Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the develop branch, built from commit 5533fcd373.
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failure_type<EC, EP = void>

Type sugar for constructing an unsuccessful result or outcome. Generally not constructed directly, but via the free function failure(T &&, ...) . Detectable using is_failure_type<T> .

This is a regular wrapper type, with defaulted default, copy and move constructor, defaulted assignment, and defaulted destructor.

Member type aliases error_type and exception_type indicate EC and E.

There is an explicit initialising constructor taking any types U and V which will forward construct the contained error_type and exception_type respectively. It also has an optional parameter spare_storage, if you wish to specify a spare storage value.

There are two tagged initialising constructors taking in_place_type_t<error_type> or in_place_type_t<exception_type>, and a U which will forward construct the contained error_type and exception_type respectively. These both also have an optional parameter spare_storage, if you wish to specify a spare storage value.

There are .error() and .exception() reference observers with the usual constexpr lvalue, const lvalue, rvalue and const rvalue overloads. One can discover which or both of these is valid using the usual .has_error() and .has_exception() observers.

There is a .spare_storage() observer which returns the spare storage value with which the failure type sugar was constructed.

There are specialisations failure_type<EC, void> and failure_type<void, E> which store nothing for the voided type and do not provide their observer functions.

Requires: Nothing.


Header: <boost/outcome/success_failure.hpp>

Last revised: February 23, 2021 at 17:37:27 UTC

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