \b Effect: lhs contains all elements that have been part of rhs, rhs is empty.
 * */
template < typename Heap1, typename Heap2 >
void heap_merge( Heap1& lhs, Heap2& rhs )
    BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT( (boost::heap::PriorityQueue< Heap1 >));
    BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT( (boost::heap::PriorityQueue< Heap2 >));

    // if this assertion is triggered, the value_compare types are incompatible
    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( ( boost::is_same< typename Heap1::value_compare, typename Heap2::value_compare >::value ) );

    const bool same_heaps = boost::is_same< Heap1, Heap2 >::value;

    typedef typename boost::conditional< same_heaps,
                                         detail::heap_merge_same< Heap1 >,
                                         detail::heap_merge_emulate< Heap1, Heap2 > >::type heap_merger;

    heap_merger::merge( lhs, rhs );

}}     // namespace boost::heap