Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit ba9a942153.

BOOST_TEST: universal and general purpose assertions

The Unit Test Framework provides an almost unique interface to a great range of test-case scenarios, through the BOOST_TEST macro. The general form of BOOST_TEST is the following:

BOOST_TEST_<level>(statement, optional_modifiers)

An example of use might be the following:

Example: BOOST_TEST overview


#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE boost_test_macro_overview
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_macro_overview )
  namespace tt = boost::test_tools;
  int a = 1;
  int b = 2;
  BOOST_TEST(a != b - 1);
  BOOST_TEST(a + 1 < b);
  BOOST_TEST(b -1 > a, a << " < " << b - 1 << " does not hold");
  BOOST_TEST(a == b, tt::bitwise());
  BOOST_TEST(a + 0.1 == b - 0.8, tt::tolerance(0.01));


> ./boost_test_macro_overview --log_level=all
Running 1 test case...
Entering test module "boost_test_macro_overview"
test.cpp:12: Entering test case "test_macro_overview"
test.cpp:17: error: in "test_macro_overview": check a != b - 1 has failed [1 == 1]
test.cpp:18: error: in "test_macro_overview": check a + 1 < b has failed [1 + 1 >= 2]
test.cpp:19: error: in "test_macro_overview": 1 < 1 does not hold
test.cpp:20: error: in "test_macro_overview": check a == b has failed [1 != 2]. Bitwise comparison failed
Mismatch at position 0
Mismatch at position 1
test.cpp:21: error: in "test_macro_overview": check a + 0.1 == b - 0.8 has failed [1 + 0.10000000000000001 != 1.2]. Relative difference exceeds tolerance [0.0909091 > 0.01]
test.cpp:12: Leaving test case "test_macro_overview"; testing time: 380us
Leaving test module "boost_test_macro_overview"; testing time: 459us

*** 5 failures are detected in the test module "boost_test_macro_overview"

The major features of this tool are:

[Warning] Warning

To get all the functionalities of BOOST_TEST family of assertions, a C++11 capable compiler is required, especially supporting the auto and decltype keywords and the variadic macros. The documentation focuses on these set of compilers. For compilers not supporting all the features of BOOST_TEST, the macro BOOST_TEST_MACRO_LIMITED_SUPPORT.

Complex statements

BOOST_TEST provides an enhanced reporting capability: additional details of the failing operands and operations are provided in the log, as shown on the example below:

Example: BOOST_TEST enhanced reporting


#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE boost_test_macro3
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_op_reportings )
  int a = 13, b = 12;
  BOOST_TEST(a == b);
  BOOST_TEST(a < b);
  BOOST_TEST(a - 1 < b);
  BOOST_TEST(b > a - 1);


> ./boost_test_macro3 --log_level=all
Running 1 test case...
Entering test module "boost_test_macro3"
test.cpp(12): Entering test case "test_op_reportings"
test.cpp(15): error: in "test_op_reportings": check a == b has failed [13 != 12]
test.cpp(16): error: in "test_op_reportings": check a < b has failed [13 >= 12]
test.cpp(17): error: in "test_op_reportings": check a - 1 < b has failed [13 - 1 >= 12]
test.cpp(18): error: in "test_op_reportings": check b > a - 1 has failed [12 <= 12]
test.cpp(12): Leaving test case "test_op_reportings"; testing time: 484us
Leaving test module "boost_test_macro3"; testing time: 588us

*** 2 failures are detected in the test module "boost_test_macro3"

BOOST_TEST parses the statement and constructs an expression out of it. statement may be a complex expressions containing almost any of the overloadable operators in C++:

Class of operation


binary comparisons

==, !=, <, >, <=, >=

arithmetic compositions

+, -, *, /, %

bitwise compositions

|, &, ^, <<, >>


=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=

statement is evaluated and cast to bool, as if it would appear as argument to an if statement: this is the result of the assertion

Uniform reporting

This tool is provided in three variants corresponding to the corresponding severity levels. These three levels of assertions are reported into the test log and output, as described in details in the section. The granularity of the report depends on the current log level and report level.

Limitations & workaround

There are a few constructions that are however unsupported, but adding an extra bracket usually solves that:

Example: BOOST_TEST limitation and workaround


#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE boost_test_macro_workaround
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
#include <sstream>

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_logical_not_allowed )
  // Boost Unit Test Framework prevents compilation of
  // BOOST_TEST(true && true);
  BOOST_TEST((true && true)); // with extra brackets, it works as expected

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( test_ternary )
  int a = 1;
  int b = 2;
  // Boost Unit Test Framework prevents compilation of
  // BOOST_TEST(a == b ? true : false);
  BOOST_TEST((a + 1 == b ? true : false)); // again works as expected with extra brackets


> ./boost_test_macro_workaround --log_level=all
Running 2 test cases...
Entering test module "boost_test_macro_workaround"
test.cpp:13: Entering test case "test_logical_not_allowed"
test.cpp:17: info: check (true && true) has passed
test.cpp:13: Leaving test case "test_logical_not_allowed"; testing time: 183us
test.cpp:20: Entering test case "test_ternary"
test.cpp:26: info: check (a + 1 == b ? true : false) has passed
test.cpp:20: Leaving test case "test_ternary"; testing time: 123us
Leaving test module "boost_test_macro_workaround"; testing time: 547us

*** No errors detected
